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A Typescript library for managing the status of Verifiable Credentials in a database using Bitstring Status List

Table of Contents


Credentials are dynamic artifacts with a lifecycle that goes well beyond issuance. This lifecycle is liable to span revocation, suspension, and expiry, among other common states. Many proposals have been put forth to capture these statuses in Verifiable Credentials. One of the most mature specifications for this is Bitstring Status List. This library provides an implementation of this specification that leverages database services like MongoDB and MySQL for storage and authentication.


  • Node.js 20+ is recommended.


To install via NPM:

npm install @digitalcredentials/credential-status-manager-db


To install locally (for development):

git clone
cd credential-status-manager-db
npm install


Create credential status manager

The createStatusManager function is the only exported pure function of this library. It is an asynchronous function that accepts configuration options and returns a credential status manager that aligns with these options. Here are all the possible configuration options:

Key Description Type Required
databaseService name of the database service used to manage credential status data mongodb yes
statusCredentialSiteOrigin base URL of status credentials managed by a given deployment string yes
databaseUrl URL of the database instance used to manage credential status data string yes (if databaseHost, databasePort, databaseUsername, and databasePassword are not set)
databaseHost host of the database instance used to manage credential status data string yes (if databaseUrl is not set)
databasePort port of the database instance used to manage credential status data number yes (if databaseUrl is not set)
databaseUsername username of user with read/write privileges on the database instance used to manage credential status data string yes (if databaseUrl is not set)
databasePassword password associated with databaseUsername string yes (if databaseUrl is not set)
databaseName name of the database instance used to manage credential status data string no (default: credentialStatus)
statusCredentialTableName name of the database table used to manage status credentials (schema) string no (default: StatusCredential)
userCredentialTableName name of the database table used to manage user credentials (schema) string no (default: UserCredential)
configTableName name of the database table used to manage application configuration (schema) string no (default: Config)
eventTableName name of the database table used to manage credential status events (schema) string no (default: Event)
credentialEventTableName name of the database table used to manage the latest status event for a given credential (schema) string no (default: CredentialEvent)
autoDeployDatabase whether or not to automatically create the database (databaseName) and the initial tables (statusCredentialTableName and configTableName) string no (default: true)
didMethod name of the DID method used for signing key | web yes
didSeed seed used to deterministically generate DID string yes
didWebUrl URL for did:web string yes (if didMethod = web)
signStatusCredential whether or not to sign status credentials boolean no (default: true)
signUserCredential whether or not to sign user credentials boolean no (default: false)

Here is a sample call to createStatusManager:

import { createStatusManager } from '@digitalcredentials/credential-status-manager-db';

const statusManager = await createStatusManager({
  databaseService: 'mongodb',
  statusCredentialSiteOrigin: '',
  databaseUrl: 'mongodb+srv://testuser:[email protected]?retryWrites=false',
  databaseUsername: 'testuser',
  databasePassword: 'testpass',
  didMethod: 'key',
  didSeed: 'DsnrHBHFQP0ab59dQELh3uEwy7i5ArcOTwxkwRO2hM87CBRGWBEChPO7AjmwkAZ2' // Please create your own DID seed (see Dependencies section for detailed instructions)

Allocate status for credential

allocateStatus is an instance method that is called on a credential status manager initialized by createStatusManager. It is an asynchronous method that accepts a credential and an array of status purposes as input (options: revocation | suspension), records its status in a previously configured database instance, and returns the credential with status metadata attached.

Here is a sample call to allocateStatus:

const credential = {
  '@context': [
  id: '',
  type: [
  issuer: 'did:key:z6MkhVTX9BF3NGYX6cc7jWpbNnR7cAjH8LUffabZP8Qu4ysC',
  validFrom: '2020-03-10T04:24:12.164Z',
  credentialSubject: {
    id: 'did:example:abcdef'
const credentialWithStatus = await statusManager.allocateStatus({
  statusPurposes: ['revocation', 'suspension']
  '@context': [
  id: '',
  type: [ 'VerifiableCredential' ],
  issuer: 'did:key:z6MkhVTX9BF3NGYX6cc7jWpbNnR7cAjH8LUffabZP8Qu4ysC',
  validFrom: '2020-03-10T04:24:12.164Z',
  credentialSubject: { id: 'did:example:abcdef' },
  credentialStatus: [
      id: '',
      type: 'BitstringStatusListEntry',
      statusPurpose: 'revocation',
      statusListIndex: '6',
      statusListCredential: ''
      id: '',
      type: 'BitstringStatusListEntry',
      statusPurpose: 'suspension',
      statusListIndex: '3',
      statusListCredential: ''

Note: You can also call allocateRevocationStatus(credential) to achieve the same effect as allocateStatus({ credential, statusPurposes: ['revocation'] }), allocateSuspensionStatus(credential) to achieve the same effect as allocateStatus({ credential, statusPurposes: ['suspension'] }), and allocateSupportedStatuses(credential) to achieve the same effect as allocateStatus({ credential, statusPurposes: ['revocation', 'suspension'] }).

