The following commands are available via package or cli tool:
GET /v1.1/jobs/{id} No description available. api.getJobV1_1(id)
GET /v1.1/users/{username}/concurrency No description available. api.getUserConcurrency(username)
GET /v1.1/users/{username}/organization No description available. api.listUserOrganization(username)
GET /v1.1/{username}/available_tunnels No description available. api.listAvailableTunnels(username)
GET /v1.1/{username}/builds No description available. api.listBuilds(username, { ...options })
GET /v1.1/{username}/jobs No description available. api.listJobs(username, { ...options })
GET /v1/dashboard_messages/{username} No description available. api.getDashboardMessageForUser(username)
GET /v1/info/platforms/{platform} returns a list of supported platforms in the Sauce cloud api.listPlatforms(platform)
GET /v1/info/status No description available. api.getStatus()
DELETE /v1/manual complete manual task api.deleteManualJob(ids)
POST /v1/manual Creates a manual job api.createManualJob(capabilities)
GET /v1/manual/options/ returns a list of supported platforms in the Sauce cloud api.listManualPlatforms()
GET /v1/manual/{taskId} get manual task api.getManualJob(taskId)
POST /v1/manual/{taskId}/screenshot Take screenshot in manual session api.createManualJobScreenshot(taskId)
GET /v1/me No description available. api.getCurrentUser()
DELETE /v1/tasks complete manual task api.deleteManualJobLegacy(ids)
POST /v1/tasks Creates a manual job api.createManualJobLegacy(capabilities)
GET /v1/users/{username} No description available. api.getUser(username)
GET /v1/users/{username}/subaccounts No description available. api.getSubaccounts(username)
GET /v1/users/{username}/activity No description available. api.getUserActivity(username)
GET /v1/users/{username}/monthly-minutes No description available. api.getUserMinutes(username)
GET /v1/users_activity No description available. api.getUsersActivity()
GET /v1/users_last_job No description available. api.usersLastJob()
GET /v1/whoami No description available. api.getCurrentUserFull()
GET /v1/{username}/all_tunnels No description available. api.listAllTunnels(username)
GET /v1/{username}/builds/{id}/failed-jobs No description available. api.listBuildFailedJobs(username, id)
GET /v1/builds/{id}/jobs No description available. api.listBuildJobs(id, { ...options })
GET /v1/{username}/jobs/{id} No description available. api.getJob(username, id)
PUT /v1/{username}/jobs/{id} No description available. api.updateJob(username, id, body)
PUT /v1/{username}/jobs/{id}/stop No description available. api.stopJob(username, id)
GET /v1/{username}/tunnels No description available. api.listTunnels(username, { ...options })
DELETE /v1/{username}/tunnels/{id} No description available. api.deleteTunnel(username, id)
GET /v1/{username}/tunnels/{id} No description available. api.getTunnel(username, id)
GET /v1/jobs/{id}/{assetName} No description available. api.downloadJobAsset(id, assetName, { ...options })
POST /storage/upload Returns new application id after the upload. api.uploadApp({ ...options })
PUT /v1/appium/session/{sessionId}/skiptest Report the result of a test as skipped. api.markTestAsSkippedDeprecated(sessionId)
PUT /v1/appium/session/{sessionId}/test Report the result of a test. api.updateTestDeprecated(sessionId, { ...options })
PUT /v1/appium/suites/{batchId} Updates the properties of a suite. api.updateSuiteDeprecated(suiteId, { ...options })
GET /v1/appium/suites/{batchId}/deviceIds Returns the IDs of the devices which you had selected for the specified suite. api.readDeviceIdsDeprecated(suiteId)
POST /v1/appium/suites/{batchId}/reports/start Start a new suite execution including its test executions. api.startSuiteDeprecated(suiteId, { ...options })
PUT /v1/appium/suites/{batchId}/reports/{batchReportId}/finish Marks all test executions contained in the specified suite execution as finished. api.finishSuiteDeprecated(suiteId, batchReportId)
PUT /v1/appium/suites/{batchId}/reports/{batchReportId}/results/{testReportId}/finish Sets the status of the specific test execution and marks it as finished. api.finishTestReportDeprecated(suiteId, suiteReportId, testReportId, { ...options })
PUT /v1/appium/suites/{batchId}/reports/{batchReportId}/results/{testReportId}/skip Mark test execution as skipped api.skipTestReportDeprecated(suiteId, suiteReportId, testReportId)
GET /v1/devices Returns a list containing all devices, including those not currently available for testing api.getDescriptorsDeprecated()
GET /v1/devices/all Returns a list containing all devices, including those not currently unavailable for testing. This endpoint requires API Key authentication and will also return your private devices. api.getDescriptorsApiDeprecated()
GET /v1/devices/all/available Returns a list containing the IDs of all devices currently available for testing. This endpoint requires API Key authentication and will also return your private devices. api.getAvailableDescriptorIdsApiDeprecated()
GET /v1/devices/available Returns a list containing the IDs of all devices currently available for testing api.getAvailableDescriptorIdsDeprecated()
GET /v1/devices/reports The session history reports provide information about user sessions. This includes device usage and test reports. By default reports of the last 30 days will be retrieved - limited to a maximum of 50 reports. If the authenticated user is the owner of the account, session reports of the entire team will be retrieved. Team members can only retrieve their own session history. This endpoint requires Password authentication. api.getSessionReports({ ...options })
