diff --git a/Commands/AddMaterials.cs b/Commands/AddMaterials.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36a6dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commands/AddMaterials.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+using CommunityCommands.Utils;
+using Unity.Entities;
+using VampireCommandFramework;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commands
+ public class AddMaterials
+ {
+ [Command("ct5", description: "Add some materials to a player's inventory to directly builde a level 5 castle.", adminOnly: false)]
+ public static void AddMaterialsCommand(ChatCommandContext ctx, string playerName = "")
+ {
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerName))
+ {
+ playerName = ctx.Event.User.CharacterName.ToString();
+ }
+ var playerEntity = CharacterUtil.GetPlayerEntityByName(playerName);
+ if (playerEntity != Entity.Null)
+ {
+ foreach (var keyValuePair in DatabaseUtils.GetMaterialDictionary)
+ {
+ Helper.AddItemToInventory(playerEntity, keyValuePair.Value.Item1, keyValuePair.Value.Item2);
+ }
+ ctx.Reply($"Materials added to {playerName}'s inventory.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ctx.Reply($"Player '{playerName}' not found.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commands/Blood.cs b/Commands/Blood.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c0486e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commands/Blood.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+using ProjectM;
+using Unity.Entities;
+using UnityEngine;
+using VampireCommandFramework;
+using CommunityCommands.Utils;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commands;
+internal static class Blood
+ [Command("bloodpotion", "bp", description: "Creates a Potion with specified Blood Type, Quality and Value",
+ adminOnly: false)]
+ public static void GiveBloodPotionCommand(ChatCommandContext ctx, string bloodName = "Frailed",
+ float quality = 100f)
+ {
+ quality = Mathf.Clamp(quality, 0, 100);
+ var em = Helper.Server.EntityManager;
+ Entity entity =
+ Helper.AddItemToInventory(ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity, BloodUtils.GetBloodPotionRecipe(), 1);
+ var blood = new StoredBlood()
+ {
+ BloodQuality = quality,
+ BloodType = BloodUtils.GetBloodPrefabGuid(bloodName)
+ };
+ em.SetComponentData(entity, blood);
+ ctx.Reply(
+ $"Got Blood Potion Type {BloodUtils.GetBloodName(bloodName)} with {(int)quality}% quality");
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commands/BloodCommands.cs b/Commands/BloodCommands.cs
index a92b849..5d8dc9d 100644
--- a/Commands/BloodCommands.cs
+++ b/Commands/BloodCommands.cs
@@ -21,10 +21,11 @@ public enum BloodType
[Command("bloodpotion", "bp", description: "Creates a Potion with specified Blood Type, Quality and Value", adminOnly: true)]
public static void GiveBloodPotionCommand(ChatCommandContext ctx, BloodType type = BloodType.Frailed, float quality = 100f)
+ var bloodPotionRecipeId = 1223264867;
quality = Mathf.Clamp(quality, 0, 100);
var em = Helper.Server.EntityManager;
- Entity entity = Helper.AddItemToInventory(ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity, new PrefabGUID(828432508), 1);
+ Entity entity = Helper.AddItemToInventory(ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity, new PrefabGUID(bloodPotionRecipeId), 1);
var blood = new StoredBlood()
diff --git a/Commands/ChangeSpeed.cs b/Commands/ChangeSpeed.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c81e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commands/ChangeSpeed.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+using CommunityCommands.Utils;
+using VampireCommandFramework;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commands;
+public class ChangeSpeed
+ [Command("changespeed", "cs", description: "Change the speed of your character.", adminOnly: false)]
+ public static void ChangeSpeedCommand(ChatCommandContext ctx, float speed = 4.4f)
+ {
+ CharacterUtil.ChangeSpeed(ctx, speed);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commands/ClearInventory.cs b/Commands/ClearInventory.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58f981f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commands/ClearInventory.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+using CommunityCommands.Utils;
+using VampireCommandFramework;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commands;
+public class ClearInventory
+ [Command("clearinventory", "ci", description: "Clears your inventory", adminOnly: false)]
+ public static void ClearInventoryCommand(ChatCommandContext ctx)
+ {
+ CharacterUtil.ClearInventory(ctx);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commands/DoorsWindow.cs b/Commands/DoorsWindow.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15d0149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commands/DoorsWindow.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using CommunityCommands.Utils;
+using ProjectM;
+using ProjectM.CastleBuilding;
+using ProjectM.Scripting;
+using Unity.Collections;
+using Unity.Entities;
+using Unity.Transforms;
+using UnityEngine;
+using VampireCommandFramework;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commands
+ public class DoorsWindow
+ {
+ [Command("close-all", "ca", description: "Close all doors.", adminOnly: false)]
+ public static void CloseAll(ChatCommandContext ctx, DoorWindow? target = null) => ChangeDoorWindows(ctx, false, target);
+ [Command("open-all", "oa", description: "Open all doors.", adminOnly: false)]
+ public static void OpenAll(ChatCommandContext ctx, DoorWindow? target = null) => ChangeDoorWindows(ctx, true, target);
+ public enum DoorWindow { Doors, Windows }
+ private static readonly HashSet WINDOW_PREFABS = new HashSet { -1771014048 };
+ private const float MaxCastleDistance = 60f;
+ public struct DoorState
+ {
+ public Entity Entity;
+ public bool OpenState;
+ }
+ public static void ChangeDoorWindows(ChatCommandContext ctx, bool open, DoorWindow? target)
+ {
+ var character = ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity;
+ var castleHearts = Helper.Server.EntityManager.CreateEntityQuery(ComponentType.ReadOnly(), ComponentType.ReadOnly())
+ .ToEntityArray(Allocator.Temp);
+ var gameManager = Helper.Server.GetExistingSystem()?._ServerGameManager;
+ var playerPos = Helper.Server.EntityManager.GetComponentData(character).Position;
+ var closestCastle = Entity.Null;
+ float closest = float.MaxValue;
+ foreach (var castle in castleHearts)
+ {
+ var isPlayerOwned = gameManager.Value.IsAllies(character, castle);
+ if (!isPlayerOwned) continue;
+ var castlePos = Helper.Server.EntityManager.GetComponentData(castle).Position;
+ var distance = Vector3.Distance(castlePos, playerPos);
+ if (distance < closest && distance < MaxCastleDistance)
+ {
+ closest = distance;
+ closestCastle = castle;
+ }
+ }
+ if (closestCastle == Entity.Null)
+ {
+ ctx.Reply("Could not find nearby castle you own");
+ return;
+ }
+ var doors = Helper.Server.EntityManager.CreateEntityQuery(new EntityQueryDesc()
+ {
+ All = new[] { ComponentType.ReadWrite(), ComponentType.ReadOnly(), ComponentType.ReadOnly(), ComponentType.ReadOnly() },
+ Options = EntityQueryOptions.IncludeDisabled
+ }).ToEntityArray(Allocator.Temp);
+ var doorStates = new List();
+ int count = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < doors.Length; i++)
+ {
+ var connection = Helper.Server.EntityManager.GetComponentData(doors[i]);
+ if (connection.CastleHeartEntity._Entity != closestCastle) continue;
+ if (target != null)
+ {
+ var prefab = Helper.Server.EntityManager.GetComponentData(doors[i]);
+ if (target == DoorWindow.Doors && WINDOW_PREFABS.Contains(prefab.GuidHash)) continue;
+ if (target == DoorWindow.Windows && !WINDOW_PREFABS.Contains(prefab.GuidHash)) continue;
+ }
+ var doorState = new DoorState
+ {
+ Entity = doors[i],
+ OpenState = open,
+ };
+ doorStates.Add(doorState);
+ count++;
+ }
+ var doorComponents = Helper.Server.EntityManager.GetComponentDataFromEntity(true);
+ foreach (var doorState in doorStates)
+ {
+ var door = doorComponents[doorState.Entity];
+ door.OpenState = doorState.OpenState;
+ doorComponents[doorState.Entity] = door;
+ }
+ doorStates.Clear();
+ ctx.Reply($"Changed {count} {(target?.ToString() ?? "Windows and Doors")}");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Commands/GetPosition.cs b/Commands/GetPosition.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d16d216
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commands/GetPosition.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+using ProjectM;
+using Unity.Entities;
+using Unity.Mathematics;
+using UnityEngine;
+using VampireCommandFramework;
+using System;
+using Il2CppSystem.Collections.Generic;
+using Unity.Transforms;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commands
+ internal static class GetPosition
+ {
+ [Command("getposition", "gp", description: "Get the current position of the player", adminOnly: false)]
+ public static void GetPositionCommand(ChatCommandContext ctx)
+ {
+ var em = Helper.Server.EntityManager;
+ var playerEntity = ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity;
+ var translation = em.GetComponentData(playerEntity);
+ var currentPosition = translation.Value;
+ ctx.Reply($"Current position: {currentPosition}");
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commands/GiveItem.cs b/Commands/GiveItem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..336bde0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commands/GiveItem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+using CommunityCommands.Commons;
+using CommunityCommands.Utils;
+using VampireCommandFramework;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commands;
+public class GiveItem
+ [Command("give", "g", description: "Give a specific item or set of items to yourself", adminOnly: false)]
+ public static void GiveItemCommand(ChatCommandContext ctx, GiveType type, string name)
+ {
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case GiveType.Item:
+ DatabaseUtils.GiveSingleItem(ctx, name);
+ return;
+ case GiveType.Set:
+ DatabaseUtils.GiveEquipmentSet(ctx, name);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw ctx.Error(
+ "Invalid give type. Please specify either 'item' or 'set'.");
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commands/Horse.cs b/Commands/Horse.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8f2dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commands/Horse.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+using ProjectM;
+using Unity.Entities;
+using Unity.Mathematics;
+using UnityEngine;
+using VampireCommandFramework;
+using System;
+using CommunityCommands.Utils;
+using Il2CppSystem.Collections.Generic;
+using Unity.DebugDisplay;
+using Unity.Transforms;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commands
+ internal static class Horse
