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Releases: digitallyinduced/ihp

v0.8.0 (Beta 09.01.2021)

09 Jan 11:45
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The first release of IHP in 2021 🎉

Major Changes

  • HTTP Caching: We now set common HTTP headers for your CSS, JS and other static files. This will speed up your apps by a lot.

    • In dev mode all your files in static/ are never cached. This also fixed an issue where sometimes the browser was incorrectly caching your "old" CSS in dev mode. This is not happening anymore.
    • In production we set Cache-Control, Last-Mofified and ETag headers
    • Files in static/ are cached for 24 hours
    • Files in static/vendor/ are cached for 30days. So it's best to place all your library code here.
    • Files provided by IHP like ihp-auto-refresh.js are also cached up to 30 days
  • Mail: Support for Generic SMTP and SendGrid: Previously IHP was only working with your local sendmail or AWS SES. You can now connect SendGrid or any custom SMTP server.

  • New Docu Section: Testing

  • macOS Big Sur Support + Package Updates: We're updating the GHC version used by IHP to improve support for macOS Big Sur. This also includes updating our nixpkgs version.

    • GHC Version: 8.8.3 -> 8.10.3
    • Fixes issues with imagemagick
    • Haskell Language Server: 0.4 -> 0.7.10
    • We also changed the way nixpkgs is managed inside IHP projects, so that we can change the default nixpkgs version of your project with future IHP versions without you needing to do much work
  • CHECK Constraints: You can now use CHECK constraints inside your Schema.sql.

  • redirectBack: Use redirectBack to redirect the user back where he came from:

        action LikeAction { postId } = do
            post <- fetch postId
                |> incrementField #likesCount
                |> updateRecord

    This relies on the Referer header being set. If the header is missing the user will be redirect back to the startpage. You can also provide a custom fallback path using redirectBackWithFallback "/custom-fallback".

  • Improved router error handling in prod: In production we don't give out debugging info anymore as this is not useful for users. It's just a generic An error happend page now.

    • When a record not found error is triggered (e.g. when calling fetch with a UUID that does not exist), the 404 page will be shown instead of a generic error page like before
  • JS & CSS Bundling Disabled: All new IHP apps that are created with ihp-new will now not have the IHP CSS and JS Bundling enabled. The bundling usually causes a bad experience when deploying your app for the first time, because usually you miss some configuration in your Makefile. With the new http caching it also doesn't have that much of a performance impact.

  • Simplify Auto Refresh Setup: The auto refresh is now part of the default application setup of new IHP apps. This way you can now just call autoRefresh on your actions and don't need to spend any time on boilerplate.

  • copyFields Function: Useful to rewrite getter-setter code like this:

        -- OLD:
        let newProject = newRecord @Project
            |> set #name (get #name otherProject)
            |> set #isPublic (get #isPublic otherProject)
            |> set #userId (get #userId otherProject)
        -- NEW:
        let newProject = newRecord @Project
            |> copyFields @["name", "isPublic", "userId"] otherProject
  • Simplified setup of auth:

    • Auth helpers like currentUser are now part of the IHP.ControllerPrelude and IHP.ViewPrelude modules and so don't need to be added to the Application.Helper.View and Application.Helper.Controller files anymore.
    • The CurrentUserRecord is now specified in Web.Types.

Other Changes


See the for upgrade instructions.

If you have any problems with updating, let us know on the IHP forum.

📧 To stay in the loop, subscribe to the IHP release emails. Or follow digitally induced on twitter..

📅 The next release is expected to be released at the end of January. There's still a couple things to do before we can tag v0.9.0 which is the last release before v1.0.0 which is planned to be released early this year.

Beta 13.12.2020

13 Dec 13:52
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Time for the next release of IHP: v20201213 🎉

Major Changes

  • Job Queue: We added a new job queue system that allows you to schedule jobs that are going to be executed outside the normal request-response cycle by a job worker running in the background. Documentation for this will follow soon.
    Bildschirmfoto 2020-12-13 um 14 15 48
  • Documentation Improvements: Lots of typos, unclear wording and outdated code samples have been fixed.
  • New Function: deleteRecordById: Like deleteRecord but you can pass an id instead of a full record.

