Note This is a Major release and might affect your existing Async client implementation. Refer examples on how to use the latest async clients.
- Async client implementation based on Tornado, Twisted and asyncio with backward compatibility support for twisted client.
- Allow reusing existing[running] asyncio loop when creating async client based on asyncio.
- Allow reusing address for Modbus TCP sync server.
- Add support to install tornado as extra requirement while installing pymodbus.
- Support Pymodbus REPL
- Add support to python 3.7.
- Bug fix and enhancements in examples.
Note This is a Major release and might affect your existing Async client implementation. Refer examples on how to use the latest async clients.
- Async client implementation based on Tornado, Twisted and asyncio
- Fix serial client is_socket_open method
Fix device information selectors
Fixed behaviour of the MEI device information command as a server when an invalid object_id is provided by an external client.
Add support for repeated MEI device information Object IDs (client/server)
Added support for encoding device information when it requires more than one PDU to pack.
Added REPR statements for all syncchronous clients
Added isError method to exceptions, Any response received can be tested for success before proceeding.
``` res = client.read_holding_registers(...) if not res.isError():
# proceed
- else:
# handle error or raise
Add examples for MEI read device information request
- Improve transaction speeds for sync clients (RTU/ASCII), now retry on empty happens only when retry_on_empty kwarg is passed to client during intialization
client = Client(..., retry_on_empty=True)
- Fix tcp servers (sync/async) not processing requests with transaction id > 255
- Introduce new api to check if the received response is an error or not (response.isError())
- Move timing logic to framers so that irrespective of client, correct timing logics are followed.
- Move framers from to respective modules
- Fix modbus payload builder and decoder
- Async servers can now have an option to defer when using Start<Tcp/Serial/Udo>Server(...,defer_reactor_run=True)
- Fix UDP client issue while handling MEI messages (ReadDeviceInformationRequest)
- Add expected response lengths for WriteMultipleCoilRequest and WriteMultipleRegisterRequest
- Fix _rtu_byte_count_pos for GetCommEventLogResponse
- Add support for repeated MEI device information Object IDs
- Fix struct errors while decoding stray response
- Modbus read retries works only when empty/no message is received
- Change test runner from nosetest to pytest
- Fix Misc examples
- Bug fix Modbus TCP client reading incomplete data
- Check for slave unit id before processing the request for serial clients
- Bug fix serial servers with Modbus Binary Framer
- Bug fix header size for ModbusBinaryFramer
- Bug fix payload decoder with endian Little
- Payload builder and decoder can now deal with the wordorder as well of 32/64 bit data.
- Support Database slave contexts (SqlStore and RedisStore)
- Custom handlers could be passed to Modbus TCP servers
- Asynchronous Server could now be stopped when running on a seperate thread (StopServer)
- Signal handlers on Asyncronous servers are now handled based on current thread
- Registers in Database datastore could now be read from remote clients
- Fix examples in contrib (
- Add new example for SqlStore and RedisStore (db store slave context)
- Fix minor comaptibility issues with utilities.
- Update test requirements
- Update/Add new unit tests
- Move twisted requirements to extra so that it is not installed by default on pymodbus installtion
- ModbusSerialServer could now be stopped when running on a seperate thread.
- Fix issue with server and client where in the frame buffer had values from previous unsuccesful transaction
- Fix response length calculation for ModbusASCII protocol
- Fix response length calculation ReportSlaveIdResponse, DiagnosticStatusResponse
- Fix never ending transaction case when response is recieved without header and CRC
- Fix tests
- Recall socket recv until get a complete response
- Observe skip_encode option when encoding a single register request
- Fix wrong expected response length for coils and discrete inputs
- Fix decode errors with ReadDeviceInformationRequest and ReportSlaveIdRequest on Python3
- Move MaskWriteRegisterRequest/MaskWriteRegisterResponse to from
- Python3 compatible examples [WIP]
- Misc updates with examples
- Fix encoding problem for ReadDeviceInformationRequest method on python3
- Fix problem with the usage of ord in python3 while cleaning up receive buffer
- Fix struct unpack errors with BinaryPayloadDecoder on python3 - string vs bytestring error
- Calculate expected response size for ReadWriteMultipleRegistersRequest
- Enhancement for ModbusTcpClient, ModbusTcpClient can now accept connection timeout as one of the parameter
- Misc updates
- Timing improvements over MODBUS Serial interface
- Modbus RTU use 3.5 char silence before and after transactions
- Bug fix on FifoTransactionManager , flush stray data before transaction
- Update repository information
- Added ability to ignore missing slaves
- Added ability to revert to ZeroMode
- Passed a number of extra options through the stack
- Fixed documenation and added a number of examples
- Reworking the transaction managers to be more explicit and to handle modbus RTU over TCP.
- Adding examples for a number of unique requested use cases
- Allow RTU framers to fail fast instead of staying at fault
- Working on datastore saving and loading
- Fixing memory leak in clients and servers (removed __del__)
- Adding the ability to override the client framers
- Working on web page api and GUI
- Moving examples and extra code to contrib sections
- Adding more documentation
- Adding support for payload builders to form complex encoding and decoding of messages.
- Adding BCD and binary payload builders
- Adding support for pydev
- Cleaning up the build tools
- Adding a message encoding generator for testing.
- Now passing kwargs to base of PDU so arguments can be used correctly at all levels of the protocol.
- A number of bug fixes (see bug tracker and commit messages)
Please view the git commit log