+ {
+ [Command("horse", "h", description: "Manage horses (spawn or set max attributes)", adminOnly: false)]
+ public static void HorseCommand(ChatCommandContext ctx, string subCommand, int quantity = 1, float speed = 11f,
+ float acceleration = 7.0f, float rotation = 14.0f)
+ {
+ var em = Helper.Server.EntityManager;
+ var playerEntity = ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity;
+ if (!em.Exists(playerEntity))
+ {
+ ctx.Reply("Player entity not found.");
+ return;
+ }
+ subCommand = subCommand.ToLower();
+ if (subCommand == "spawn")
+ {
+ SpawnHorse(ctx, playerEntity, quantity, speed, acceleration, rotation);
+ }
+ else if (subCommand == "max")
+ {
+ SetMaxAttributes(ctx, playerEntity, speed, acceleration, rotation);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ctx.Reply("Invalid subcommand. Available subcommands: spawn, max.");
+ }
+ }
+ private static void SpawnHorse(ChatCommandContext ctx, Entity playerEntity, int quantity, float speed,
+ float acceleration, float rotation)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ var em = Helper.Server.EntityManager;
+ var playerPosition = em.GetComponentData(playerEntity).Value;
+ for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
+ {
+ HorseUtil.SpawnHorse(1, playerPosition);
+ }
+ ctx.Reply($"Spawned {quantity} horse(s) next to the player.");
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ throw ctx.Error($"An error occurred: {e.Message}");
+ }
+ }
+ private static void SetMaxAttributes(ChatCommandContext ctx, Entity playerEntity, float speed,
+ float acceleration, float rotation)
+ {
+ var closestHorse = HorseUtil.GetClosetHorse(playerEntity);
+ if (closestHorse != null)
+ {
+ HorseUtil.ModifyHorseAttributes(ctx, closestHorse.Value, speed, acceleration, rotation);
+ ctx.Reply(
+ $"Changed attributes for the closest horse: Speed: {speed}, Acceleration: {acceleration}, Rotation: {rotation}");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ctx.Reply("No horse found nearby.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commands/Jewels.cs b/Commands/Jewels.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d734194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commands/Jewels.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+using CommunityCommands.Commons;
+using CommunityCommands.Utils;
+using VampireCommandFramework;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commands
+ public class Jewels
+ {
+ [Command("jewel", "jw", description: "Add a jewel in your inventory.", adminOnly: false)]
+ public static void FindJewelPrefabCommand(ChatCommandContext ctx, GiveType type, string name,
+ string jewelTier = "t02")
+ {
+ if (type == GiveType.Item)
+ {
+ DatabaseUtils.GiveSingleJewel(ctx, name, jewelTier);
+ }
+ else if (type == GiveType.Set)
+ {
+ DatabaseUtils.GiveJewelSet(ctx, name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ctx.Reply($"No jewel or jewel set matching the name '{name}' and tier '{jewelTier}' was found.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commands/ModifyVBloodCharacteristics.cs b/Commands/ModifyVBloodCharacteristics.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4eb4df8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commands/ModifyVBloodCharacteristics.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+using System.IO;
+using CommunityCommands.Utils;
+using ProjectM;
+using Unity.Entities;
+using Unity.Mathematics;
+using Unity.Transforms;
+using UnityEngine;
+using VampireCommandFramework;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commands
+ internal static class ModifyVBloodCharacteristics
+ {
+ [Command("modifyvblood", "mvb", description: "Modify the characteristics of the nearest VBlood.", adminOnly: false)]
+ public static void ModifyVBloodCommand(ChatCommandContext ctx, int level)
+ {
+ var entityManager = Helper.Server.EntityManager;
+ var playerEntity = ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity;
+ // Get the closest VBlood entity with the specified PrefabGUID
+ var closestVBlood = VBloodUtils.GetClosestVBlood(playerEntity);
+ if (closestVBlood != null)
+ {
+ // Modify the UnitLevel component of the closest VBlood entity
+ var unitLevel = entityManager.GetComponentData(closestVBlood.Value);
+ unitLevel.Level = level;
+ entityManager.SetComponentData(closestVBlood.Value, unitLevel);
+ var unitStats = entityManager.GetComponentData(closestVBlood.Value);
+ unitStats.PhysicalPower.Value = 150;
+ ctx.Reply($"Modified the characteristics of the nearest VBlood to level: {level}");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ctx.Reply("No VBlood found nearby.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Commands/RestoreSkillsAndHealt.cs b/Commands/RestoreSkillsAndHealt.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f45f6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commands/RestoreSkillsAndHealt.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+using CommunityCommands.Utils;
+using VampireCommandFramework;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commands;
+public class RestoreSkillsAndHealt
+ [Command("reset", "rs", description: "Restore healt ( 100% ) and reset skills cooldown.", adminOnly: false)]
+ public static void RestoreSkillsAndHealtCommand(ChatCommandContext ctx)
+ {
+ CharacterUtil.RecoverHealt(ctx);
+ CharacterUtil.ResetSkillsCooldown(ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity);
+ ctx.Reply("Health and skills cooldown restored.");
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commands/SpawnBoss.cs b/Commands/SpawnBoss.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86f43ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commands/SpawnBoss.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+using ProjectM;
+using Unity.Entities;
+using VampireCommandFramework;
+using System;
+using CommunityCommands.Commons;
+using Unity.Mathematics;
+using Unity.Transforms;
+using CommunityCommands.Utils;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commands
+ internal static class SpawnBoss
+ {
+ [Command("spawn", "s", description: "Spawn a vblood or npc next to the player", adminOnly: false)]
+ public static void SpawnBossCommand(ChatCommandContext ctx, SpawnType type, string vBloodName = "wolf", int quantity = 1)
+ {
+ if (type == SpawnType.All)
+ {
+ VBloodUtils.SpawnAllBoss(ctx, ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity, quantity);
+ }
+ else if (type == SpawnType.Vblood)
+ {
+ VBloodUtils.SpawnSingleBoss(ctx, ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity, vBloodName, quantity);
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commands/Teleport.cs b/Commands/Teleport.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2f34fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commands/Teleport.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+using Unity.Mathematics;
+using VampireCommandFramework;
+using CommunityCommands.Utils;
+using System;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commands
+ internal static class Teleport
+ {
+ [Command("teleport", "tp", description: "Teleport to a specific boss", adminOnly: false)]
+ public static void TeleportToTarget(ChatCommandContext ctx, string targetName)
+ {
+ float3 targetPosition;
+ try
+ {
+ targetPosition = DatabaseUtils.GetBossPosition(targetName);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ throw ctx.Error($"Error: {e.Message}");
+ }
+ if (targetPosition.Equals(float3.zero))
+ {
+ ctx.Reply($"{DatabaseUtils.GetBossPositionText(targetName)}");
+ return;
+ }
+ CharacterUtil.TeleportToPos(ctx, targetName, targetPosition);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commands/UnlockAllAbilities.cs b/Commands/UnlockAllAbilities.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c112006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commands/UnlockAllAbilities.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+using CommunityCommands.Utils;
+using VampireCommandFramework;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commands;
+public class UnlockAllAbilities
+ [Command("unlockallabilities", "uaa", description: "Unlock all abilities for the player.", adminOnly: false)]
+ public static void UnlockAllAbilitiesCommand(ChatCommandContext ctx)
+ {
+ CharacterUtil.UnlockAllAbilities(ctx);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commands/UnlockAllResearch.cs b/Commands/UnlockAllResearch.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1d42e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commands/UnlockAllResearch.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+using CommunityCommands.Utils;
+using VampireCommandFramework;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commands;
+public class UnlockAllResearch
+ [Command("unlockallresearch", "uar", description: "Unlock all research for the player.", adminOnly: false)]
+ public static void UnlockAllResearchCommand(ChatCommandContext ctx)
+ {
+ CharacterUtil.UnlockAllResearch(ctx);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commons/Blood.cs b/Commons/Blood.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a34f943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commons/Blood.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+using ProjectM;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commons;
+public class Blood
+ public string name { get; set; }
+ public PrefabGUID prefab { get; set; }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commons/Database.cs b/Commons/Database.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5936245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commons/Database.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,854 @@
+using ProjectM;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using Unity.Mathematics;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commons
+ public class Database
+ {
+ public static List BloodTypes { get; } = new List
+ {
+ new Blood { name = "Frailed", prefab = new PrefabGUID(-899826404) },
+ new Blood { name = "Creature", prefab = new PrefabGUID(-77658840) },
+ new Blood { name = "Warrior", prefab = new PrefabGUID(-1094467405) },
+ new Blood { name = "Rogue", prefab = new PrefabGUID(793735874) },
+ new Blood { name = "Brute", prefab = new PrefabGUID(581377887) },
+ new Blood { name = "Scholar", prefab = new PrefabGUID(-586506765) },
+ new Blood { name = "Mutant", prefab = new PrefabGUID(-2017994753) },
+ new Blood { name = "Worker", prefab = new PrefabGUID(-540707191) }
+ };
+ public static Dictionary BossDatabase { get; } = new Dictionary()
+ {
+ {
+ "wolf", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Alpha Wolf",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-1905691330),
+ Position = new Position
+ {
+ position = float3.zero,
+ text =
+ "I cannot teleport you to the Alpha Wolf as VBlood moves around Farbane Woods, so you will have to track him yourself."