GET /v1/devices/{deviceDescriptorId} Returns information for a particular device. This endpoint requires API Key authentication. api.getDescriptorDeprecated(deviceId)
GET /v1/devices/{deviceDescriptorId}/status Returns a list containing device status infos for all device instances with the specified device ID on all pools. This endpoint requires API Key authentication and will also return your private devices. api.getDeviceStatusInfosDeprecated(deviceId)
PUT /v2/appium/session/{sessionId}/skiptest Report the result of a test as skipped. api.markTestAsSkipped(sessionId)
PUT /v2/appium/session/{sessionId}/test Report the result of a test. api.updateTest(sessionId, { ...options })
PUT /v2/appium/suites/{batchId} Updates the properties of a suite. api.updateSuite(suiteId, { ...options })
GET /v2/appium/suites/{batchId}/deviceIds Returns the IDs of the devices which you had selected for the specified suite. api.readDeviceIds(suiteId)
POST /v2/appium/suites/{batchId}/reports/start Start a new suite execution including its test executions. api.startSuite(suiteId, { ...options })
PUT /v2/appium/suites/{batchId}/reports/{batchReportId}/finish Marks all test executions contained in the specified suite execution as finished. api.finishSuite(suiteId, batchReportId)
PUT /v2/appium/suites/{batchId}/reports/{batchReportId}/results/{testReportId}/finish Sets the status of the specific test execution and marks it as finished. api.finishTestReport(suiteId, suiteReportId, testReportId, { ...options })
PUT /v2/appium/suites/{batchId}/reports/{batchReportId}/results/{testReportId}/skip Mark test execution as skipped api.skipTestReport(suiteId, suiteReportId, testReportId)
GET /v2/batchReports/{batchReportId} Returns the test report of a suite api.readBatchReport({ ...options })
GET /v2/batchReports/{batchReportId}/xml Returns the test report of a suite as XML api.junitStyleXmlReport({ ...options })
GET /v2/devices Returns a list per data center containing all devices, including private devices and those not currently available for testing. This endpoint requires API Key authentication. api.getDescriptors()
GET /v2/devices/available Returns a list per data center containing the IDs of all devices currently available for testing, including private devices. This endpoint requires API Key authentication. api.getAvailableDescriptorIds()
GET /v2/devices/{deviceDescriptorId} Returns information for a particular device per data center. This endpoint requires API Key authentication. api.getDescriptor(deviceId)
GET /v2/logs/{testReportId}/appium Returns Appium log for the specified test report api.readAppiumLog(testReportId)
GET /v2/logs/{testReportId}/device Returns device log for the specified test report api.readDeviceLog(testReportId)
GET /v2/logs/{testReportId}/vitals Returns device vitals of a test session after completion api.readVitalsLog(testReportId)
GET /v2/logs/{testReportId}/xcuitest Returns XCUITest log for the specified test report api.readXcuiTestLog(testReportId)
GET /v2/reports/{testReportId} Returns test report and artifacts for a test session after completion api.readReport(testReportId)
GET /v2/screenshots/{testReportId}/{screenshotId}.png Returns a PNG screenshot from a test api.getScreenshot(testReportId, screenshotId)
GET /v2/video/{videoId}.mp4 Returns screen recording of a test session after completion api.getScreenRecording(videoId, { ...options })
GET /metrics/ Provides a list of paginated raw performance metrics for the logged user api.getPerformanceMetrics({ ...options })
GET /metrics/{job_id}/ Provides performance metrics and job basic data for a given job_id api.getPerformanceMetricsByJobId(job_id, { ...options })
GET /metrics/{job_id}/assert/ Provides information if there is an outlier for the given job_id and metric api.assertPerformance(job_id, metric_names, order_index)
GET /metrics/{job_id}/baseline/ Provides baseline based on metrics history, where the reference point is a given job_id api.getBaseline(job_id, metric_names, order_index, { ...options })
GET /metrics/{job_id}/baseline/reset/ Returns true if a baseline was resetted for a give job_id api.hasBaselineReset(job_id)
POST /metrics/{job_id}/baseline/reset/ Sets a reset point market at job_id, previous jobs will not be taken into account in calculating baseline api.acknowledgeBaseline(job_id)
GET /metrics/{job_id}/discarded/ Provides lists outliers marked as discarded api.getDiscardedOutliers(job_id, order_index)
POST /metrics/{job_id}/discarded/ Marks outlier for a given {job_id} as not relevant/flaky api.discardOutliers(job_id, order_index)
GET /metrics/{job_id}/history/ Provides a list of raw performance metrics up to point where the reference is a given job_id and order_index api.getBaselineHistory(job_id, order_index, { ...options })
GET /metrics/{job_id}/regimes/ Provides regimes per metric calculated for a set of jobs, where the reference point is a given job_id api.getRegimes(job_id, metric_names, order_index, { ...options })
POST /metrics/{job_id}/regimes/acknowledge/ Acknowledge regime. Confirm values in new regime are acceptable. api.acknowledgeRegime(job_id, order_index)
GET /metrics/swagger/ Provides json documentation for the performance API api.getApiDefinition()