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Your Name: Magnus Glatz
Meetup Group: DevOps Malmö
Date: Thursday, 30 March 2023
Topic: Secure and Efficient Containerization - Get started with Podman
Containerization has revolutionized the way developers build and deploy software, and Podman is quickly emerging as a powerful and secure alternative to Docker for managing and developing containers outside of Kubernetes. This meetup will cover topics:
- Historic perspective, docker, Kubernetes, OCI, CRI-O, and podman
- Introduction to the (open source) Containers projects and ecosystem
- Podman use-cases
- Developing containers using podman desktop
Whether you're new to containerization or a seasoned DevOps pro, you'll come away from this meetup with a deeper understanding of Podman and how it can help you streamline your container workflows, improve security, and reduce costs. Join us and let's unlock the power of containerization together!
Magnus Glatz is Principal Solution Architect at Red Hat with a focus on Cloud technology. Based in Malmö.
Magnus is an automation and cloud specialist and a Red Hat Certified Engineer with close to +20 years of experience in traditional and cloud-type infrastructure.
17:30 - 17:45 Meet & Greet
17:45 - 18:30 The Presentation
18:30 - 18:50 Pizza & Drinks
18:50 - 19:30 QA/Continue Discussion
How many people will talk?
- 1 Person (Recommended)
- 2 Persons
- 3 or more (Not Recommended)
How long will your talk be?
- 40-45 minutes (Recommended)
- 45+ minutes or more (Not Recommended)
Do you need help crafting your talk?
- Yes
- No
Do you need a specific adapter to connect to the projector? We provide HDMI and DP.
- Yes
- No
Venue to Host Meetup.
- FooCafe
- Other
Live streaming of presentation if available.
- Yes
- No