Different from other files of this repo, this ROS package needs to be installed in the onboarded computer of the Boston Dynamics Spot robots.
Ubuntu 20.04 & ROS Noetic
Azure Spatial Anchors (for co-localization): Tutorial
Azure Spatial Anchors Linux SDK (for spot): Github Repo. This one has a ton of information in the wiki.
You have to sign up here: Microsoft Forms to get access to the sdk binaries. That might take 1-2 days.
First need to complie this ROS package,
cd ROS_ws
For every opened terminal, cd
into this ROS_ws
source devel/setup.bash
Fill in the login information of Spot robot in the launch file and the driver-only launch file. Replace YOUR_SPOT_USERNAME
with your login information.
Fill in the login information of Microsoft Azure in the Spatial Anchor launch file. Replace YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID
with your login information.
To run this driver,
roslaunch unity_robotics_demo robo_demo.launch
To ensure the safety, open another terminal and source
the package. Once the robot is under unsafety situation, run
rosservice call /spot/estop/gentle
Once the robot recognizes the spatial anchor created by Hololens, there will be a transformation matrix of the anchor printed in the terminal.
The robot might need to walk around to find the created anchor.