➜ web5 -h
Usage: web5 <command>
Web5 - A decentralized web platform that puts you in control of your data and identity.
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
jwt sign <claims> <portable-did>
Sign a JWT.
jwt decode <jwt>
Decode a JWT.
jwt verify <jwt>
Verify a JWT.
did resolve <uri>
Resolve a DID.
did create jwk
Create a did:jwk.
did create web <domain>
Create a did:web.
vc create <credential-subject-id>
Create a VC.
vc sign <vc> <portable-did>
Sign a VC.
vcjwt verify <jwt>
Verify a VC-JWT.
vcjwt decode <jwt>
Decode a VC-JWT.
did create dht
Create did:dht's using the default gateway.
Run "web5 <command> --help" for more information on a command.