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File metadata and controls

434 lines (347 loc) · 47.7 KB

Reference for devopsdays-theme

Table of contents

Fields in YYYY-CITY.ymlGeneral FieldsDate-related FieldsBranding FieldsLocation FieldsNavigation FieldsOrganizer Fields   Team Members   Organizer EmailsSponsor fields   Sponsor LevelsProgram Fields   Program Items    Program Element Colors   Ignite Fields Pages and FrontmatterGeneral Page FieldsTalk Page FieldsSpeaker Page FieldsProgram Page FieldsBlog Post Fields Other SettingsSocial Sharing Image Shortcodesgoogle_formtito_widgetcfp_datesemail_organizersevent_startevent_endevent_logoevent_twitterregistration_startregistration_end

Fields in main.yml

The /data/events/YYYY/CITY.main.yml file is the main configuration file for your event. This is what each field does.

General Fields

Field Name Type Required Description Example
name String Yes The name of the event. Four digit year with the city name in lower-case, with no spaces. "2017-chicago"
year String Yes The year of the event. Make sure it is in quotes. "2017"
city String Yes The displayed city name of the event. Capitalize it. "Salt Lake City"
event_twitter String Yes The twitter handle for your event such as "devopsdayschi" or "devopsdaysmsp". Exclude the "@" symbol. "devopsdayschi"
description String No Overall description of your event. Quotation marks need to be escaped. "It's time for more DevOpsDays at Ponyville!"
ga_tracking_id String No If you have your own Google Analytics tracking ID, enter it here. "UA-74738648-1"
gtm_tracking_id String No If you have your own Google Analytics v4 tracking ID, enter it here. "G-NCBC4PBEMK"
event_group String No If you'd like to group different events together (ie, "australia"), set them to the same "event_group" "ponyville"
speakers_verbose String No Set this to "true" if you want verbose speaker attributes (URLs visible). "true"
cancel String No If your event must be cancelled, add this field with the value of "true" (case-sensitive). This will keep it from being listed in the "upcoming events" views. "true"

Date-related Fields

All dates are in unquoted YYYY-MM-DD, like this: variable: 2016-01-05, or like variable: 2016-01-05T23:59:00-06:00

Field Name Type Required Description Example
startdate YYYY-MM-DD No The start date of your event. Leave blank if you don't have a venue reserved yet. 2016-01-05
enddate YYYY-MM-DD No The end date of your event. Leave blank if you don't have a venue reserved yet. 2016-01-05
timeoffset +/-HHMM No The offset of the timezone of your event from UTC "-0600"
timezone String No The timezone of the event "Europe/London"
cfp_date_start YYYY-MM-DD No The date you will start accepting talk proposals. Can be a blank value. 2016-01-05
cfp_date_end YYYY-MM-DD No The date you will close your call for proposals. Can be a blank value. If you set the full datetime string with correct TZ, CFP will display as open until local close time. 2016-01-05T23:59:00-06:00
cfp_date_announce YYYY-MM-DD No The date you will inform proposers of status. Can be a blank value. 2016-01-05
cfp_open String No Either "true" or "false". Can be blank. This controls whether or not the "propose" button shows on your event page. Deprecated field; if you have set cfp_date_start and cfp_date_end they will serve the same purpose. "true"
cfp_link String No If you have a custom link for submitting proposals, add it here. This will control the Propose menu item as well as the "Propose" button. "https://myurlhere" - reference it like "{{< event_link url-key="cfp_link" text="Propose a talk!" >}}"
registration_date_start YYYY-MM-DD No The date you will start accepting registration. If this is set, will make the "Register" button appear on the event's "Welcome" page. Can be a blank value. 2016-01-05
registration_date_end YYYY-MM-DD No The date you will close registration. Controls the appearance of the "Register" button on the "Welcome" page. If you set registration_date_start you must set registration_date_end. Can be a blank value (unless registration_date_start has been set). 2016-01-05
registration_closed String No Set this to "true" if you need to manually close registration before your registration end date. "true"
registration_link String No If you have a custom registration link, enter it here. This will control the Registration menu item as well as the "Register" button. "https://myurlhere" reference it like {{< event_link url-key="registration_link" text="Register to attend the conference!" >}}
sponsor_link String No If you have a custom sponsorship link, enter it here. This will control the "Become an X Sponsor!" links. It does NOT change the "Sponsor" button. "https://myurlhere"

