DICE Fault Injection tool, used to generate faults within Virtual Machines and a FCO Cloud Provider. To access the VM level and issue commands the DICE tools use JSCH (http://www.jcraft.com/jsch/) to SSH to the Virtual Machines.
Current User/VM level faults:
- Shutdown random VM (Ignore tagged VM with "noshutdown" in random selection)
- High CPU for VM (Using Stress tool)
- High Memeory usage for VM (Using Memtest tool)
- Block VM external access (Using ufw)
- Stop service running on VM
- Shutdown random VM from whitelist provided by user
$ -f,--file <arg> Load from properties file.
> -h,--help Shows help.
> -m,--stressmem <host,vmpassword,memorytesterloops,memeorytotal> Stress VM Memory.
> -r,--randomVM <cloudusername, cloudpassword, cloudUUID,cloudapiurl> Shutdown random VM within FCO.
> -s,--stresscpu <cores, stresstime, vmpassword, host> Stress VM CPU.
> -b,--blockfirewall <host, vmpassword> Block external communication from Firewall.
> -k,--killservice <host, vmpassword, service> Stop service running on VM.
> -w,--whitelist <cloudusername, cloudpassword, vmpassword, filepath> Shutdown random VM within FCO from testfile list