The design and development of my portfolio website was built from scratch, only applying the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript languages.
Apply the fundamentals of web development and limit the reliance of web frameworks.
- E.g. Mobile Responsiveness - Use CSS Grid, Flexbox and Media Queries, instead of using Bootstrap.
Apply web performance optimisation techniques.
Below are some of the features and code extracts of this coding exercise.
Installed the ScrollReveal javaScript library using NPM to easily implement animation features when scrolling.
const slideRight = {
delay: 350,
distance: '50px',
duration: 1000,
origin: 'left',
easing: 'ease',
interval: '250',
reset: true
const slideUp = {
delay: 550,
distance: '50px',
duration: 1000,
origin: 'bottom',
easing: 'ease',
interval: '250'
// Home Section - Slide Right
ScrollReveal().reveal('.home-items', slideRight);
// Section Title - Slide Up
ScrollReveal().reveal('.section-title', slideUp);
// Rest of Sections - Slide Up
ScrollReveal().reveal('.aboutme-items', slideUp);
ScrollReveal().reveal('.skills-items', slideUp);
ScrollReveal().reveal('.project-items', slideUp);
ScrollReveal().reveal('.contact-items', slideUp);
Familiarising with Gulp to automate my workflow and facilitate the development process. The packages used:
- autoprefixer - Adds vendor prefixes to enable cross-browser adaptability
- cssnano - Minifies the CSS file
- gulp-concat - Concatenates all the JS files into one (all.js)
- gulp-imagemin - Minifies the images
- gulp-minify - Minifies the JS file (once all JS files have been concatenanted)
- gulp-postcss - A CSS parser for running autoprefixer and cssnano
- gulp-replace - Adds a string parameter to CSS/JS references (necessary for cache busting)
- gulp-sourcemaps - Maps the CSS styles back to the original CSS file in your broswer dev tools
// File paths
const files = {
cssPath: 'assets/css/**/*.css',
jsPath: 'assets/js/**/*.js',
imgPath: 'assets/img/*'
// CSS task: adds vendor prefixes and minifies style.css
function cssTask(){
return src(files.cssPath)
.pipe(sourcemaps.init()) // initialize sourcemaps first
.pipe(postcss([ autoprefixer(), cssnano() ])) // PostCSS plugins
.pipe(sourcemaps.write('.')) // write sourcemaps file in current directory
); // put final CSS in dist folder
// JS task: concatenates and minifies JS files to script.js
function jsTask(){
return src(files.jsPath)
// imgSquash: minifies all img files
function imgSquash() {
return src(files.imgPath)
// Cachebust: prevents caching of website saving into the browser by randomising the string number of the filename
var cbString = new Date().getTime();
function cacheBustTask(){
return src(['index.html'])
.pipe(replace(/cb=\d+/g, 'cb=' + cbString))
// Watch task: watch CSS and JS files for changes
// If any change, run css and js tasks simultaneously
function watchTask(){
watch([files.cssPath, files.jsPath, files.imgPath],
parallel(cssTask, jsTask, imgSquash));
// Export the default Gulp task so it can be run
// Runs the css, js tasks, and imqSquash simultaneously
// then runs cacheBust, then watch task
exports.default = series(
parallel(cssTask, jsTask, imgSquash),