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "errol", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Errol the Stonebreaker",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-2025101517),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-1554f, 10f, 1478f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "keely", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Keely the Frost Archer",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(1124739990),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-1029f, 0f, -1358f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "rufus", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Rufus the Foreman",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(2122229952),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-1218f, 0f, -1549f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "goreswine", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Goreswine the Ravager",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(577478542),
+ Position = new Position
+ {
+ position = float3.zero,
+ text =
+ "I cannot teleport you to Goreswine the Ravager as VBlood moves from The Desecrated Graveyard to The Infested Graveyard."
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "grayson", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Grayson the Armourer",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(1106149033),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-1692f, 5f, 1400f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "rat", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Putrid Rat",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-2039908510),
+ Position = new Position { position = float3.zero, text = "Summon" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "lidia", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Lidia the Chaos Archer",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(763273073),
+ Position = new Position
+ {
+ position = float3.zero,
+ text =
+ "I'm sorry, but I cannot teleport you to Lidia the Chaos Archer as VBlood moves around Farbane Woods."
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "clive", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Clive the Firestarter",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(1896428751),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-2133f, 5f, -1528f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "bear", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Ferocious Bear",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-1391546313),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-702f, 0f, -1521f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "polora", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Polora the Feywalker",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-484556888),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-2018f, 0f, -1218f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "nicholaus", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Nicholaus the Fallen",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(153390636),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-1357f, 15f, 1332f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "quincey", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Quincey the Bandit King",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-1659822956),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-1392f, 20f, -1211f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "beatrice", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Beatrice the Tailor",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-1942352521),
+ Position = new Position
+ {
+ position = new float3(-1045f, 0f, -880f),
+ text =
+ " Beatrice the Tailor remains within Dawnbreak Village and does not roam beyond its boundaries"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "tristan", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Tristan the Vampire Hunter",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-1449631170),
+ Position = new Position
+ {
+ position = float3.zero,
+ text =
+ "I'm sorry, but I cannot teleport you directly to Tristan the Vampire Hunter. He is known to patrol both Farbane Woods and Dunley Farmlands."
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "kriig", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Kriig the Undead General",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-1365931036),
+ Position = new Position
+ {
+ position = new float3(-1368f, 0f, -1048f),
+ text =
+ " Kriig the Undead General can be found roaming inside The Haunted Iron Mine."
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "christina", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Christina the Sun Priestess",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-99012450),
+ Position = new Position
+ {
+ position = float3.zero,
+ text =
+ "I'm sorry, but I cannot teleport you directly to Christina the Sun Priestess. She is known to roam between Mossick Village and Dawnbreak Village."
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "vincent", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Vincent the Frostbringer",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-29797003),
+ Position = new Position
+ {
+ position = new float3(-1339f, 0f, -824f),
+ text =
+ " Vincent the Frostbringer can often be found patrolling the streets of Dunley Farmlands."
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "bane", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Bane the Shadowblade",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(613251918),
+ Position = new Position
+ {
+ position = float3.zero,
+ text =
+ "I'm sorry, but I cannot teleport you directly to Bane the Shadowblade. This VBlood has a tendency to wander throughout Dunley Farmlands."
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "grethel", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Grethel the Glassblower",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(910988233),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-1727f, 1f, -370f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "leandra", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Leandra the Shadow Priestess",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(939467639),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-1182f, 15f, -376f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "maja", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Maja the Dark Savant",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(1945956671),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-867f, 15f, 510f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "terah", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Terah the Geomancer",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-1065970933),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-1660f, 8f, -543f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "meredith", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Meredith the Bright Archer",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(850622034),
+ Position = new Position
+ {
+ position = new float3(-1395f, 0f, -904f),
+ text =
+ " Meredith the Bright Archer can be found roaming inside The Haunted Iron Mine."
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "jade", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Jade the Vampire Hunter",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-1968372384),
+ Position = new Position
+ {
+ position = float3.zero,
+ text =
+ "I'm sorry, but I cannot teleport you directly to Jade the Vampire Hunter. This VBlood is known to roam around Dunley Farmlands."
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "raziel", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Raziel the Shepherd",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-680831417),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-166f, 5f, -697f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "frostmaw", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Frostmaw the Mountain Terror",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(24378719),
+ Position = new Position
+ {
+ position = float3.zero,
+ text =
+ "I'm afraid I can't teleport you directly to Frostmaw the Mountain Terror. This VBlood creature roams the treacherous terrain of The Hallowed Mountains."
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "octavian", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Octavian the Militia Captain",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(1688478381),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-1215f, 5f, -523f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "domina", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Domina the Blade Dancer",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-1101874342),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-1706f, 0f, -153f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "angram", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Angram the Purifier",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(106480588),
+ Position = new Position
+ {
+ position = new float3(-1707f, 0f, -70f),
+ text =
+ " Angram the Purifier freely roams inside The Pools of Rebirth."
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ziva", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Ziva the Engineer",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(172235178),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-1344f, 9f, 108f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "ungora", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Ungora the Spider Queen",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-548489519),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-1074f, 5f, 52f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "wanderer", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "The Old Wanderer",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(109969450),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-1250f, 0f, -105f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "foulrot", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Foulrot the Soultaker",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-1208888966),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-604f, 0f, -67f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "willfred", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Willfred the Werewolf Chief",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-1007062401),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-1041f, 10f, -254f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "balaton", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "The Duke of Balaton",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-203043163),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-925f, 0f, 246f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "cyril", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Cyril the Cursed Smith",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(326378955),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-753f, 0f, 96f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "magnus", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Sir Magnus the Overseer",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-26105228),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-2326f, 10f, -582f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "mairwyn", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Mairwyn the Elementalist",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-2013903325),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-2007f, 15f, -897f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "baron", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(192051202),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-2208f, -4f, -774f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "morian", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Morian the Stormwing Matriarch",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(685266977),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-2174f, 15f, -911f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "terrorclaw", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Terrorclaw the Ogre",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-1347412392),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-563f, 15f, 1212f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "azariel", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Azariel the Sunbringer",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(114912615),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-2490f, 10f, -710f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "henry", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Henry Blackbrew the Doctor",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(814083983),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-1795f, 18f, 40f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "matka", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Matka the Curse Weaver",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-910296704),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-685f, 0f, 86f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "voltatia", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Voltatia the Power Master",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(2054432370),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-1502f, 20f, 264f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "styx", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Nightmarshal Styx the Sunderer",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(1112948824),
+ Position = new Position
+ {
+ position = float3.zero,
+ text =
+ "I'm sorry, but I cannot teleport you directly to Nightmarshal Styx the Sunderer. This VBlood entity roams within the depths of The Cursed Forest."