Branding Fields

Field Name Type Required Description Example
masthead_background String No The image, relative to static/events/YYYY-CITY that you want to be the background of the header on your page. skyline-night.jpg
sharing_image String No This allows you to set an image that is displayed when posting on social sites (eg: Slack, Twitter, Facebook). This image is used in the og:image meta tag field. This image is relative to the static/events/YYYY-CITY/sharing directory. It can be either .png or .jpg. Recommended size is 1200 × 630. sharing.jpg

Location Fields

Field Name Type Required Description Example
coordinates String Yes The coordinates of your city. Get Latitude and Longitude of a Point. DEPRECATED. "41.882219, -87.640530"
location String Yes The generator scripts will default to the value of City, but you can make it the venue name. "Chicago Mart West"
location_address String No Use the street address of your venue. This will show up on the welcome page if set. Also used by the event_map shortcode. "350 West Mart Center Drive, Chicago, IL 60654"

Navigation Fields

These fields are used to control the navigation elements (menu) of your event's page. The syntax for navigation is thus:

  - name: propose
  - name: location
  - name: registration
  - name: program
  - name: speakers
  - name: sponsor
  - name: contact
  - name: conduct

If you would like to add a custom/additional navigation to your menu, add another element where you would like it to appear. You will also need to provide the target for the link if it not relative to your event, as so:

  - name: propose
  - name: volunteer
  - name: party

The above example would create a new menu item called "Volunteer" which linked to devopsdays/events/YYYY-CITY/volunteer, and another menu item called "party" which would link to

The menu items also take an optional parameter of icon where you can set the font-awesome icon that will display on small screens. Note: This feature is currently deprecated, but it won't break anything if you use this setting Choose at Example:

  - name: example
    icon: "map-o"

Organizer Fields

Team Members

Remember, the organizers listed are are the same people you have on the mailing list and Slack channel.

Each team member is an element of team_members.

Field Name Type Required Description Example
name String Yes The person's full name. "John Doe"
pronouns String No The person's pronouns. Displayed in brackets next to the name. "he/him"
role String No The role of the organizer in the team. If not specified, will display "Organizer". "Sponsor Coordinator"
twitter String No The twitter handle of the person, without the @ symbol "johndoe"
employer String No The name of the person's employer. "Acme Anvil Co."
github String No The GitHub username of the person "johndoe"
facebook String No The full URL to the person's Facebook page ""
linkedin String No The full URL to the person's LinkedIn page ""
website String No The full URL to the person's webpage ""
mastodon String No The full URL to the person's Mastodon profile ""
image String No The name of the image for this user, located in static/events/YYYY-CITY/organizers/. This image must be a JPEG, and should be either 300px square or (optimally) 600px square. "sally-fields.jpg"
bio String No The bio for the user. Markdown is supported. Quotation marks must be escaped. "Thought leader paradigm affordances physical computing quantitative vs. qualitative disrupt thought leader disrupt. Venture capital Steve Jobs pitch deck moleskine sticky note agile Steve Jobs pivot disrupt grok driven. Human-centered design bootstrapping agile driven grok food-truck ship it long shadow."

Organizer Emails

Field Name Type Required Description Example
organizer_email String Yes Organizer email address "[email protected]"
proposal_email String Yes Proposal email address "[email protected]"

Sponsor fields

Each team member is an element of sponsors.

Field Name Type Required Description Example
id String Yes The name of the sponsor; matches to a file in `date/sponsors arresteddevops
level String Yes The level of sponsorship for this sponsor. gold
url String No Will override the URL specified in the sponsor file. Useful if you have event-specific URL's for a sponsor.
Field Name Type Required Description Example
sponsors_accepted String No Set this to "yes" if you would like the "become a sponsor" link to appear "yes"
sponsors_showempty String No Set this to "no" to hide the sponsor levels without a sponsor "no"

Sponsor Levels

All sponsorship levels are elements of sponsor_levels.

Field Name Type Required Description Example
id String Yes Identifies the sponsor level as mapped to your list of sponsors. No spaces. gold
label String Yes How the sponsor level appears on the site. Spaces are allowed. Gold
max String No The maximum amount of sponsors allowed for this level. Once this has been reached, the "become a sponsor" link for that level will no longer appear. Setting this to "0", or leaving it blank, results in unlimited sponsors for that level 10

Program Fields

Program Items

The elements of your program are set in the program section. Example:

