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Your Name: Sofus Albertsen
Linkedin (optional): @sofusalbertsen
Github (optional): @sofusalbertsen
Meetup Group: DevOps Malmö
Date: Thursday, 15 April 2021
Topic: Improve your CI/CD pipeline with the pipeline game
Learn how to design the right
Continuous Delivery pipelines during this online
game session.
We have invited Sofus Albertsen, DevOps consultant at Eficode, to facilitate a session of the Pipeline game. It’s a free online and open-source game to design a pipeline for a given scenario and optimize the deployment lead time.
We will play in small groups (4-6 people) and discuss what steps are needed and in which order, and estimate the overall deployment lead time. Then we will review the pipelines together and learn from each other.
You can learn more about the game already here:
Sofus Albertsen is a DevOps Trainer
and Consultant at Eficode in Copenhagen. Before
joining Eficode he was an assistant professor on
an Applied Science Bachelor program. He loves
training and is actively sharing his experience in
Continuous Delivery with the community and
university students.
Start 15:00
15:00-15:10 Welcome
10 min: intro to the game
60 min: playing in groups
15 min: Review and questions
How many people will do talk?
- 1 Person (Recommended)
- 2 Persons
- 3 or more (Not Recommended)
How long will your talk be?
- [] 40-45 minutes (Recommended)
- 45+ minutes or more (Not Recommended)
Do you need help crafting your talk?
- Yes
- No
Do you need specific adapter to connect to projector? We provide HDMI and DP.
- Yes
- No
Venue to Host Meetup.
- FooCafe
- Other