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "solarus", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Solarus the Immaculate",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-740796338),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-1980f, 25f, -717f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "behemot", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Gorecrusher the Behemoth",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-1936575244),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(692f, 10f, -87f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "horror", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "The Winged Horror",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(-393555055),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-690f, 20f, -1330f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "adam", new VBlood
+ {
+ DisplayName = "Adam The Firstborn",
+ Prefab = new PrefabGUID(1233988687),
+ Position = new Position { position = new float3(-1854f, 20f, -346f), text = "None" }
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ public static Dictionary> ItemSets { get; } = new Dictionary>()
+ {
+ {
+ "tx", new List-
+ {
+ //Weapons
+ new Item { Name = "ShadowMatter_NecromancyDagger", Prefab = -526440176 },
+ new Item { Name = "ShadowMatter_Longbow", Prefab = 1283345494 },
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "leg", new List
+ {
+ //Weapons
+ new Item { Name = "Legendary_GreatSword", Prefab = -1173681254 },
+ new Item { Name = "Legendary_Mace", Prefab = 1994084762 },
+ new Item { Name = "Legendary_Pistols", Prefab = -944318126 },
+ new Item { Name = "Legendary_Reaper", Prefab = -105026635 },
+ new Item { Name = "Legendary_Slashers", Prefab = 821410795 },
+ new Item { Name = "Legendary_Spear", Prefab = -1931117134 },
+ new Item { Name = "Legendary_Sword", Prefab = 195858450 },
+ new Item { Name = "Legendary_Crossbow", Prefab = 935392085 },
+ new Item { Name = "Legendary_Axes", Prefab = -102830349 },
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "t9", new List
+ {
+ //Weapons
+ new Item { Name = "ShadowMatter_Axes", Prefab = 2100090213 },
+ new Item { Name = "ShadowMatter_Crossbow", Prefab = 1957540013 },
+ new Item { Name = "ShadowMatter_Mace", Prefab = 160471982 },
+ new Item { Name = "ShadowMatter_Reaper", Prefab = -465491217 },
+ new Item { Name = "ShadowMatter_Slashers", Prefab = 506082542 },
+ new Item { Name = "ShadowMatter_Spear", Prefab = 1307774440 },
+ new Item { Name = "ShadowMatter_Sword", Prefab = -1215982687 },
+ new Item { Name = "ShadowMatter_Pistols", Prefab = -1265586439 },
+ new Item { Name = "ShadowMatter_GreatSword", Prefab = 1322254792 },
+ new Item { Name = "ShadowMatter_Longbow", Prefab = 1283345494 },
+ new Item { Name = "ShadowMatter_Necromancy_Dagger", Prefab = -526440176 },
+ //Stuff
+ new Item { Name = "DarkMatter_Boots", Prefab = 1400688919 },
+ new Item { Name = "DarkMatter_Chest", Prefab = 1055898174 },
+ new Item { Name = "DarkMatter_Gloves", Prefab = -204401621 },
+ new Item { Name = "DarkMatter_Leggings", Prefab = 125611165 },
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "t8", new List
+ {
+ //Weapons
+ new Item { Name = "Sanguine_Axes", Prefab = -2044057823 },
+ new Item { Name = "Sanguine_Crossbow", Prefab = 1389040540 },
+ new Item { Name = "Sanguine_Mace", Prefab = -126076280 },
+ new Item { Name = "Sanguine_Reaper", Prefab = -2053917766 },
+ new Item { Name = "Sanguine_Slashers", Prefab = 1322545846 },
+ new Item { Name = "Sanguine_Spear", Prefab = -850142339 },
+ new Item { Name = "Sanguine_Sword", Prefab = -774462329 },
+ new Item { Name = "Sanguine_GreatSword", Prefab = 147836723 },
+ //Stuff
+ new Item { Name = "Bloodmoon_Boots", Prefab = -556769032 },
+ new Item { Name = "Bloodmoon_Chestguard", Prefab = 488592933 },
+ new Item { Name = "Bloodmoon_Leggings", Prefab = 1292986377 },
+ new Item { Name = "Bloodmoon_Gloves", Prefab = 1634690081 },
+ //Jewels
+ new Item { Name = "Amulet_Of_The_Arch-Warlock", Prefab = 1380368392 },
+ new Item { Name = "Amulet_Of_The_Crimson_Commander", Prefab = -104934480 },
+ new Item { Name = "Amulet_Of_The_Unyielding_Charger", Prefab = -1004351840 },
+ new Item { Name = "Amulet_Of_The_Blademaster", Prefab = -296161379 },
+ new Item { Name = "Amulet_Of_The_Master_Spellweaver", Prefab = -1306155896 },
+ new Item { Name = "Amulet_Of_The_Wicked_Prophet", Prefab = -175650376 },
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "t7", new List
+ {
+ //Weapons
+ new Item { Name = "Dark_Silver_Axes", Prefab = -1130238142 },
+ new Item { Name = "Dark_Silver_Crossbow", Prefab = -814739263 },
+ new Item { Name = "Dark_Silver_Mace", Prefab = -184713893 },
+ new Item { Name = "Dark_Silver_Reaper", Prefab = 6711686 },
+ new Item { Name = "Dark_Silver_Slashers", Prefab = 633666898 },
+ new Item { Name = "Dark_Silver_Spear", Prefab = -352704566 },
+ new Item { Name = "Dark_Silver_Sword", Prefab = -1455388114 },
+ new Item { Name = "Dark_Silver_GreatSword", Prefab = 674704033 },
+ //Stuff
+ new Item { Name = "Dawnthorn_Boots", Prefab = 560446510 },
+ new Item { Name = "Dawnthorn_Gloves", Prefab = 2055058719 },
+ new Item { Name = "Dawnthorn_Chestguard", Prefab = -930514044 },
+ new Item { Name = "Dawnthorn_Leggings", Prefab = -1555051415 },
+ //Jewels
+ new Item { Name = "Bloody_Merlot_Amulet", Prefab = 991396285 },
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "t6", new List
+ {
+ //Weapons
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Iron_Axes", Prefab = 198951695 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Iron_Crossbow", Prefab = 1221976097 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Iron_Mace", Prefab = -276593802 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Iron_Reaper", Prefab = 1778128946 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Iron_Slashers", Prefab = 866934844 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Iron_Spear", Prefab = 1065194820 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Iron_Sword", Prefab = -435501075 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_GreatSword", Prefab = 82781195 },
+ //Stuff
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Hollowfang_Boots", Prefab = -674860200 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Hollowfang_Gloves", Prefab = 82446940 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Hollowfang_Leggings", Prefab = -916555565 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Hollowfang_Chestguard", Prefab = 1388572480 },
+ //Jewels
+ new Item { Name = "Pendant_Of_The_Dawnrunner", Prefab = -1046748791 },
+ new Item { Name = "Pendant_Of_The_Duskwatcher", Prefab = 610958202 },
+ new Item { Name = "Pendant_Of_The_knigth", Prefab = -425306671 },
+ new Item { Name = "Pendant_Of_The_Sorcerer", Prefab = 199425997 },
+ new Item { Name = "Pendant_Of_The_Spellweaver", Prefab = 1012837641 },
+ new Item { Name = "Pendant_Of_The_Warlock", Prefab = -651554566 },
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "t5", new List
+ {
+ //Weapons
+ new Item { Name = "Iron_Axes", Prefab = -1579575933 },
+ new Item { Name = "Iron_Crossbow", Prefab = 836066667 },
+ new Item { Name = "Iron_Mace", Prefab = -1714012261 },
+ new Item { Name = "Iron_Reaper", Prefab = -2081286944 },
+ new Item { Name = "Iron_Slashers", Prefab = -314614708 },
+ new Item { Name = "Iron_Spear", Prefab = 1853029976 },
+ new Item { Name = "Iron_Sword", Prefab = -903587404 },
+ new Item { Name = "Iron_GreatSword", Prefab = -768054337 },
+ //Stuff
+ new Item { Name = "Hollowfang_Boots", Prefab = -1837769884 },
+ new Item { Name = "Hollowfang_Gloves", Prefab = -406808302 },
+ new Item { Name = "Hollowfang_Leggings", Prefab = 12127911 },
+ new Item { Name = "Hollowfang_Chestguard", Prefab = -604941435 },
+ //Jewels
+ new Item { Name = "Scourgestone_Pendant", Prefab = -650855520 },
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "t4", new List
+ {
+ //Weapons
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Copper_Axes", Prefab = -491969324 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Copper_Crossbow", Prefab = -1636801169 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Copper_Mace", Prefab = 343324920 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Copper_Slashers", Prefab = -1042299347 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Copper_Spear", Prefab = 790210443 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Copper_Sword", Prefab = -1219959051 },
+ //Stuff
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Nightstalker_Boots", Prefab = -1675225643 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Nightstalker_Gloves", Prefab = -1739590652 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Nightstalker_Leggings", Prefab = -1771720396 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Nightstalker_Chestguard", Prefab = 1721366777 },
+ //Jewels
+ new Item { Name = "Ring_Of_The_Dawnrunner", Prefab = -154264228 },
+ new Item { Name = "Ring_Of_The_Duskwatcher", Prefab = -809059551 },
+ new Item { Name = "Ring_Of_The_Spellweaver", Prefab = -886916793 },
+ new Item { Name = "Ring_Of_The_Warlock", Prefab = 336922685 },
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "t3", new List
+ {
+ //Weapons
+ new Item { Name = "Copper_Axes", Prefab = 518802008 },
+ new Item { Name = "Copper_Crossbow", Prefab = -1277074895 },
+ new Item { Name = "Copper_Mace", Prefab = -331345186 },
+ new Item { Name = "Copper_Spear", Prefab = 1370755976 },
+ new Item { Name = "Copper_Sword", Prefab = -2037272000 },
+ //Stuff
+ new Item { Name = "Nightstalker_Boots", Prefab = -1354920908 },
+ new Item { Name = "Nightstalker_Gloves", Prefab = -1183157751 },
+ new Item { Name = "Nightstalker_Leggings", Prefab = 1925394440 },
+ new Item { Name = "Nightstalker_Chestguard", Prefab = -957963240 },
+ //Jewels
+ new Item { Name = "Gravedigger_Ring", Prefab = -1588051702 },
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ public static Dictionary> JewelDictionary { get; } = new Dictionary>
+ {
+ {
+ "blood", new List
+ {
+ new Jewel { Name = "T01", Tier = "T01", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-113436752) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "T02", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-996555621) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Blood_Fountain", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-1624411159) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Blood_Rage", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(343217159) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Blood_Rite", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-2059886133) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Sanguine_Coil", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(75934448) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Shadowbolt", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(918613164) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Veil_Of_Blood", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-431964258) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "T03", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-41686151) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Blood_Fountain", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-312598876) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Blood_Rage", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-1952560879) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Blood_Rite", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(1881059081) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Sanguine_Coil", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(1785926321) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Shadowbolt", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(738473666) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Veil_Of_Blood", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-1302801575) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "T04", Tier = "T04", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(271061481) }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "chaos", new List
+ {
+ new Jewel { Name = "T01", Tier = "T01", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(2130810069) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "T02", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(1083105737) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Aftershock", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(1035334240) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Chaos_Barrier", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(1112619884) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Chaos_Volley", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(1243967840) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Power_Surge", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(1168555540) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Veil_Of_Chaos", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-2133879652) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Void", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(157004582) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "T03", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-1601295908) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Aftershock", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(685024499) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Chaos_Barrier", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-209873380) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Chaos_Volley", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-1111771702) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Power_Surge", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-1090887222) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Veil_Of_Chaos", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(1613948207) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Void", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-2054797612) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "T04", Tier = "T04", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-1796954295) }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "frost", new List
