This documentation will walk through how to create a new PDB and install it. Please ensure that you have downloaded the latest copy of APEX.
Item | Description |
Container Name | Container name is oracle-xe |
APEX Version | 18.2 . The zip file is located in: |
PDB | XEPDB1 (default PDB that comes with XE) |
APEX Admin Password: Oradoc_db1 |
# Copy APEX zip file to container
docker cp ~/docker/files/apex/ oracle-xe:/tmp
# Login to container
docker exec -it oracle-xe bash -c "source /home/oracle/.bashrc; bash"
# Next set of commands are in the container
cd /tmp/
cd apex
# Download APEX install file
curl --output apex-install.sql
# Connect to PDB and install APEX
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus sys/Oracle18@localhost/XEPDB1 as sysdba @apex-install.sql Oradoc_db1
# Delete APEX files
cd /tmp
rm -rf apex*
docker-ords contains instructions on how to setup a docker instance of ORDS