Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation
TLDR; The authors test variations of the attention mechanism on Neural Machine Translation (NMT) tasks. The authors propose both "global" (attenting over all source words) and "local" (attending over a subset of source words) models. They evaluate their approach on WMT'14 and WMT'15 English <-> German translation and achieve state-of-the-art results.
- Softmax input is "attentional hidden state" which is computed as
W dot(c_t, h_t)
is the attention vector for the source sentence. Howc_t
is calculated is depends on the attention approach. - Global attention score types
score(h_t, h_s)
:- dot:
dot(h_t, h_s)
- general:
h_t^T * W * h_s
- concat
v_t * tanh(W_a * dot(h_t, h_s)
- dot:
- Local attention idea: Decoder computes aligned position
and attends over source hidden state in[p_t - D, p_t + D]
is a hyperparameter. - Training details
- 50k vocab
- 4 layers, 1000-dimensional embeddings, LSTM cell, unidirectional encoder, gradient norm clipping at 5; SGD with decay schedule; dropout 0.2.
- UNK replacement (gives +1.9 BLEU)
- For global attention, dot scores (the simplest choice) seems to peform best.