+ {
+ new Jewel { Name = "T01", Tier = "T01", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(1908312304) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "T02", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(1030854657) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Crystal_Lance", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-390381611) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Frost_Barrier", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(2134082866) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Frost_Bat", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-309124704) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Ice_Block", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(724975767) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Ice_Nova", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-535477182) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Veil_Of_Frost", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-710738056) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "T03", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(223899244) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Crystal_Lance", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(594180030) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Frost_Barrier", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(1381699867) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Frost_Bat", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-1530254765) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Ice_Block", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-889584357) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Ice_Nova", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(1123463900) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Veil_Of_Frost", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-1190496962) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "T04", Tier = "T04", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-147757377) }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "illusion", new List
+ {
+ new Jewel { Name = "T01", Tier = "T01", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(1387124262) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "T02", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(437696083) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Mist_Trance", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(101601247) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Mosquito", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-928330249) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Phantom_Aegis", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(1123282909) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Spectral_Wolf", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(1520619383) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Veil_Of_Illusion", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(606339127) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Wraith_Spear", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(665418354) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "T03", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(1540217782) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Mist_Trance", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-1513121786) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Mosquito", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-826325611) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Phantom_Aegis", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(870884715) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Spectral_Wolf", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(455494178) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Veil_Of_Illusion", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-1206629745) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Wraith_Spear", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(998259069) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "T04", Tier = "T04", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(97169184) }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "storm", new List
+ {
+ new Jewel { Name = "T01", Tier = "T01", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-560146452) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "T02", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(876293388) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Ball_Lightning", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-1703746731) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Cyclone", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(994654794) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Discharge", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-313733383) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Lightning_Wall", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(394140527) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Polarity_Shift", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-944716649) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Veil_Of_Storm", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-1416449755) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "T03", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(189228039) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Ball_Lightning", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(973763812) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Cyclone", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-341717525) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Discharge", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(1533847605) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Lightning_Wall", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-2134499162) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Polarity_Shift", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-844537086) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Veil_Of_Storm", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(182214837) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "T04", Tier = "T04", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(2023809276) }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "unholy", new List
+ {
+ new Jewel { Name = "T01", Tier = "T01", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(803445709) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "T02", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-860388090) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Corpse_Explosion", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(977816262) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Corrupted_Skull", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-1183600395) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Death_Knight", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-173571027) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Soulburn", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(1277476884) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Veil_Of_Bones", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-1347054873) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Ward_Of_The_Damned", Tier = "T02", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-593608743) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "T03", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-647547545) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Corpse_Explosion", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-1123608041) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Corrupted_Skull", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-1508992859) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Death_Knight", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-318118264) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Soulburn", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(282707515) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Veil_Of_Bones", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(-1913987811) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "Ward_Of_The_Damned", Tier = "T03", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(665184248) },
+ new Jewel { Name = "T04", Tier = "T04", PrefabGuid = new PrefabGUID(1412786604) }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ internal static readonly Dictionary MaterialDictionary =
+ new Dictionary()
+ {
+ { "planche", (new PrefabGUID(-1017402979), 400) }, //
+ { "planche-renforcé", (new PrefabGUID(-1397591435), 8) }, //
+ { "brique de pierre", (new PrefabGUID(1788016417), 400) }, //
+ { "pierre", (new PrefabGUID(-1531666018), 240) }, //
+ { "cuir", (new PrefabGUID(-1907572080), 12) }, //
+ { "dark silver ingot", (new PrefabGUID(-762000259), 12) }, //
+ { "lingots de cuivre", (new PrefabGUID(-1237019921), 12) }, //
+ { "verre", (new PrefabGUID(-1233716303), 24) }, //
+ { "power core", (new PrefabGUID(-1190647720), 4) }, //
+ { "radium alloy", (new PrefabGUID(2116142390), 12) }, //
+ { "essence", (new PrefabGUID(862477668), 250) }, //
+ { "grande essence", (new PrefabGUID(271594022), 1) }, //
+ { "essence originel", (new PrefabGUID(1566989408), 2) } //
+ };
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commons/GiveType.cs b/Commons/GiveType.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8bc092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commons/GiveType.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commons;
+public enum GiveType
+ Set,
+ Item
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commons/Item.cs b/Commons/Item.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..141a910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commons/Item.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commons;
+public class Item
+ public string Name { get; set; }
+ public int Prefab { get; set; }
+ public override string ToString()
+ {
+ return $"{{name: \"{Name}\", prefab: {Prefab}}}";
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commons/Jewel.cs b/Commons/Jewel.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a2a4c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commons/Jewel.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+using ProjectM;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commons;
+public class Jewel
+ public string Name { get; set; }
+ public string Tier { get; set; }
+ public PrefabGUID PrefabGuid { get; set; }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commons/Position.cs b/Commons/Position.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce75351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commons/Position.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+using Unity.Mathematics;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commons;
+public class Position
+ public float3 position { get; set; }
+ public string text { get; set; }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commons/SpawnType.cs b/Commons/SpawnType.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42da34f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commons/SpawnType.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commons;
+public enum SpawnType
+ Vblood,
+ All,
+ Npc
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Commons/VBlood.cs b/Commons/VBlood.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dae0a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Commons/VBlood.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+using ProjectM;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commons;
+public class VBlood
+ public string DisplayName { get; set; }
+ public PrefabGUID Prefab { get; set; }
+ public Position Position { get; set; }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CommunityCommands.csproj b/CommunityCommands.csproj
index 7d164c2..75af0d4 100644
--- a/CommunityCommands.csproj
+++ b/CommunityCommands.csproj
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 334be7e..e7654d9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,110 @@
# CommunityCommands for V Rising
-CommunityCommands is a server modification for V Rising that adds chat commands that are compatbible with [VampireCommandFramework](https://github.com/decaprime/VampireCommandFramework). This is a spirtual successor in the line of ChatCommands by Nopey and RPGMods by Kaltharos. This mod is not a direct fork from that line and will not contain the RPG functionalities. It's purpose is to provide a generic collection of commands for a variety of community server needs.
-## Commands
-- `.bloodpotion`
\ No newline at end of file
+CommunityCommands is a server modification for V Rising that adds chat commands compatible with the [VampireCommandFramework](https://github.com/decaprime/VampireCommandFramework). It is designed to provide a generic collection of commands to meet various community server needs. This is a spirtual successor in the line of ChatCommands by Nopey and RPGMods by Kaltharos. This mod is not a direct fork from that line and will not contain the RPG functionalities. It's purpose is to provide a generic collection of commands for a variety of community server needs.