  - title: "Registration, Breakfast, and Sponsor Booths Open"
    type: custom
    date: 2017-06-16
    start_time: "08:00"
    end_time: "09:00"
    custom_url: ""
  - title: "Opening Welcome"
    type: custom
    date: 2017-06-16
    start_time: "09:15"
    end_time: "09:00"
Field Name Required Description Example
title Yes The name of the program element. If it is a talk, ignite, or workshop, use the name of the talk/ignite/workshop file, minus the .md extension. "Opening Welcome" or "apple-jack"
type Yes The type for the program element. Valid choices are custom, talk, ignite, workshop, or open-space. This defines the color of the program element. talk, ignite, and workshop types will create a link to the program item named in title. talk
date Yes The date of the program element, in YYYY-MM-DD format. 2017-06-16
start_time Yes The start time of the program element. "08:00"
end_time Yes The end time of the program element. "13:40"
comments No Additional comments/notes about the program types talk, workshop and custom (for example, location of an evening event). Markdown is supported. "This will be at the Pony Club,1005 Ponyville Drive,Ponyville, IL,60612"
background_color No Allows the ability to override the color of the program element. Only the background color can be changed; please test to make sure the color works with the displayed text colors. Color is expressed in RGB HEX value. Must be in quotes. "#FFFA99"
custom_url No Replaces the URL for various program types to link to external URL or a URL of your choosing. Valid for custom, talk, ignite, workshop, or open-space ""
block No Ignite section only - if there are multiple ignites in the same day, this allows them to be broken up into multiples "ignite-1"
Program Element Colors

The current colors for program types (click on a link to see the color):

Ignite Fields

The Ignite elements are set in the ignites section. Example:

  - title: "spike"
    date: 2017-06-16
  - title: "rainbow-dash"
    date: 2017-06-16
    custom_url: "
  - title: "twilight-sparkle"
    date: 2017-06-16
    block: "ignite-1"
Field Name Required Description Example
title Yes The title of the ignite. It should be named after the filename (without the .md extension) of a talk "matt-stratton"
date Yes The date of the ignite, in YYYY-MM-DD format. 2017-06-16
custom_url No Allows linking to URL off-site for various reasons. ""
block No If there are multiple blocks of ignites in the same day, this specifies which block "ignite-1"

Pages and Frontmatter

The "frontmatter" refers to the TOML fields at the beginning of all .md files in your content directory (i.e., content/events/2017-ponyville/...). Frontmatter looks like this:

Description = "DevOpsDays Ponyville is back for 2017! We will be hanging out and showing off our awesomeness."
Title = "devopsdays Ponyville 2017"
Type = "welcome"
aliases = ["/events/2017-ponyville/welcome"]

The content is everything following the last +++.

General Page Fields

All pages have some common frontmatter elements that they share. These include:

Field Name Required Description Example
Description No The summary, or description, of the content of the page. It is highly recommended that this is populated on every page, as it is used in social sharing, as well as for SEO purposes. "DevOpsDays Ponyville is back for 2017! We will be hanging out and showing off our awesomeness."
Title Yes The title of the page. This is usually prepopulated for you, but it is highly recommended that you do NOT use the default titles; add some flair to set your event apart. "devopsdays Ponyville 2017"
Type Yes This is required, but is usually pre-populated. Valid types are "event", "welcome", "program", "speaker", "speakers", and "talk". The type you should use for "regular" pages is "event". "talk"
aliases No This creates aliases to the page. For example, if you want your index page to also be accessible as /welcome under your event, you would add the alias here. ["/events/2017-ponyville/welcome"]
sharing_image No This allows you to set an image that is displayed when posting on social sites (eg: Slack, Twitter, Facebook). This image is used in the og:image meta tag field. This image is relative to the static/events/YYYY-CITY/sharing directory. It can be either .png or .jpg. Recommended size is 1200 × 630. "matt-stratton-card.jpg"

Talk Page Fields

Pages of the type talk (which can include workshops, ignites, or talks) have a few additional frontmatter elements available to them, in addition to the ones mentioned above.

Field Name Required Description Example
speakers Yes An array of the names of the speakers (relative to the filenames for the speaker in your content/events/YYYY-CITY/speakers directory). Even if there is only one speaker, it should be formatted as an array. speakers = ["fluttershy", "spike"]
youtube No The ID of the YouTube video (not the full URL). "8ClZXJsgpHY"
vimeo No The ID of the Vimeo video (not the full URL). "219025568"
slideslive No The ID of the presentation on SlidesLive "12345678"
speakerdeck No The URL to the talk on Speakerdeck. Use the full URL. ""
slideshare No The URL to the talk on Slideshare. Use the full URL ""
googleslides No The ID of the talk on Google Slides (not the full URL). "1QnakgUC8AaNydPZCmKGYYja8gs2WoHbHRSjioIVdD9g"
pdf No The URL to the PDF. Use the full URL. ""
notist No The ID of the deck on Notist, including the username. "mattstratton/jLwszn"
slides No If the slides are available on a service other than Speakerdeck or Slideshare, enter the URL here. ""

Speaker Page Fields

Pages of the type speaker have a few additional frontmatter elements available to them, in addition to the general ones mentioned above.