Other Changes


See the for upgrade instructions.

If you have any problems with updating, let us know on the IHP forum.

📧 To stay in the loop, subscribe to the IHP release emails. Or follow digitally induced on twitter..

📅 The next release is expected to be released on 08.01.2021.

Beta 27.11.2020

27 Nov 17:11
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It's time for the next release of IHP: v20201030 🎉 This release mainly focus on improving existing functionality and making things more stable :) Since the last release we also reached an important milestone: IHP is now the second biggest haskell framework measured by GitHub stars - just 5 months after it's initial public release. The future of haskell web dev is happening right here 🚀

Major Changes

Other Changes


See the for upgrade instructions.

If you have any problems with updating, let us know on the IHP forum. Or join our new slack.

📧 To stay in the loop, subscribe to the IHP release emails. Or follow digitally induced on twitter..

📅 The next release is expected to be released on 11.12.2020.

Beta 13.11.2020

13 Nov 21:55
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It's friday the 13th, a good day for the next release of IHP: v13112020 🎉 This release changes a couple of important things in IHP, so plan a bit more time again to upgrade your apps.

Major Changes

  • Config/Config.hs has a new format: We rebuild the whole configuration management to remove some very bad hacks and to allow for more flexibility in the future.

  • Custom 404 Page: You can now customize the 404 Page used by IHP. Just create a new file at static/404.html. IHP will automatically render this instead of the default IHP error page. See the docs for details.

  • Custom CSS Frameworks: You can now override the CSS classes used by e.g. IHP forms. By default it uses bootstrap, but you can switch to tailwind (which is supported out of the box, but you need to add the <link> tags manually to your header in Layout.hs) or even use a custom CSS framework.

  • ViewContext has been removed: You might have seen that ViewContext thing in your views. It's been replaced with ControllerContext to simplify the whole action lifecycle.

  • New Migration System: There's a new migration system for migrating your production or staging database. There's also a new code generator for migrations. Check the Guide for Migrations to learn more.

  • Improved Support for JSON Requests: Useful when building APIs with IHP. Instead of sending a form body you can now also send a json body when you set the Content-Type: application/json header from your API client. You can use the familiar param functions to access the json values:

  • Documentation for Modals: It was always missing, when the docs are missing it feels like the feature isn't there at all :D Now you can finally use modals everywhere. Check the new Modal documentation in the Guide.

    action UsersAction = do
        users <- query @User 
            |> limit (param @Int "limit")
            |> fetch
        render UsersView { .. }

    This action could be called from curl like this:

    curl --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"limit": 50}' --request POST http://localhost:8000/Users

Other Changes


See the for upgrade instructions.

If you have any problems with updating, let us know on the IHP forum. Or join our new slack.

📧 To stay in the loop, subscribe to the IHP release emails. Or follow digitally induced on twitter..

📅 The next release is expected to be released on 27.11.2020.

Beta 01.11.2020

01 Nov 10:54
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Just a small out-of-line release. In the last version we broke the code generators, causing an issue when generating a new controller. When you get an error like Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘StaticControllerinstance’, update to this release.

Here's a full error message you get with v20201030 when generating a new controller:

    Not in scope: type constructor or class 'StaticControllerinstance'
7 | instance AutoRoute StaticControllerinstance AutoRoute CustomersController
  |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Workaround: If you don't want to update, you can easily manually fix the issue by opening Web/Routes.hs and adding a missing newline character:

You will find code like this:

instance AutoRoute StaticControllerinstance AutoRoute CustomersController

Just add a new line before the second instance:

instance AutoRoute StaticController
instance AutoRoute CustomersController


First open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

rev = "e21f5d743104ba8b1bed185ee85fb20e064e0bef";

After that run the following command to update your project:

nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'
make -B build/ihp-lib

Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

Beta 30.10.2020

30 Oct 18:30
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It's time for the next release of IHP: v20201030 🎉 This release mainly focus on improving existing functionality and making things more stable :)

Major Changes

Other Changes


First open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

rev = "a8030dd1e4041a0353f63d03b4ffb836cb2bd95c";

After that run the following command to update your project:

nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'
make -B build/ihp-lib

Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

Aside from all the code changes above we've also updated the IHP website: :) First big refresh after IHP has been published around 4 months ago.