+## Usage
+CommunityCommands introduces the following commands:
+### .ct5
+Add some materials to a player's inventory to directly build a level 5 castle.
+Example usage:
+- `.ct5`
+### .bloodpotion (or .bp)
+Creates a potion with a specified blood type, quality, and value.
+Example usage:
+- `.bloodpotion Warrior 80` *give you a 80% warrior blood merlot potion*
+- `.bp rogue` *give you a 100% rogue blood merlot potion*
+### .changespeed (or .cs)
+Change the speed of your character.
+Example usage:
+- `.cs 25`
+- `changespeed 160`
+### .clearinventory (or .ci)
+Clears your inventory.
+Example usage:
+- `.ci`
+- `clearinventory`
+### .windows and doors
+Close/Open all doors.
+Example usage:
+- `.close-all` or `.ca`
+- `open-all` or `.oa`
+### .ct5
+Add some materials to a player's inventory to directly build a level 5 castle.
+Example usage:
+- `.ct5`
+### .give (or .g)
+Give a specific item or set of items to yourself.
+Example usage:
+- `.give item Amulet_Of_The_Unyielding_Charger` *give you the "Amulet Of The Unyielding Charger"*
+- `.give set t8` *give you a full `T8` set*
+### .windows and doors
+Close/Open all doors.
+Example usage:
+- `.close-all` or `.ca`
+- `open-all` or `.oa`
+### .horse (or .h)
+Manage horses (spawn or change attributes)
+Example usage:
+- `.h spawn` or `.horse spawn`
+- `h max` or `.h max 1 11 7 14` change speed = 11, acceleration = 7 and rotation = 14.
+### .jewel (or .jw)
+Add a jewel or a set of jewels in your inventory.
+Example usage:
+- `.jewel item chaos_volley t03`
+- `.jw set frost` or `.jw set blood`
+### .reset (or .rs)
+Restore healt ( 100% ) and reset skills cooldown.
+Example usage:
+- `.reset` or `.rs`
+### .teleport (or .tp)
+Teleport to a specific vblood.
+Example usage:
+- `.teleport wolf` or `.tp solarus`
+- `.tp bEAtrice` or `.tp adam`
+### .unlockallabilities (or .uaa)
+Unlock all abilities for the player.
+Example usage:
+- `.uaa` or `.unlockallabilities`
+### .unlockallresearch (or .uar)
+Unlock all research for the player.
+Example usage:
+- `.unlockallresearch` or `.uar`
+### .spawn (or .s)
+Spawn a vblood or npc next to the player.
+Example usage:
+- `.spawn vblood rufus 3` *spawn 3 rufus boss near the player.*
+- `.spawn all 2` *spawn all the bosses 2 times.*
+Happy gaming!
diff --git a/Utils/BloodUtils.cs b/Utils/BloodUtils.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28183b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utils/BloodUtils.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using CommunityCommands.Commons;
+using ProjectM;
+using Blood = CommunityCommands.Commons.Blood;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Utils;
+public class BloodUtils
+ public static PrefabGUID GetBloodPotionRecipe()
+ {
+ return new PrefabGUID(1223264867);
+ }
+ public static PrefabGUID GetBloodPrefabGuid(string bloodName)
+ {
+ var bloodTypes = Database.BloodTypes;
+ foreach (var blood in bloodTypes)
+ {
+ if (blood.name.ToLower().Equals(bloodName.ToLower()))
+ {
+ return blood.prefab;
+ }
+ }
+ return default(PrefabGUID);
+ }
+ public static string GetBloodName(PrefabGUID prefab)
+ {
+ var bloodTypes = Database.BloodTypes;
+ foreach (var blood in bloodTypes)
+ {
+ if (blood.prefab == prefab)
+ {
+ return blood.name;
+ }
+ }
+ return "Frailed";
+ }
+ public static string GetBloodName(string blooName)
+ {
+ var bloodTypes = Database.BloodTypes;
+ foreach (var blood in bloodTypes)
+ {
+ if (blood.name.ToLower().Equals(blooName.ToLower()))
+ {
+ return blood.name;
+ }
+ }
+ return "Frailed";
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Utils/CharacterUtil.cs b/Utils/CharacterUtil.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..285159c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utils/CharacterUtil.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+using System;
+using CommunityCommands.Utils;
+using ProjectM;
+using ProjectM.Network;
+using Unity.Collections;
+using Unity.Entities;
+using Unity.Mathematics;
+using Unity.Transforms;
+using VampireCommandFramework;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commands
+ public static class CharacterUtil
+ {
+ private static EntityManager EntityManager = Helper.Server.EntityManager;
+ public static void TeleportToPos(ChatCommandContext ctx, string targetName, float3 pos)
+ {
+ var entity = EntityManager.CreateEntity(
+ ComponentType.ReadWrite(),
+ ComponentType.ReadWrite());
+ EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new()
+ {
+ User = ctx.Event.SenderUserEntity,
+ Character = ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity
+ });
+ EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new()
+ {
+ Position = new float3(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z),
+ Target = PlayerTeleportDebugEvent.TeleportTarget.Self
+ });
+ var messageReply = DatabaseUtils.GetBossPositionText(targetName.ToLower()) == "None"
+ ? ""
+ : DatabaseUtils.GetBossPositionText(targetName.ToLower());
+ ctx.Reply($"Teleported to {DatabaseUtils.GetUnitDisplayName(targetName)}.{messageReply}");
+ }
+ public static void ClearInventory(ChatCommandContext ctx )
+ {
+ Entity characterEntity = ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity;
+ if (!InventoryUtilities.TryGetInventoryEntity(EntityManager, characterEntity, out Entity playerInventory) ||
+ playerInventory == Entity.Null)
+ return;
+ var inventoryBuffer = EntityManager.GetBuffer(playerInventory);
+ foreach (var inventoryItem in inventoryBuffer)
+ {
+ InventoryUtilitiesServer.TryRemoveItem(EntityManager, playerInventory, inventoryItem.ItemType,
+ inventoryItem.Amount);
+ }
+ ctx.Reply("Inventory cleared.");
+ }
+ public static void ResetSkillsCooldown(Entity characterEntity)
+ {
+ var AbilityBuffer = EntityManager.GetBuffer(characterEntity);
+ foreach (var ability in AbilityBuffer)
+ {
+ var AbilitySlot = ability.GroupSlotEntity._Entity;
+ var ActiveAbility = EntityManager.GetComponentData(AbilitySlot);
+ var ActiveAbility_Entity = ActiveAbility.StateEntity._Entity;
+ var b = GetPrefabGUID(ActiveAbility_Entity);
+ if (b.GuidHash == 0) continue;
+ var AbilityStateBuffer = EntityManager.GetBuffer(ActiveAbility_Entity);
+ foreach (var state in AbilityStateBuffer)
+ {
+ var abilityState = state.StateEntity._Entity;
+ var abilityCooldownState = EntityManager.GetComponentData(abilityState);
+ abilityCooldownState.CooldownEndTime = 0;
+ EntityManager.SetComponentData(abilityState, abilityCooldownState);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void RecoverHealt(ChatCommandContext ctx)
+ {
+ var userIndex = ctx.Event.User.Index;
+ var entityManager = Helper.Server.EntityManager;
+ var component = entityManager.GetComponentData(ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity);
+ var restoreHp = ((component.MaxHealth / 100) * 100) - component.Value;
+ var healthEvent = new ChangeHealthDebugEvent()
+ {
+ Amount = (int)restoreHp
+ };
+ Helper.Server.GetExistingSystem().ChangeHealthEvent(userIndex, ref healthEvent);
+ if (BuffUtility.TryGetBuff(entityManager, ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity, new PrefabGUID(697095869),
+ out var inCombatBuff))
+ {
+ entityManager.AddComponent(inCombatBuff);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void UnlockAllAbilities(ChatCommandContext ctx)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ var fromCharacter = new FromCharacter();
+ fromCharacter.Character = ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity;
+ fromCharacter.User = ctx.Event.SenderUserEntity;
+ Helper.Server.GetExistingSystem().UnlockAllVBloods(fromCharacter);
+ ctx.Reply("Unlocked all abilities for the player.");
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(e);
+ throw ctx.Error(e.Message);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void UnlockAllResearch(ChatCommandContext ctx)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ var fromCharacter = new FromCharacter();
+ fromCharacter.Character = ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity;
+ fromCharacter.User = ctx.Event.SenderUserEntity;
+ Helper.Server.GetExistingSystem().UnlockAllResearch(fromCharacter);
