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Your Name: Samuel A. Adewole
Twitter (optional): @Samuel_Aadewole
Linkedin (optional): @samueladewole
Github (optional): @Samueladewole
Medium (optional): @samueladewole
Meetup Group: DevOps Malmö
Date: Wednesday, 29 May 2024
Topic: Navigating the Complexities of DevSecOps Adoption: Insights from a Cybersecurity Professional
DevSecOps, the integration of security practices into agile development processes, has become a critical approach for organizations to deliver secure software systems while maintaining agility and speed. However, the adoption of DevSecOps practices is often hindered by various organizational, cultural, and socio-technical factors. In this presentation, Samuel, an experienced cybersecurity professional, will share valuable insights from his extensive career spanning over 10 years in the field.
Drawing from his diverse roles as an Information Security Specialist, Technical Communicator, Product Owner, and Project Lead, Samuel will explore the complex interplay between institutional pressures, internal organizational dynamics, and organizational priorities that influence the success of DevSecOps adaptation. He will delve into the role of norms and attitudes surrounding security practices, highlighting the importance of fostering a culture of security awareness, continuous learning, and overcoming resistance to change.
Through real-world examples and case studies, Samuel will provide practical strategies and recommendations for organizations seeking to navigate the complexities of DevSecOps adoption. He will share his experiences in integrating security practices into rapid development processes, while balancing the competing demands of speed, security, and compliance.
Attendees will gain valuable insights into the enablers and barriers to DevSecOps adoption, as well as best practices for fostering cross-functional collaboration, effective communication channels, and robust risk management practices. This presentation will equip attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the organizational conditions and contextual elements that shape the successful alignment of security practices with rapid development processes
Samuel currently a freelance consultant is an accomplished Information Security Specialist, Technical Communicator, Product Owner, and Project Lead with over 10 years of experience in, cloud technologies, information security and project management. He has consistently achieved positive outcomes through effective communication, analytical skills, and a problem-solving mindset. Samuel possesses strong leadership abilities and is passionate about implementing security best practices to protect IT systems and web applications. He is dedicated, motivated, and continuously strives for excellence in his field.
17:30 - 17:45 Meet & Greet
17:45 - 18:30 Navigating the Complexities of DevSecOps Adoption
18:30 - 18:50 Pizza & Drinks
18:50 - 19:30 QA/Continue Discussion
How many people will talk?
- 1 Person (Recommended)
- 2 Persons
- 3 or more (Not Recommended)
How long will your talk be?
- 40-45 minutes (Recommended)
- 45+ minutes or more (Not Recommended)
Do you need help crafting your talk?
- Yes
- No
Do you need a specific adapter to connect to the projector? We provide HDMI and DP.
- Yes
- No
Venue to Host Meetup.
- FooCafe
- Other
Live streaming of presentation if available.
- Yes
- No