If you have any problems with updating, let us know on the IHP forum.

📧 To stay in the loop, subscribe to the IHP release emails. Or follow digitally induced on twitter..

📅 The next release is expected to be released on 13.11.2020.

Beta 16.10.2020

18 Oct 10:33
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It's time for the next release of IHP: v20201016 🎉

Major Changes

  • Haskell Language Server Support: You can now get cool IDE features by using Haskell Language Server. It works mostly out of the box after updating to this IHP version. Check out the documentation on how to get it running with your fav editor.


  • Updated NixPkgs Version: We're updating the IHP package set to a newer version. We're moving from da7ddd822e32aeebea00e97ab5aeca9758250a40 to 07e5844fdf6fe99f41229d7392ce81cfe191bcfc. This means some of your dependencies might get updated.

  • OFFSET Support: You can now easily use Postgres OFFSET with the query builder:

    query @User 
        |> limit 25
        |> offset 50
        |> fetch
  • New Form Helper: numberField: Similiar to textField, renders a <input type="number"/>.

    formFor project [hsx|
        {numberField #maxUsersLimit}
  • Automatic Troubleshooting: We've created a script that checks all common issues that often go wrong when setting up IHP (like direnv issues, .ghci permission issues, etc.). When you cannot run your IHP app anymore, run the troubleshooting to find out possible error conditions. You can find more in the Troubleshooting section.

  • Sending Emails: Support for sending mails has been added in this release. Use the new code generator to get started 🔥

Other Changes


This release requires a few more steps than usual. As we've changed the nixpkgs version, this will also require a lot of redownloading of all packages. Make sure you have good internet and can wait up to 30 minutes to complete the download. We highly suggest to make sure your coffee machine is working before starting the update.

First open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

rev = "49816c21d34fd7894a956bf7fd997e6ed5243acf";

Open Config/nix/nixpkgs-config.nix and replace the file with this new version:

After that run the following command to update your project:

# Be aware that this will redownload a lot of files and take lots of time
nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'
make -B build/ihp-lib

# This step is required to get the config files for haskell-language-server
make hie.yaml

Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

Check out the docs to get started with haskell language server to get cool IDE features.

If you have any problems with updating, let us know on the IHP forum.

📧 To stay in the loop, subscribe to the IHP release emails. Or follow digitally induced on twitter..

📅 The next release is expected to be released on 30.10.2020.

Beta 02.10.2020

02 Oct 17:36
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It's time for the next release of IHP: v20201002 🎉

Major Changes

  • Realtime UI Updates with IHP AutoRefresh: Whenever a INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE happens to the records used by your action IHP will rerun your action on the serverside. When the generated html looks different to the html generated on the initial page load it will send the new html to the browser using the WebSocket connection. Watch a demo on twitter or Learn more in the Auto Refresh documentation.
  • PGNotify Functions: A new module has been added to easily watch for changes inside the database.
  • Fancy Errors Disabled in Production: The IHP error handler that tries to be helpful when something goes wrong is now disabled by default in production.
  • New function: paramList: Similiar to param but returns a list when the input is something like ingredients=milk&ingredients=egg. Useful when working with checkboxes.
  • LIMIT queries: You can now add LIMIT to your sql queries easily when using the query builder:
    topTen <- query @Post 
        |> orderBy #rating
        |> limit 10
        |> fetch
  • Postgres Arrays: We've added support for types such as int[] or text[]. These types are not visible in the web-based dev tools yet, but can be used manually when using a code editor to edit the Schema.sql.
  • New Terminal Command: hash-password: With this new terminal tool you can generate a password hash when setting up the IHP authentication module. It will ask your for the plaintext password and will output the password hash.
  • collectionFetchRelated works with QueryBuilder: Previously collectionFetchRelated was not working with certain relationships. This has been fixed and the below code will now work as expected:
    posts <- query @Post 
        |> fetch
        >>= collectionFetchRelated #comments

