All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The changelog is only about the web application and not the collected data.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Full text labels instead of language codes in preferences dialog from @stefan-niedermann
- Sort ROM items in each category alphabetically from @stefan-niedermann
First big update in the new year since the maintainer was on vacation.
- Support for multiple languages from @stefan-niedermann
- Updated the list in general, removing a lot of unnecessary and deprecated entries from @krakeen06
- Now, the download links are no longer pure download links. They now take you to the respective Telegram post which also includes support, additional notes and the full credits, from krakeen06
- Moved theme and language settings to new bottom sheet from @stefan-niedermann
- Optimized desktop experience for five categories from @stefan-niedermann
- Easy filters for Android Version on Desktop devices from @stefan-niedermann
- Redesign based on Material Design from @stefan-niedermann
- Migrated static webpage to Angular application from @stefan-niedermann
- Collection of Custom ROM information from @krakeen06
- Static HTML page to display ROM data from @desperateCoder
- Schema validation from @stefan-niedermann
- Dark theme based on system default from @stefan-niedermann