Exploring miscellaneous features and concepts of Go.
Follow these instructions to build and run the exploratory programs:
- Build and run the "meta" program:
go run cmd/meta/meta.go
- Build and run the "file" program:
go run cmd/file/file.go
- Build and run the "exec-subprocess" program:
go run cmd/exec-subprocess/exec-subprocess.go
- It should output something like the following.
The 'ls' command found the following files in the current working directory: README.md cmd The 'docker' command reports the following version: 27.0.3
- Build and run the "exec-process-image-replacement" program:
go run cmd/exec-process-image-replacement/exec-process-image-replacement.go
- It should output something like the following.
Hello from a Go program. This process will be 'morphed' from a Go program into an execution of the 'ls' program. The process stays the same, but we can consider that 'image' (memory) is replaced. total 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 dave staff 1.5K Jul 21 12:33 README.md drwxr-xr-x@ 6 dave staff 192B Jun 3 19:56 cmd