web-sraping component, inspired by Perl’s Web::Scraper. It provides a DSL-ish interface for traversing HTML documents and returning a neatly arranged PHP's multidimensional array.
#CHANGELOG for 0.9.0 change behavior when extracting target is not found #1
if you want throw exception for v0.8 compatibility, please use throwTargetExceptionsOn method.
- into multidimensional array
- Handle CSS Selector or XPath expression
- Automatically convert to UTF-8
- based on Diggin_Http_Charset
- Beautify ugly HTML into XHTML automatically
- based on Diggin_Scraper_Adapter_Htmlscraping & tidy
- convert relative path into absolute URL automatically ("a href" & "img src")
- Enable change Strategy (xpath or regex) & Enable change pretreat converting HTML
- PHP 5.3.3 or over
- Zend Framework 2
- Diggin components
- Diggin_Http_Charset
- Diggin_Scraper_Adapter_Htmlscraping