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Getting Started

Eugenio Gianniti edited this page Sep 6, 2016 · 5 revisions

This page provides a walkthrough to get started using the DICE Optimisation tool.


First of all, you should install both this front end and the associated back end. Both should be configured, according to the directions available in the respective wikis.

Input Files

In order to run the optimisation algorithms you need the relevant data files. Refer to the Input Files page for guidance.

Web GUI, main page Figure 1: Web GUI, main page


Launch your browser and type in the address where your front end instance can be accessed. Figure 1 shows the home page where you will land. The small button at the bottom of the page shows the status of all the configured back ends. On the other hand, the four large tiles allow for data input to start the available analyses, in the upper row, and for results retrieval, in the lower row. The columns, instead, set apart private from public cloud scenarios. Clicking on either of the analysis tiles brings up a choice among possible alternatives, each provided with an explanation of the relevant scenario. Figure 2 shows, e.g., the alternatives available for public cloud analyses.

Web GUI, public cloud scenarios Figure 2: Public cloud scenarios

After choosing the analysis of interest, you will be prompted to provide the needed data files. For an example, see Figure 3. As soon as the experiment is launched, the associated record populates the results page, shown in Figure 4. Every record shows a unique identifier, date and time of submission, the configured accuracy, the overall number of runs involved and the number of completions, plus a status icon that highlights with a red signal experiments that went amiss. In addition to this data, there are icons to retrieve the input files and the results, as well as to discard a record or to restart an experiment.

Web GUI, data input Figure 3: Data input

Web GUI, results page Figure 4: Results page

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