To specify the way vulnerabilities are detected, customize the sources, sinks, sanitizers and validators:
- sources: the untrusted variables that will be initially tainted during the analysis.
- sinks: the sensitives functions that could lead to vulnerabilities.
- sanitizers: the functions that transform tainted values into safe values.
- validators: the functions that valid tainted values without transforming them into safe value.
- $obj_context->inputs->setSources($files_sources);
- $obj_context->inputs->addSources($files_sources);
- $obj_context->inputs->getSources();
Where $file_sources is a json file (or an array of json files) like below:
"sources": [
{"name": "_GET", "is_array": true, "language": "php"},
{"name": "_POST", "is_array": true, "language": "php"},
{"name": "_COOKIE", "is_array": true, "language": "php"},
{"name": "shell_exec", "is_function": true, "language": "php"},
{"name": "vardev", "is_array": true, "array_index": "tainted", "language": "php", "type": "for dev purposes"},
{"name": "exec", "is_function": true, "parameters": [{"id": 2, "is_array": true, "array_index": 0}], "language": "php"}
Mandatory properties:
- Name, language
Optional properties:
- $obj_context->inputs->setSanitizers($file_sanitizers);
- $obj_context->inputs->addSanitizers($file_sanitizers);
- $obj_context->inputs->getSanitizers();
Where $file_sanitizers is a json file (or an array of json files) like below:
"sanitizers": [
{"name": "filter_var", "language": "php", "parameters":
{"id": 2, "conditions": "equals", "values":
{"value" : "FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED", "prevent" : ["xss"]},
{"value" : "FILTER_SANITIZE_MAGIC_QUOTES", "prevent" : ["command_injection", "sql_injection"]},
{"value" : "FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS", "prevent" : ["xss"]},
{"value" : "FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS", "prevent" : ["xss"]},
{"value" : "FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING", "prevent" : ["xss"]},
{"value" : "FILTER_SANITIZE_STRIPPED", "prevent" : ["xss"]}
{"name": "addslashes", "language": "php", "prevent": ["sql_injection", "command_injection"]}
Mandatory properties:
- Name, language
Optional properties:
- $obj_context->inputs->setSinks($file_sinks);
- $obj_context->inputs->addSinks($file_sinks);
- $obj_context->inputs->getSinks();
Where $file_sinks is a json file (or an array of json files) like below:
"sinks": [
{"name": "echo", "language": "php", "attack": "xss", "cwe": "CWE_79"},
{"name": "print", "language": "php", "attack": "xss", "cwe": "CWE_79"},
{"name": "printf", "language": "php", "attack": "xss", "cwe": "CWE_79"},
{"name": "include", "language": "php", "attack": "file_inclusion", "cwe": "CWE_98"},
{"name": "eval", "language": "php", "attack": "code_injection", "cwe": "CWE_95"},
{"name": "system", "language": "php", "attack": "command_injection", "cwe": "CWE_78"},
{"name": "ldap_search", "parameters": [{"id": 3}], "language": "php", "attack": "ldap_injection", "cwe": "CWE_90"},
{"name": "mysql_query", "language": "php", "attack": "sql_injection", "cwe": "CWE_89"},
{"name": "prepare", "instanceof": "mysql_connect", "language": "php", "attack": "sql_injection", "cwe": "CWE_89"}
Mandatory properties:
- Name, language, attack
Optional properties:
- $obj_context->inputs->addValidators($file_validators);
- $obj_context->inputs->setValidators($file_validators);
- $obj_context->inputs->getValidators();
Where $file_validators is a json file (or an array of json files) like below:
"validators": [
{"name": "in_array", "language": "php", "parameters":
{"id": 1, "conditions": "valid"},
{"id": 2, "conditions": "array_not_tainted"}
{"name": "isValidNumber", "instanceof": "ESAPI->validator", "language": "php", "parameters":
{"id": 2, "conditions": "valid"}
{"name": "filter_var", "language": "php", "parameters":
{"id": 1, "conditions": "valid"},
{"id": 2, "conditions": "equals", "values":
{"value" : "FILTER_VALIDATE_INT"},
{"value" : "FILTER_VALIDATE_IP"},
{"value" : "FILTER_VALIDATE_MAC"},
Mandatory properties:
- Name, language
Optional properties:
the name property must be a function.
the name property must be a function (the source will be the return of this function) or a variable.
