I'm currently using a cheap 433MHz Wireless sensor to monitor several rooms in the house.
Attached to my RPi3 running HA I've got an Arduino working as a gateway. The code running in the Arduino is provided here.
The serial sensor receives a payload similar to:
Using the serial sensor platform and a MQTT binary sensor I've created the homegw_climate custom component that looks like a thermostat, but cannot act upon the HVAC.
The platform supports filtering by channel (ch) which is the only parameter the device provides configuration for.
The weather station is by all means a copy of the climate platform (or the other way round). The same serial sensor is monitored, only the Wireless sensor is different.
This is a cover platform on top of 2 relays exposed through MQTT. Each relays is closed for the duration in milliseconds publish to the control topic. delay_time indicates the time needed to go from 0% to 100% cover. Albeit the name, it is not related to the hardware supporting weather and climate components, for more information on this backend see home_mqtt.
- platform: home_mqtt
relay_up: 1
relay_down: 2
delay_time: 17000
relay_up: 3
relay_down: 4
delay_time: 17000
- platform: serial
serial_port: /dev/tty.USB0
baudrate: 115200
- platform: homegw_climate
name: quarto2
serial_sensor: sensor.serial_sensor
heating_sensor: binary_sensor.heating
channel: 2
- platform: homegw_weather
name: backyard
serial_sensor: sensor.serial_sensor