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How the Makefile Works

This document attempts to explain how the project's build-system works, as well as general concepts in Makefile. It was created with the intention to help newcomers to C/C++ and Make understand how everything in the project is done, so that they can even dive in and make changes of their own if necessary. The format of the document orders items from top to bottom in general order of appearance throughout the actual project Makefile.


Macro Definitions

At the top of the Makefile, macros are defined to be used within the ensuing targets. Macros provide two valuable uses throughout the file: defined values (read variables) that can be used repeatedly throughout the program, and functions that can be called to manipulate certain inputs. The macros in this file are arranged in the following groups, in the following order: custom functions, globals, and platform-specifics.

Custom Functions

There are two custom functions defined for the Makefile, rwildcard and platformpth, and appear in the file as follows:

rwildcard = $(wildcard $1$2) $(foreach d,$(wildcard $1*),$(call rwildcard,$d/,$2))
platformpth = $(subst /,$(PATHSEP),$1)

Simply put, rwildcard takes a glob pattern and recursively searches through the project files and subdirectories, for matching files by pattern. platformpth takes a UNIX-style path and formats it for the current platform (e.g. platformpth(/bin/app) results in \bin\app on Windows).

Global Macros

The "global" macros are platform-agnostic values that are mostly used for defining compiler-related variables as below:

buildDir := bin
objDir := obj
srcDir := src
executable := app
libDir = lib/$(platform)
target = $(buildDir)/$(platform)/$(executable)
sources := $(call rwildcard,$(srcDir)/,*.cpp)
objects := $(patsubst src/%, $(objDir)/%, $(patsubst %.cpp, %.o, $(sources)))
depends := $(patsubst %.o, %.d, $(objects))
compileFlags := -std=c++17 -I include
linkFlags = -L $(libDir) -l raylib
    macroDefines := -D $(MACRO_DEFS)

In this snippet there are two different assignment operators used, := meaning "instant, static assign", and = meaning lazy assign, where the macro will only be assigned on use (this is useful when it relies on another macro that may not yet be defined). The operator ?= is also used in cases where assignment is contingent on the variable being previously undefined. Finally, the += operator is used to append content to a previously defined macro. At the very end, it checks to see if any macros were defined in the Makefile declaration and adds them to our compilation steps (apparently thischeck is missing in upstream).

Platform-Specific Macros

The final grouping of macros in the Makefile relate to those that differ on a per-platform basis. The structure uses nested if-statements to first determine whether the current platform is Windows or not to assign macros. If it is not Windows, it then checks whether the current platform is Linux or macOS and assigns macros accordingly.

# Check for Windows
ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT)
	# Set Windows macros
	platform := windows
	CXX ?= clang++
	linkFlags += -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition -pthread -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -lwinmm -mwindows -static -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++
	libGenDir := src
	THEN := &&
	MKDIR := -mkdir -p
	RM := -del /q
	COPY = -robocopy "$(call platformpth,$1)" "$(call platformpth,$2)" $3
	# Check for MacOS/Linux
	UNAMEOS := $(shell uname)
	ifeq ($(UNAMEOS), Linux)
		# Set Linux macros
		platform := linux
		CXX ?= clang++
		linkFlags += -l GL -l m -l pthread -l dl -l rt -l X11
	ifeq ($(UNAMEOS), Darwin)
		# Set macOS macros
		platform := mac
		CXX ?= clang++
		linkFlags += -framework CoreVideo -framework IOKit -framework Cocoa -framework GLUT -framework OpenGL
		libGenDir := src

	# Set UNIX macros
	THEN := ;
	MKDIR := mkdir -p
	RM := rm -rf
	COPY = cp $1$(PATHSEP)$3 $2

The macros defined above primarily contain platform-specific syntax for common functionality, as well as variables used during the compilation processes on each platform. For example, the COPY macro contains a functioning file copy command for each platform so that targets can easily specify a single command (COPY) that works on both UNIX and Windows systems. Another example of content pertains to the linkFlags macro, in which each platform must specify a series of libraries to link during compilation.


This section describes most of the Makefile's functionality by explaning of the function of the top level targets, setup and all, intending to provide a wholistic understanding of the Makefile's processes from top to bottom.


The .PHONY target is a special target in the world of Makefile, and is specifically used to note which targets "exist" and which are "phony". A target should theoretically refer to (in dev terms) an actual file or directory requirement of the project's build system (e.g. a static library file to link to the app), and so Make does some useful work in the background to work out whether changes have been made to certain files, running targets of only files that have had their dependencies changed since last run. In a more realistic sense, Make also recognises that not all targets will refer to real world files, and can be exluded from this "run only if new changes" behaviour using the .PHONY target.

.PHONY: all setup submodules build run clean clean-lib

So as you can see above, the first target of the file lists all the other "phony" targets in the file as dependencies.


The first target we get you to call before building the project is setup, which essentially pulls in all raylib and raylib-cpp dependencies, and then formats the project file structure.

As you can see below, the target simply depends on two sub-targets, include and lib:

setup: include lib

However, looking at include, we can see that it depends on submodules, so we'll look at that first.

include: submodules

submodules is a very simple target that will update the git submodules in the project recursively, pulling in the current raylib and raylib-cpp repositories. You can read more about git submodules here.

	git submodule update --init --recursive

Having satisfied submodules and now returning to include, we can being to run its body (as can be seen below).

