# config/packages/sulu_community.yaml
<webspace_key>: # Replace <webspace_key> with the key of your webspace
subject: Blacklisted
admin_template: community/blacklist-email.html.twig
user_template: ~
subject: Denied
admin_template: ~
user_template: ~
template: community/blacklist-denied.html.twig
subject: Registration
admin_template: ~
user_template: community/registration-email.html.twig
template: community/blacklist-confirmed.html.twig
To enable the blacklisting feature add the permissions for blacklisting to your role.
For this go to Settings -> Roles -> YourRole
in the sulu backend and add the permissions.
When you successfully enabled it email addresses can be set to block
or on request
under Settings -> Blacklist
It is possible to use wildcards e.g. *@test.com
to set the state for a whole domain.
The admin of the page will receive the blacklisted email when a user email address is set to request
Example Template:
{# community/blacklist-email.html.twig #}
{% extends 'base-email.html.twig' %}
{% block content %}
<p>E-Mail: {{ user.email }}</p>
{% set confirmUrl = url('sulu_community.user_confirm', { token: token }) %}
<p>Confirm: <a href="{{ confirmUrl }}">{{ confirmUrl }}</a></p>
{% set denyUrl = url('sulu_community.user_deny', { token: token }) %}
<p>Deny: <a href="{{ denyUrl }}">{{ denyUrl }}</a></p>
{% endblock %}
When the admin clicks on the link a template is rendered which can show specific content:
Example Template:
{# community/blacklist-denied.html.twig / community/blacklist-confirmed.html.twig #}
{% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
{% block content %}
User "{{ user.email }}" denied/confirmed.
{% endblock %}
If the user is confirmed he will receive an email with the confirmation link:
{# community/registration-form.html.twig #}
{% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
{% block content %}
{% if app.request.get('send') == 'true' %}
To complete the registration click on the link in the received email.
{% else %}
{{ form(form) }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}