Download latest release of Memorex App: Got to the latest release page and download the app-release-vX-Y-Z.apk
Memorex is a simple game for short time diversion. The challenge is to memorize a sequence of symbols. The sequence is displayed by the game and the player has to repeat it directly afterwards. On success the game increments the sequence by another symbol and repeats. There are four different symbols with a color and tone each.
Memorex is based on the idea of MEMO. MEMO is a computer game for Atari ST which has been developed by Volker Christen (in the early nineties?). Memorex has been developed by David Hebbeker as a tinkering hobby.
Memorex has been deployed on the following platforms:
- Handheld electronic game
- Mobile app
The original Memorex implementation has been developed in January 2005 as a handheld electronic game. It is made of a wooden box with a panel on top. The player uses four colored buttons which are accompanied by a corresponding colored LED. A buzzer plays a tone for each symbol.
The electronics of the game consists of a veroboard on which a simple circuit has been deployed. A 4.5-volt lantern battery provides enough energy to play seemingly infinite games. The circuit diagram has been created with Target 3001!. The electronics consists of the following parts:
- 1 × BC 338-25 (transistor)
- 1 × 1 kΩ
- 4 × 10 kΩ
- 4 × 3mm LED diffuse (green, yellow, red, blue)
- 4 × bush-buttons
- 1 × piezo buzzer
- 1 × microcontroller ATTiny 26 by Atmel
The heart of the game is a basic program which runs on the ATTiny 26 microcontroller. The program has been compiled and flashed with BASCOM-AVR (MCS Electronics).
In January 2018 an app for Android platforms has been developed.
Please refer to the releases page to download the Android application package (APK) file. The ability to install the package is limited on most Android devices. Please consult the Android documentation on how to enable installation from "Unknown sources" if necessary.
This app certainly has potential to grow. In case you played it, you may already have some features in mind to enhance the game.
Contributors are welcome! Please read our Code of Conduct. These are some of the possibilities to contribute to the project:
- Create an issue on the issue page in order to ask questions related to the project or app, report a problem, or request a new feature.
- Create or edit pages in the project wiki in order to document the app or the project itself.
- Please feel free to contribute source code! These guidelines may help you doing so.
See the license file file for details.