+ ctx.Reply("Unlocked all research for the player.");
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(e);
+ throw ctx.Error(e.Message);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void UnlockAllQuest(ChatCommandContext ctx)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ var debugEventsSystem = Helper.Server.GetExistingSystem();
+ var fromCharacter = new FromCharacter
+ {
+ Character = ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity,
+ User = ctx.Event.SenderUserEntity
+ };
+ var commandBuffer = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.Temp);
+ debugEventsSystem.CompleteJournal(commandBuffer, fromCharacter);
+ commandBuffer.Playback(Helper.Server.EntityManager);
+ commandBuffer.Dispose();
+ ctx.Reply("Unlocked all quests for the player.");
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(e);
+ throw ctx.Error(e.Message);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void ChangeSpeed(ChatCommandContext ctx, float speed)
+ {
+ Entity characterEntity = ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity;
+ var component = EntityManager.GetComponentData(characterEntity);
+ component.Speed = ModifiableFloat.Create(characterEntity, EntityManager, speed);
+ EntityManager.SetComponentData(characterEntity, component);
+ ctx.Reply($"Speed of character changed to {speed}");
+ }
+ public static void GetPlayerPosition(ChatCommandContext ctx)
+ {
+ var em = Helper.Server.EntityManager;
+ var playerEntity = ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity;
+ var translation = em.GetComponentData(playerEntity);
+ var currentPosition = translation.Value;
+ ctx.Reply($"Current position: {currentPosition}");
+ }
+ private static PrefabGUID GetPrefabGUID(Entity entity)
+ {
+ PrefabGUID guid;
+ try
+ {
+ guid = EntityManager.GetComponentData(entity);
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ guid.GuidHash = 0;
+ }
+ return guid;
+ }
+ public static Entity GetPlayerEntityByName(string playerName)
+ {
+ playerName = playerName.ToLower();
+ var entityManager = Helper.Server.EntityManager;
+ var characterDataEntities = GetAllPlayers();
+ foreach (var characterDataEntity in characterDataEntities)
+ {
+ var characterData = entityManager.GetComponentData(characterDataEntity);
+ if (characterData.Name.ToString().ToLower().Equals(playerName))
+ {
+ characterDataEntities.Dispose();
+ return characterDataEntity;
+ }
+ }
+ characterDataEntities.Dispose();
+ return Entity.Null;
+ }
+ public static NativeArray GetAllPlayers()
+ {
+ var query = Helper.Server.EntityManager.CreateEntityQuery(
+ ComponentType.ReadOnly()
+ );
+ return query.ToEntityArray(Allocator.Temp);
+ }
+ private static FromCharacter GetFromCharacter(ChatCommandContext ctx)
+ {
+ var fromCharacter = new FromCharacter();
+ fromCharacter.Character = ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity;
+ fromCharacter.User = ctx.Event.SenderUserEntity;
+ return fromCharacter;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Utils/Database.cs b/Utils/Database.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb267ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utils/Database.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+using ProjectM;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using CommunityCommands.Commands;
+namespace CommunityCommands
+ public class Database
+ {
+ private static Dictionary GetUnitDatabase()
+ {
+ Dictionary database_units =
+ new Dictionary
+ {
+ { "wolf", ("Alpha Wolf", new PrefabGUID(-1905691330)) },
+ { "errol", ("Errol the Stonebreaker", new PrefabGUID(-2025101517)) },
+ { "keely", ("Keely the Frost Archer", new PrefabGUID(1124739990)) },
+ { "rufus", ("Rufus the Foreman", new PrefabGUID(2122229952)) },
+ { "goreswine", ("Goreswine the Ravager", new PrefabGUID(577478542)) },
+ { "grayson", ("Grayson the Armourer", new PrefabGUID(1106149033)) },
+ { "rat", ("Putrid Rat", new PrefabGUID(-2039908510)) },
+ { "lidia", ("Lidia the Chaos Archer", new PrefabGUID(763273073)) },
+ { "clive", ("Clive the Firestarter", new PrefabGUID(1896428751)) },
+ { "bear", ("Ferocious Bear", new PrefabGUID(-1391546313)) },
+ { "polora", ("Polora the Feywalker", new PrefabGUID(-484556888)) },
+ { "nicholaus", ("Nicholaus the Fallen", new PrefabGUID(153390636)) },
+ { "quincey", ("Quincey the Bandit King", new PrefabGUID(-1659822956)) },
+ { "beatrice", ("Beatrice the Tailor", new PrefabGUID(-1942352521)) },
+ { "tristan", ("Tristan the Vampire Hunter", new PrefabGUID(-1449631170)) },
+ { "kriig", ("Kriig the Undead General", new PrefabGUID(-1365931036)) },
+ { "christina", ("Christina the Sun Priestess", new PrefabGUID(-99012450)) },
+ { "vincent", ("Vincent the Frostbringer", new PrefabGUID(-29797003)) },
+ { "bane", ("Bane the Shadowblade", new PrefabGUID(613251918)) },
+ { "grethel", ("Grethel the Glassblower", new PrefabGUID(910988233)) },
+ { "leandra", ("Leandra the Shadow Priestess", new PrefabGUID(939467639)) },
+ { "maja", ("Maja the Dark Savant", new PrefabGUID(1945956671)) },
+ { "terah", ("Terah the Geomancer", new PrefabGUID(-1065970933)) },
+ { "meredith", ("Meredith the Bright Archer", new PrefabGUID(850622034)) },
+ { "jade", ("Jade the Vampire Hunter", new PrefabGUID(-1968372384)) },
+ { "raziel", ("Raziel the Shepherd", new PrefabGUID(-680831417)) },
+ { "frostmaw", ("Frostmaw the Mountain Terror", new PrefabGUID(24378719)) },
+ { "octavian", ("Octavian the Militia Captain", new PrefabGUID(1688478381)) },
+ { "domina", ("Domina the Blade Dancer", new PrefabGUID(-1101874342)) },
+ { "angram", ("Angram the Purifier", new PrefabGUID(106480588)) },
+ { "ziva", ("Ziva the Engineer", new PrefabGUID(172235178)) },
+ { "ungora", ("Ungora the Spider Queen", new PrefabGUID(-548489519)) },
+ { "wanderer", ("The Old Wanderer", new PrefabGUID(109969450)) },
+ { "foulrot", ("Foulrot the Soultaker", new PrefabGUID(-1208888966)) },
+ { "willfred", ("Willfred the Werewolf Chief", new PrefabGUID(-1007062401)) },
+ { "balaton", ("The Duke of Balaton", new PrefabGUID(-203043163)) },
+ { "cyril", ("Cyril the Cursed Smith", new PrefabGUID(326378955)) },
+ { "magnus", ("Sir Magnus the Overseer", new PrefabGUID(-26105228)) },
+ { "mairwyn", ("Mairwyn the Elementalist", new PrefabGUID(-2013903325)) },
+ { "baron", ("Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier", new PrefabGUID(192051202)) },
+ { "morian", ("Morian the Stormwing Matriarch", new PrefabGUID(685266977)) },
+ { "terrorclaw", ("Terrorclaw the Ogre", new PrefabGUID(-1347412392)) },
+ { "azariel", ("Azariel the Sunbringer", new PrefabGUID(114912615)) },
+ { "henry", ("Henry Blackbrew the Doctor", new PrefabGUID(814083983)) },
+ { "matka", ("Matka the Curse Weaver", new PrefabGUID(-910296704)) },
+ { "voltatia", ("Voltatia the Power Master", new PrefabGUID(2054432370)) },
+ { "styx", ("Nightmarshal Styx the Sunderer", new PrefabGUID(1112948824)) },
+ { "solarus", ("Solarus the Immaculate", new PrefabGUID(-740796338)) }
+ };
+ return database_units;
+ }
+ public static Dictionary GetBossPrefabs()
+ {
+ Dictionary bossPrefabs = new Dictionary();
+ Dictionary unitDatabase = GetUnitDatabase();
+ foreach (var unitData in unitDatabase)
+ {
+ bossPrefabs.Add(unitData.Value.name, unitData.Value.Item2);
+ }
+ return bossPrefabs;
+ }
+ public static string GetUnitName(string unitId)
+ {
+ Dictionary unitDatabase = GetUnitDatabase();
+ foreach (var unitData in unitDatabase)
+ {
+ if (unitData.Value.Item2.ToString() == unitId)
+ {
+ return unitData.Value.name;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static PrefabGUID GetUnitPrefabGUID(string unitId)
+ {
+ Dictionary unitDatabase = GetUnitDatabase();
+ if (unitDatabase.ContainsKey(unitId))
+ {
+ return unitDatabase[unitId].Item2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return default(PrefabGUID);
+ }
+ }
+ public static Dictionary> GetSetDatabase()
+ {
+ Dictionary> item_sets = new Dictionary>();
+ List
- t8 = new List
+ {
+ //Weapons
+ new Item { Name = "Sanguine_Axes", Prefab = -2044057823},
+ new Item { Name = "Sanguine_Crossbow", Prefab = 1389040540},
+ new Item { Name = "Sanguine_Mace", Prefab = -126076280 },