It begins by creating the /include directory (converting the directory path for Windows if necessary with the custom platformpth function) if it doesn't already exist.

Next, the target proceeds to call another custom function, COPY (a platform agnostic copy command), manually copying raylib.h and raymath.h from raylib's source code, and all files ending with .hpp from raylib-cpp's source code, into the newly created /include directory.

include: submodules
	$(MKDIR) $(call platformpth, ./include)
	$(call COPY,vendor/raylib/src,./include,raylib.h)
 	$(call COPY,vendor/raylib/src,./include,raymath.h)
	$(call COPY,vendor/raylib-cpp/include,./include,*.hpp)

Finally, we move on to lib, which also depends on submodules, however because submodules has already run, it will not run again.

Next, we create the /lib directory (and a subdirectory for your current platform) if it doesn't already exist using the same method as above.

Moving on to the body of the target, we move into raylib's /src directory and immediately run Make on raylib. Once complete, this results in the creation of a static library file named libraylib.a (which will appear in slightly different directories based on the platform you build it in for whatever reason...).

To complete the target, it then copies that library file into the relevant directory for your platform under /lib.

lib: submodules
	cd vendor/raylib/src $(THEN) "$(MAKE)" PLATFORM=PLATFORM_DESKTOP
 	$(MKDIR) $(call platformpth, lib/$(platform))
 	$(call COPY,vendor/raylib/$(libGenDir),lib/$(platform),libraylib.a)

Once all of these targets have been fulfilled, setup ends and your project should now contain a copy of the relevant static library for your platform in /lib, and all the necessary header files under /include.


The target name all is used as a common convention as being the default target in any Makefile, and what makes it default is that it's the first target defined (aside from the the reserved target of .PHONY). In our case we consider the default behaviour of our build system as setting up the libraries and compiling the build. We intend that a single invocation of make runs all the necessary build steps from start to finish in only one word.

The first line of the target simply lists its dependencies in order of execution: in this case is the setup and build step. run and clean targets are deliberately not included, reasons follow in their respective sections.

all: build


The build target is very straightforward, it compiles the application target and contains the instruction of compiling the program into the target file using the defined CXX command on a series of object files and linker flags. However this also contains a number of prerequisites as all object files list in objects must exist and be up to date. With this being the case, the Makefile will run the relevant target for each object file.

build: $(target)

$(target): $(objects)
	$(MKDIR) $(call platformpth, $(@D))
	$(CXX) $(objects) -o $(target) $(linkFlags)

As such, the target $(objDir)/%.o is responsible for ensuring the creation and update of object files (.o files). The target will create all necessary subdirectory structures needed for the files, and then compile each .cpp file in the source directory into an object file using a number of rather terse, automatic variables that you can read up on here. Finally, it includes any custom macros that we defined for each of these files.

$(objDir)/%.o: $(srcDir)/%.cpp Makefile
	$(MKDIR) $(call platformpth, $(@D))
	$(CXX) -MMD -MP -c $(compileFlags) $< -o $@ $(macroDefines)

That all being said, there are still two dependancies for the target, the .cpp files, and the Makefile itself. One might wonder why either of these need to be dependencies, given that without them, there would be nothing to compile and no instructions with which to compile it, however there is definitely some intention behind this. Firstly, the aforementioned automatic variables of $< and $@ require a list of dependencies to iterate through, and secondly, we want to make sure everything is up-to-date. For instance, changing a .cpp file should trigger this step to run again for that file, or changing the Makefile should warrant a full recompilation.

This is where things get a little hairy. There is a common scenario where one might change a .cpp or .h file that is included by another, and as such the changed file will recompile, but none that depend on it. So how can we track this dependency? The answer is by cheating, using the power of the C/C++ compiler. The flags -MMD and -MP in the compile command tell the compiler to automatically generate a list of file dependency targets for each file as it goes. These files are then output to the /bin/ directory alongside their matching .o files for later reference, containing automatically generated Makefile targets.

One might ask how these are then read back in and used, well that is done with another piece of Makefile magic: the include command, which when added to a Makefile, will import the content of any specified file to its body. The below command is entirely responsible for doing this, and the output of the operation is ignored by prefacing it with a dash.

-include $(depends)

Now, finally returning from two levels of indirection in targets, the program can come back to the application target and link the newly generated and updated object files into the program, alongside any raylib and binding components.

$(target): $(objects)
	$(MKDIR) $(call platformpth, $(@D))
	$(CXX) $(objects) -o $(target) $(linkFlags)


The run target will simply attempt to run the program from the command line with any supplied arguments. This is not part of default target because we do not want to run the app during standard build procedure. Instead, we want the compiled program to run on demand.

	$(target) $(ARGS)


The clean target will be run (for the appropriate platform path and command), by deleting the /bin/ and /obj/ directory, including object files, dependency files and the application itself. This prepares the build system for a fresh compilation. TO avoid recompiling in every program execution, this target is not included in all.

	$(RM) $(call platformpth, $(buildDir)/*)
	$(RM) $(call platformpth, $(objDir)/*)


If, for whatever reason, one would like to recompile raylib from scratch, the target clean-lib is provided. This will clean up /lib/ and /include/ as well as any build artifacts from raylib itself. For the latter, we utilize raylib's Makefile for cleaning.

	$(RM) $(call platformpth, $(libDir)/*)
	$(RM) $(call platformpth, include/*)
	cd vendor/raylib-cpp/vendor/raylib/src $(THEN) "$(MAKE)" clean