map.addGroundOverlay() | Add a ground overlay. |
setBounds() | Change the bounds of the GroundOverlay. |
getBounds() | Return the current center position. |
setBearing() | Change the bearing of the ground overlay. |
getBearing() | Return the current bearing value. |
setImage() | Change the image of the ground overlay |
setOpacity() | Change the opacity of the ground overlay |
getOpacity() | Return the current opacity. |
setClickable() | Change click-ability of the ground overlay. |
getClickable() | Return true if the ground overlay is clickable. |
setVisible() | Change visibility of the ground overlay. |
getVisible() | Return true if the ground overlay is visible. |
setZIndex() | Change the ground overlay zIndex order. |
getZIndex() | Return the current ground overlay zIndex. |
remove() | Remove the ground overlay. |
GROUND_OVERLAY_CLICK | Arguments: LatLng This event is fired when you click on a ground overlay. |