This is a template, PLEASE MAKE A COPY
Office of the CTO - Digital Experience (OCTO-DE), Product Name, Team Name
[Designer 1] [email], [Designer 2] [email]
Once you've presented your research readout to your team, if you have a deck, insert a link to it here [Research readout](link here)
Jump to:
First, set the context of this research by explaining how it fits into the Veteran’s journey. Explain what a Veteran might do before and after using this tool. What moments does this tool live in? Are there moments that matter to keep in mind? What are Veteran’s familiarity with tools like this? (do they use tools like this, or is this something new). See the Veteran journey
Then, describe your goals for this research
Research questions here
- Question
- Question
- Question
Brief description of method chosen
Hypotheses or tasks for this research along with the conclusions you found If you conducted a usability test, list the success or task completion rate.
Hypothesis statement
("Maybe True", “Likely True”, “Definitely True”, “Likely False”, “Definitely False” or “Not enough information”) Why?
The 5-10 top findings from your study should be listed here. Write your findings so that if someone reads only these bullets they can leave feeling they got useful information and the study was worthwhile. Examples might be "Most participants used the Search field to find the form, and searched for the term 'veteran health'" or "Most participants struggled with the secondary caregiver section on the form".
Finding one
Finding two
Finding three
Finding four
Finding five
Finding six
Finding seven
For each finding, list details with supporting quotes and images when possible. Please add relevant keywords/labels to your findings selected from the research repository label list. Adding keywords/labels to your findings will help others find research relevant to their work. Learn how to add labels in Platform documentation.
To add images: ![text](link - add image to github folder and link here with .png)
Finding 1
Labels: label 1, label 2
List all labels that apply to this finding from the research repository label list.
Brief description
Supporting data: Quote here
Supporting data: Quote here
Finding 2
Labels: label 1, label 2
List all labels that apply to this finding from the research repository label list.
Brief description
Supporting data: Quote here
Supporting data: Quote here
Finding 3
Labels: label 1, label 2
List all labels that apply to this finding from the research repository label list.
Brief description
Supporting data: Quote here
Supporting data: Quote here
Any additional insights that aren't "key findings." These can be powerful comments from users that don’t represent a pattern in this study, but may be part of one outside this study.
Put together initial recommendations here based on your findings along with supporting evidence. Review with your team, then edit as needed.
- Recommendation 1
- Supporting evidence
- Recommendation 2
- Supporting evidence
Next steps here. Include owners if appropriate.
If there are demographics that were not included in this study or you discovered that more research should be done, make note of that here.
[Research plan](link here)
[Conversation guide](link here)
[Interview transcripts](link here)
e.g. mural boards, etc.
Link to prototypes or pages that were tested
e.g. user flows, personas, etc.
Include any secondary research you may have.
E.g. web analytics, ForeSee data, SME interviews, competitive analysis, or other relevant research studies.
Complete the demographic info below using information from the Perigean recruitment survey. For those items where you didn't have participants, please mark with "0". You can use "unknown" if you aren't sure if your participants had a characteristic. See an example
Recruitment criteria
If you had specific criteria that you recruited for, use this space to explain what those were along with other information you feel would be important to understanding your participants.
We talked to x participants.
Audience segment:
- Veterans: x
- Caregivers: x
- Family members of a Veteran: x
- Male: x
- Female: x
- Transgender: x
- Nonbinary, gender fluid, gender queer, Two-Spirit (Indigenous only), or another gender beyond man or woman: x
- Gay, lesbian, or bisexual: x
Devices used during study:
- Desktop: x
- Tablet: x
- Smart phone: x
- Assistive Technology: x
- 25-34: x
- 35-44: x
- 45-54: x
- 55-64: x
- 65+: x
- Unknown: x
- High school degree or equivalent: x
- Some college (no degree): x
- Associate's degree, trade certificate or vocational training: x
- Bachelor's degree: x
- Master's degree: x
- Doctorate degree: x
- Unknown: x
Geographic location:
- Urban: x
- Rural: x
- Unknown: x
- White: x
- Black: x
- Hispanic: x
- Biracial: x
- Asian: x
- Native: x
Disability and Assistive Technology (AT):
- Cognitive: x
- AT beginner: x
- AT advanced user: x
- Desktop screen reader: x
- Mobile screen reader: x
- Magnification/Zoom: x
- Speech Input Technology like Siri/Dragon Naturally Speaking: x
- Hearing aids: x
- Sighted keyboard: x
- Captions: x
Complete the VA recruitment checker for marginalized Veteran groups
This research does not include the perspectives of the following marginalized Veteran groups: List all groups in red from the spreadsheet
- Group 1
- Group 2
- Group 3
[insert screenshot of completed recruitment checker] ![VA-recruitment-checker](link - add image to github folder and link here with .png)