If you want to define all elements of an array as a source (like for well-known _GET, _POST and _COOKIE variables) use is_array property set to true.
If you want to define all properties of an object as a source (like for the return of mysql_fetch_object function) use is_object property set to true.
If you want to define only one element of an array as a source add array_index property with index name as value.
You can define a return function or a method as a source when is_function property is set to true.
If you know the class name of your object just type it like below:
{"name": "prepare", "instanceof": "mysql_connect", "language": "php", "attack": "sql_injection", "cwe": "CWE_89"}
Instead of using the class name (or if you don't known it) use the name of the property:
{"name": "isValidNumber", "instanceof": "ESAPI->validator", "language": "php"}
Here ESAPI->validator->isValidNumber() is a validation function but we don't know the object assigned to validator property.
Instanceof property works with object heritage and you can define the parent object as an instance of a sink like below:
{"name": "query", "instanceof": "SomeClass1", "language": "php"}
class SomeClass1
class SomeClass2 extends SomeClass1
public function query($tata)
$a = new SomeClass2;
and instanceof property continue to works when the class is not defined:
{"name": "query", "instanceof": "VulnerableClass", "language": "php"}
$a = new VulnerableClass;
The value of prevent property should match an attack defined in the sinks file.
Prevent properties could be assigned to the main object or to the value object or the both:
{"name": "htmlentities", "language": "php", "prevent": ["xss"], "parameters":
{"id": 2, "conditions": "equals", "values":
{"value" : "ENT_QUOTES", "prevent" : ["xss", "command_injection"]}
If the analyzer finds a $safe = htmlentites($tainted) function with no second parameter defined, the safe variable will not lead to xss vulnerabilities. Otherwise if it finds $safe = htmlentites($tainted, ENT_QUOTES), the prevent property of the correct value object condition overwrite the main prevent property, so safe variable will not lead to xss and command_injection vulnerabilites. Prevent properties could take also these predefined values:
- ALL which prevent all vulnerabilities
- QUOTES which indicates that quotes are encoded
the sink is vulnerable if:
- no parameters are specified and at least one argument is tainted.
- parameters are specified and all the arguments must be tainted.
The parameter object could take a conditions parameter with these values:
- QUOTES: the tainted variable must be embedded into quotes if not it's a vulnerability otherwise the variable must be sanitized with a function that encode quotes.
- array_tainted: the parameter is vulnerable if the argument is an array with at least one tainted value.
- variable_tainted: the parameter is vulnerable if the argument is a tainted variable.
- object_tainted: the parameter is vulnerable if the argument is an object with at least one tainted property.
Global conditions could be applied on all parameters:
- QUOTES_HTML: if the tainted variable is inside an html tag it's a vulnerability if the variable is embedded into quotes and quotes are not sanitized or if the variable is not embedded into quotes.
The parameter object could take a conditions parameter with these values:
- taint: the corresponding argument will be considered as the expected tainted variable. During the analysis, if this argument is tainted the return of the function will be tainted and sanitized, without specifying a taint property the return of the function will be tainted and sanitized if any of the arguments is tainted.
- equals: the argument must be equals to the specified string.
If you want to define one parameter of a function as a source use parameters property.
The parameter object could take a conditions parameter with these values:
- valid: the corresponding argument will be considered as safe if others conditions are respected.
- not_tainted: the argument is not tainted.
- array_not_tainted: the argument is an array that not contains any tainted values.
- equals: the argument must be equals to the specified string.
For the following in_array call:
$tainted = $_GET["p"];
$legal_table = array("safe1", "safe2");
if (in_array($tainted, $legal_table, true))
echo $tainted;
$tainted (parameter number 1) is the variable we want to validate.
$legal_table (parameter number 2) is an array that not contains any tainted values.
So the variable tainted is safe in the if block.