Additionally, if the caller invokes allocateStatus multiple times with the same credential ID against the same instance of a credential status manager, the library will not allocate a new entry. It will just return a credential with the same status info as it did in the previous invocation.

Update status of credential

updateStatus is an instance method that is called on a credential status manager initialized by createStatusManager. It is an asynchronous method that accepts as input a credential ID, a status purpose (options: revocation | suspension), and whether to invalidate the status; records its new status in a previously configured database instance; and returns the status credential.

Here is a sample call to updateStatus:

const statusCredential = await statusManager.updateStatus({
  statusPurpose: 'revocation',
  invalidate: true
  '@context': [
  id: '',
  type: [ 'VerifiableCredential', 'BitstringStatusListCredential' ],
  credentialSubject: {
    id: '',
    type: 'BitstringStatusList',
    statusPurpose: 'revocation'
  issuer: 'did:key:z6MkhVTX9BF3NGYX6cc7jWpbNnR7cAjH8LUffabZP8Qu4ysC',
  validFrom: '2024-03-10T00:00:00.000Z'

Note: You can also call revokeCredential(credentialId) to achieve the same effect as updateStatus({ credentialId, statusPurpose: 'revocation', invalidate: true }) and suspendCredential(credentialId) to achieve the same effect as updateStatus({ credentialId, statusPurpose: 'suspension', invalidate: true }). Also note that unsuspendCredential(credentialId) will lift a suspension from a credential, while there is no equivalent reversal logic for revocation, since it is not allowed.

Check status of credential

getStatus is an instance method that is called on a credential status manager initialized by createStatusManager. It is an asynchronous method that accepts a credential ID as input and returns status information for the credential.

Here is a sample call to getStatus:

const credentialStatus = await statusManager.getStatus(;
  revocation: {
    statusCredentialId: 'Uz42qSDSXTcoLH7kZ6ST',
    statusListIndex: 6,
    valid: true
  suspension: {
    statusCredentialId: '9kGimd8POqM88l32F9aT',
    statusListIndex: 3,
    valid: false


There is a lot of data that is managed by this service. In this section, we will outline the schemas for each database table maintained by a given deployment.


Key Description Type
id ID of the status credential database record string
credential Bitstring Status List Verifiable Credential object (BitstringStatusListCredential)


Key Description Type
id ID of the user credential database record string
issuer ID of the issuer of the credential string
subject ID of the subject of the credential string
statusInfo mapping from status purpose to status info object
statusInfo[PURPOSE].statusCredentialId ID of the status credential associated with the credential for a given purpose string
statusInfo[PURPOSE].statusListIndex position allocated on the status credential for the credential for a given purpose number
statusInfo[PURPOSE].valid validity of the credential according to the status credential tracking its status for a given purpose boolean


Key Description Type
id ID of the config database record string
statusCredentialSiteOrigin base URL of status credentials managed by a given deployment string
statusCredentialInfo mapping from status purpose to status credential info object
statusCredentialInfo[PURPOSE].latestStatusCredentialId ID of the latest status credential to be created for a given purpose in a given deployment string
statusCredentialInfo[PURPOSE].latestCredentialsIssuedCounter number of credentials issued against the latest status credential for a given purpose in a given deployment number
statusCredentialInfo[PURPOSE].statusCredentialsCounter total number of status credentials for a given purpose in a given deployment number
credentialsIssuedCounter total number of credentials issued in a given deployment number


Key Description Type
id ID of the event database record string
timestamp ISO timestamp of the moment that the event was recorded string
credentialId ID of the credential associated with the event string
statusPurpose name of the purpose of the credential status whose modification is being tracked by the event revocation | suspension (see statusPurpose here)
valid validity of the credential that is being applied by the event boolean


Key Description Type
credentialId ID of a previously issued credential database record string
eventId ID of the latest status event database record for credential with ID credentialId string


Generate DID seeds

In order to generate a DID seed, you will need to use software that is capable of creating it in a format that corresponds to a valid DID document. Here is sample code that does this:

import { generateSecretKeySeed } from '@digitalcredentials/bnid';

// Set `didSeed` key to this value
const secretKeySeed = await generateSecretKeySeed();

If didMethod = web, you must also generate a DID document and host it at didWebUrl/.well-known/did.json. Here is sample code that does this:

import { decodeSecretKeySeed } from '@digitalcredentials/bnid';
import { Ed25519VerificationKey2020 } from '@digitalcredentials/ed25519-verification-key-2020';
import { X25519KeyAgreementKey2020 } from '@digitalcredentials/x25519-key-agreement-key-2020';
import * as DidWeb from '@interop/did-web-resolver';
import { CryptoLD } from '@digitalcredentials/crypto-ld';

const cryptoLd = new CryptoLD();
const didWebDriver = DidWeb.driver({ cryptoLd });

const decodedSeed = decodeSecretKeySeed({secretKeySeed});

// Host this document at `didWebUrl`/.well-known/did.json
const didWebUrl = '';
const didDocument = didWebDriver.generate({ url: didWebUrl, seed: decodedSeed });


PRs accepted.

If editing the Readme, please conform to the standard-readme specification.


MIT License © 2024 Digital Credentials Consortium.