simple GraphQL-Apollo-Server example demonstrate a bug when using unions in combination with graphql-modules + typegraphql + apollo-server. would like to know how to solve this problem or how to debug it.
commands to reproduce the issue:
git clone [email protected]:devtim123/graphql-modules-union-example.git
cd graphql-modules-union-example
yarn install
yarn dev
and visit http://localhost:4000/api
start query at playground:
query example {
example {
... on Actor {
... on Movie {
expected result:
"data": {
"example": {
"__typename": "Movie",
"name": "Fight Club",
"rating": 999
current result:
"data": {
"example": {
"__typename": "Movie"
For this simple example, creating the schema via (see Line #15 @ src/server.ts), the resolver works as expected:
const schema = await buildSchema({
resolvers: [rootModule.resolvers]
But this works not in larger GraphQL-Modules projects, where i get the following error on startup:
TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
This Repo is linked in the issue: Urigo/graphql-modules#619
I hope we can find a solution there...