通过该接口,可以创建触发器,通过s cli fc-api createTrigger -h
s cli fc-api createTrigger
API Document: https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/190054.html
--region string The region of fc endpoint.
--access string Specify the key name.
--props string The json string of props.
--serviceName string The name of the service.
--functionName string The description of the function.
--invocationRole string The role required when the trigger source such as OSS invokes the function.
--qualifier string The version or alias of the service.
--sourceArn string The Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the event source for the trigger.
--triggerConfig string The configurations of the trigger. The configurations vary with trigger
--triggerName string The name of the trigger.
--triggerType string The type of the trigger: oss/log/timer/http/tablestore/cdn_events/mns_topic.
s cli fc-api createTrigger --region cn-hangzhou --serviceName serverless-album --functionName pre-warm --triggerName mytrigger2 --triggerConfig '{"payload": "", "cronExpression": "@every 1m", "enable": true}' --triggerType timer
🔑 Using default access: default, If you want to change the default access for fc-api, you can [s cli fc-api set access Your-Access-Alias] to set default value.
🌍 Using default region: cn-hongkong, If you want to change the default region for fc-api, you can [s cli fc-api set region FC-Region] to set default value.
triggerName: mytrigger2
description: ''
triggerId: 1e785a17-20c1-4e40-8be9-9cabd732128f
sourceArn: null
triggerType: timer
invocationRole: null
qualifier: null
payload: ''
cronExpression: '@every 1m'
enable: true
createdTime: '2021-07-11T08:50:30Z'
lastModifiedTime: '2021-07-11T08:50:30Z'