Other Changes

- The image upload recipe has been extended to document how the form needs to look when doing image uploads.
- Login error messages are now Invalid credentials
- Generated.Types is imported by default in the empty Layout.hs
- The Contributing documentation now explains how to run the IHP tests
- A bug where the FrontController.hs was generated twice was fixed
- The version of morphdom used by IHP has been updated
- A new textToId function has been added to simplify conversion of text or bytestrings to db ids
- Missing documentation on fetchCount has been added
- New recipe: How to generate a random string
- New function: sqlQueryScalar similiar to sqlQuery but returns a scalar value
- Fixed scripts not working in dev mode
- Fixed awk warning when running make static/prod.js


To update the IHP version of your project, open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

rev = "c4d2815f064c055cd957389a4df5eab25294dba3";

After that run the following command to update your project:

nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'
make -B build/ihp-lib

Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

If you have any problems with updating, let us know on the IHP forum.

📧 To stay in the loop, subscribe to the IHP release emails. Or follow digitally induced on twitter..

📅 The next release is expected to be released on 16.10.2020.

If you haven't looked already, check out the IHP Auto Refresh Demo 🚀

Beta 18.09.2020

18 Sep 16:42
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It's time for the next release of IHP: 20200918 🎉

Major Changes

Other Changes


To update the IHP version of your project, open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

rev = "0575a933331d45782ed732a5437ead377e165b29";

After that run the following command to update your project:

nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'

Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

If you have any problems with updating, let us know on the IHP forum.

📧 To stay in the loop, subscribe to the IHP release emails. Or follow digitally induced on twitter..

📅 The next release is expected to be released on 02.10.2020.

Also a short update on IHP Cloud: We've been busy onboarding new users the last couple of days :) The first apps deployed to IHP Cloud look really cool. We're super excited 🚀

Beta 04.09.2020

04 Sep 16:31
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It's time for the next release of IHP: 20200904 🎉

Major Changes

  • Composite Primary Key Support: You can now use tables that have a primary key consisting of multiple columns. This helps you to handle complex database schemas with IHP. To use this new feature, just define a composite PK in your Schema.sql like this:
CREATE TABLE order_trucks (
    order_id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL,
    truck_id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(order_id, truck_id)

This feature has been contributed by @ruhatch 🎉

  • Improved Error Screen when a request parameter is missing: Errors caused by calls to param now have a beautiful error screen telling you about what do next. It also displays all submitted params, so you can quickly spot whether there was a typo.

Other Changes

- The primary haskell json library aeson is now exported by the ViewPrelude by default. No need to manually import it in your views anymore.
- A code generation issue caused by having a table with two foreign keys referencing the same foreign table has been fixed.
- An issue encoding with enums using multibyte characters has been resolved
- The CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp"; is not required in your app's Schema.sql anymore. It's automatically loaded by IHP.
- Support for empty attributes in HSX like <input disabled/> has been added.
- Grammar fixes
- The make target build/bin/RunOptimizedProdServer now correctly depends on build/Generated/Types.hs. The target build/bin/RunUnoptimizedProdServer already has this dependency.
- Dotless Emails are now validated correctly
- All IHP binaries are now compiled with -threaded. Somehow we missed this. This improves the performance of the dev server.
- The default ghci prompt of a IHP is now a lambda symbol
- make targets for compiling IHP scripts have been added
- a naming issue causing request not being easily useable in actions has been resolved

  • The release versioning scheme has changed from vDDMMYYYY to vYYYYMMDD starting with this version.


To update the IHP version of your project, open default.nix and change the git commit in line 4 to the following:

rev = "a12a1ce8f16814b802aae39eb26a9d3247192c12";

After that run the following command to update your project:

nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'

Now you can start your project as usual with ./start.

In case you get a compiler error about a missing field in ModelContext in the auto-generated build/Generated/Types.hs please stop your application and do a clean rebuild:

make clean
nix-shell -j auto --cores 0 --run 'make -B .envrc'

If you have any problems with updating, let us know on the brand new IHP forum.

📧 To stay in the loop, subscribe to the IHP release emails. Or follow digitally induced on twitter..

📅 The next release is expected to be released on 18.09.2020.

Also a short update on IHP Cloud: We're sending out the first IHP Cloud invites in the coming days 🔥