Specification Status: Draft
Latest Draft: https://identity.foundation/did-method-enum
Editors: ~ Sam Curren
Participate: ~ GitHub repo ~ File a bug ~ Commit history
There are muliple places in the ecosystem that require expression of which DID methods are supported.
This spec describes a micro data format for the expression of did method support.
Each expression is in the form of a struct/object. Typically, these expressions are represented in a list. See the end for a complete example.
The simplest way is to express the method supported
"method": "web"
If the DID Method defines feature names in their spec, you can specify the method and include a subset of features of the did method that you support.
Each feature is expressed as a string. The meaning of the feature strings is specified in the DID method.
Omitting the features list indicates that you support all features of the method.
"features": ["sovrin", "sovrin:test"]
"method": "key",
"features": ["ed25519-pub", "secp256k1-pub"]
When a method name is insufficient and the DID method does not define features, you may need to specify a prefix which limits the matching DIDs further
"prefix": "did:key:zQ3s"
You can include mutiple prefix entries in the same list for the same DID method.
The following example shows common use of the DID Method Support statements in a list
"did_methods": [
"method": "web"
"prefix": "did:key:zQ3s"
"method": "indy",
"features": ["sovrin", "sovrin:test"]
"method": "key",
"features": ["ed25519-pub", "secp256k1-pub"]