Field Name Required Description Example
website No The website for the speaker. ""
twitter No Speaker's Twitter username, without the @. "mattstratton"
facebook No Speaker's Facebook URL ""
linkedin No Speaker's LinkedIn URL ""
github No Speakers' GitHub username. "mattstratton"
gitlab No Speakers' GitLab username. "mattstratton"
twitch No Speakers' Twitch username. "mattstratton"
mastodon No Speakers' Mastodon URL username. ""
image No The image for the speaker. This image is relative to the static/events/YYYY-CITY/speakers directory. It can be either .png or .jpg. It is recommended to be 600px square. "matt-stratton.jpg"

Program Page Fields

The page of type program has one additional frontmatter element.

Field Name Required Description Example
icons No Toggles display of slide/video icons on the program page "true"

Blog Post Fields

Field Name Required Description Example
Description No The short summary of this post. This is used in various places on the site, as well as for sharing. While it is optional, it is highly recommended to use it. Markdown is allowed. "DevOpsDays Chicago took place on August 30th & 31st at Summit West in beautiful downtown Chicago. A sold-out, diverse crowd gathered for keynotes, presentations, lightning talks, and open spaces to learn, discuss, and promote all things DevOps."
Author No The name of the person who wrote the blog post. "Matt Stratton"
title Yes The title for the blog post. "Chicago 2016 In Review"
sharing_image No The image to use for social sharing. This is a path relative to the static directory. "img/blog/chicago-2016-sharing.jpg"

Other Settings

Social Sharing Image

An event can create a sharing image for use on social media (when the url is shared on Facebook, for instance). This image can be either PNG or JPG and must be located in the static/events/YYYY-CITY/sharing/ directory. It should be a minimum 1200 x 630px, and use ratio: 1.91:1. To set the overall sharing image for the event, set the sharing_image field in the YYYY-CITY.yml data file. To set a custom sharing image on a per-page basis (for example, on an individual speaker's page), set the sharing_image field in the page's frontmatter.


Shortcodes can be used in any of your content (i.e., ".md" files. They provide easy ways to add content without having to write a lot of coding.)


This shortcode allows for the embedding of a Google form on a page, in a manner that maintains the responsive, mobile-friendly design of the site. To use it, you only need the URL of your form (not the full embed code) and enter this on your page (substituting the proper URL):

{{< google_form "" >}}


Using the tito shortcode enables the embedding of the tito sales widget described on their documentation ( To use it you just need to enter to event path of your tito event which will follow the URL of your event page. For example, if the URL is your event path would be devlopsdays-london/2019. The shortcode also enables the other features described such as the ability to show specific tickets using the examples shown below

{{< tito_widget event="devopsdays-london/2019" >}}

To show only a specific ticket within the widget:

{{< tito_widget event="devopsdays-london/2019" releases="fiaurhghf2k">}}

To show discounted tickets on the page (they display as a striked through full-price along with the new price):

{{< tito_widget event="devopsdays-london/2019" discount-code="examplediscount" >}}


This shortcode displays the dates for the CFP. It is used in the default that is generated from the script.

{{< cfp_dates >}}


This shortcode will generate a mailto link to the organizer email address.

{{< email_organizers >}}

To add a subject to the mailto link:

{{< email_organizers subject= "Your Subject Here">}}


Returns the start date of your event

{{< event_start >}}


Returns the end date of your event

{{< event_end >}}


If you have a logo.png or logo.jpg in your static/events/city-yyyy directory, this will return the HTML for the image. This is mostly suited for use on your page.

{{< event_logo >}}


This returns a twitter follow link, set to either @devopsdays if you have not set a Twitter handle in your data file, or whatever is set as your event's Twitter handle in your data file.

{{< event_twitter >}}


Returns the start date of registration for your event

{{< registration_start >}}


Returns the end date of registration for your event

{{< registration_end >}}


If you have location_address set in your datafile, this will return a Google Map of that address. Takes two optional parameters (height and width) to set the dimensions of the map. Both parameters are optional. If not set, the map will default to 450px wide and 250px tall.

{{< event_map >}}


{{< event_map width = "600" height="500" >}}


Embeds the DevOpsDays Pretix ticket and registration system This shortcode requires two parameters, city and year, where the city is typically the organiser city and the year the event year. Please note this may be differ, please check with in your Pretix for the two names.

{{< tix city="belgium" year="antwerp-2024" >}}