+ new Item { Name = "Sanguine_Reaper", Prefab = -2053917766},
+ new Item { Name = "Sanguine_Slashers", Prefab = 1322545846 },
+ new Item { Name = "Sanguine_Spear", Prefab = -850142339 },
+ new Item { Name = "Sanguine_Sword", Prefab = -774462329 },
+ //Stuff
+ new Item { Name = "Bloodmoon_Boots", Prefab = -556769032 },
+ new Item { Name = "Bloodmoon_Chestguard", Prefab = 488592933 },
+ new Item { Name = "Bloodmoon_Leggings", Prefab = 1292986377 },
+ new Item { Name = "Bloodmoon_Gloves", Prefab = 1634690081},
+ //Jewels
+ new Item { Name = "Amulet_Of_The_Arch-Warlock", Prefab = 1380368392 },
+ new Item { Name = "Amulet_Of_The_Crimson_Commander", Prefab = -104934480 },
+ new Item { Name = "Amulet_Of_The_Unyielding_Charger", Prefab = -1004351840 },
+ new Item { Name = "Amulet_Of_The_Blademaster", Prefab = -296161379 },
+ new Item { Name = "Amulet_Of_The_Master_Spellweaver", Prefab = -1306155896 },
+ new Item { Name = "Amulet_Of_The_Wicked_Prophet", Prefab = -175650376 },
+ };
+ List
- t7 = new List
+ {
+ //Weapons
+ new Item { Name = "Dark_Silver_Axes", Prefab = -1130238142 },
+ new Item { Name = "Dark_Silver_Crossbow", Prefab = -814739263 },
+ new Item { Name = "Dark_Silver_Mace", Prefab = -184713893 },
+ new Item { Name = "Dark_Silver_Reaper", Prefab = 6711686},
+ new Item { Name = "Dark_Silver_Slashers", Prefab = 633666898 },
+ new Item { Name = "Dark_Silver_Spear", Prefab = -352704566 },
+ new Item { Name = "Dark_Silver_Sword", Prefab = -1455388114 },
+ //Stuff
+ new Item { Name = "Dawnthorn_Boots", Prefab = 560446510 },
+ new Item { Name = "Dawnthorn_Gloves", Prefab = 2055058719 },
+ new Item { Name = "Dawnthorn_Chestguard", Prefab = -930514044},
+ new Item { Name = "Dawnthorn_Leggings", Prefab = -1555051415 },
+ //Jewels
+ new Item { Name = "Bloody_Merlot_Amulet", Prefab = 991396285 },
+ };
+ List
- t6 = new List
+ {
+ //Weapons
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Iron_Axes", Prefab = 198951695 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Iron_Crossbow", Prefab = 1221976097 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Iron_Mace", Prefab = -276593802 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Iron_Reaper", Prefab = 1778128946},
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Iron_Slashers", Prefab = 866934844 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Iron_Spear", Prefab = 1065194820 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Iron_Sword", Prefab = -435501075 },
+ //Stuff
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Hollowfang_Boots", Prefab = -674860200 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Hollowfang_Gloves", Prefab = 82446940 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Hollowfang_Leggings", Prefab = -916555565 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Hollowfang_Chestguard", Prefab = 1388572480 },
+ //Jewels
+ new Item { Name = "Pendant_Of_The_Dawnrunner", Prefab = -1046748791 },
+ new Item { Name = "Pendant_Of_The_Duskwatcher", Prefab = 610958202 },
+ new Item { Name = "Pendant_Of_The_knigth", Prefab = -425306671 },
+ new Item { Name = "Pendant_Of_The_Sorcerer", Prefab = 199425997 },
+ new Item { Name = "Pendant_Of_The_Spellweaver", Prefab = 1012837641 },
+ new Item { Name = "Pendant_Of_The_Warlock", Prefab = -651554566 },
+ };
+ List
- t5 = new List
+ {
+ //Weapons
+ new Item { Name = "Iron_Axes", Prefab = -1579575933 },
+ new Item { Name = "Iron_Crossbow", Prefab = 836066667 },
+ new Item { Name = "Iron_Mace", Prefab = -1714012261 },
+ new Item { Name = "Iron_Reaper", Prefab = -2081286944},
+ new Item { Name = "Iron_Slashers", Prefab = -314614708 },
+ new Item { Name = "Iron_Spear", Prefab = 1853029976 },
+ new Item { Name = "Iron_Sword", Prefab = -903587404 },
+ //Stuff
+ new Item { Name = "Hollowfang_Boots", Prefab = -1837769884 },
+ new Item { Name = "Hollowfang_Gloves", Prefab = -406808302 },
+ new Item { Name = "Hollowfang_Leggings", Prefab = 12127911 },
+ new Item { Name = "Hollowfang_Chestguard", Prefab = -604941435 },
+ //Jewels
+ new Item { Name = "Scourgestone_Pendant", Prefab = -650855520 },
+ };
+ List
- t4 = new List
+ {
+ //Weapons
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Copper_Axes", Prefab = -491969324 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Copper_Crossbow", Prefab = -1636801169 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Copper_Mace", Prefab = 343324920 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Copper_Slashers", Prefab = -1042299347 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Copper_Spear", Prefab = 790210443 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Copper_Sword", Prefab = -1219959051 },
+ //Stuff
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Nightstalker_Boots", Prefab = -1675225643 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Nightstalker_Gloves", Prefab = -1739590652 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Nightstalker_Leggings", Prefab = -1771720396 },
+ new Item { Name = "Merciless_Nightstalker_Chestguard", Prefab = 1721366777 },
+ //Jewels
+ new Item { Name = "Ring_Of_The_Dawnrunner", Prefab = -154264228 },
+ new Item { Name = "Ring_Of_The_Duskwatcher", Prefab = -809059551 },
+ new Item { Name = "Ring_Of_The_Spellweaver", Prefab = -886916793 },
+ new Item { Name = "Ring_Of_The_Warlock", Prefab = 336922685 },
+ };
+ List
- t3 = new List
+ {
+ //Weapons
+ new Item { Name = "Copper_Axes", Prefab = 518802008 },
+ new Item { Name = "Copper_Crossbow", Prefab = -1277074895 },
+ new Item { Name = "Copper_Mace", Prefab = -331345186 },
+ new Item { Name = "Copper_Spear", Prefab = 1370755976 },
+ new Item { Name = "Copper_Sword", Prefab = -2037272000 },
+ //Stuff
+ new Item { Name = "Nightstalker_Boots", Prefab = -1354920908 },
+ new Item { Name = "Nightstalker_Gloves", Prefab = -1183157751 },
+ new Item { Name = "Nightstalker_Leggings", Prefab = 1925394440 },
+ new Item { Name = "Nightstalker_Chestguard", Prefab = -957963240 },
+ //Jewels
+ new Item { Name = "Gravedigger_Ring", Prefab = -1588051702 },
+ };
+ item_sets.Add("t8", t8);
+ item_sets.Add("t7", t7);
+ item_sets.Add("t6", t6);
+ item_sets.Add("t5", t5);
+ item_sets.Add("t4", t4);
+ item_sets.Add("t3", t3);
+ return item_sets;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Utils/DatabaseUtils.cs b/Utils/DatabaseUtils.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48b6c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utils/DatabaseUtils.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using ProjectM;
+using Unity.Entities;
+using Unity.Mathematics;
+using VampireCommandFramework;
+using CommunityCommands.Commons;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Utils
+ public class DatabaseUtils
+ {
+ private static readonly Dictionary VBloodDatabase = Database.BossDatabase;
+ private static readonly Dictionary> ItemSetsDatabase = Database.ItemSets;
+ public static string GetUnitDisplayName(string bossName)
+ {
+ if (VBloodDatabase.TryGetValue(bossName.ToLower(), out var boss))
+ {
+ return boss.DisplayName;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static string GetUnitDisplayName(PrefabGUID bossPrefab)
+ {
+ foreach (var boss in VBloodDatabase.Values)
+ {
+ if (boss.Prefab == bossPrefab)
+ {
+ return boss.DisplayName;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static PrefabGUID GetUnitPrefabGUID(string bossName)
+ {
+ if (VBloodDatabase.TryGetValue(bossName.ToLower(), out var boss))
+ {
+ return boss.Prefab;
+ }
+ return default(PrefabGUID);
+ }
+ public static float3 GetBossPosition(string targetName)
+ {
+ if (VBloodDatabase.TryGetValue(targetName.ToLower(), out var boss))
+ {
+ return boss.Position.position;
+ }
+ throw new Exception($"Invalid target name '{targetName}'.");
+ }
+ public static string GetBossPositionText(string targetName)
+ {
+ if (VBloodDatabase.TryGetValue(targetName.ToLower(), out var boss))
+ {
+ return boss.Position.text;
+ }
+ throw new Exception($"Invalid target name '{targetName}'.");
+ }
+ internal static void GiveEquipmentSet(ChatCommandContext ctx, string setName)
+ {
+ if (ItemSetsDatabase.TryGetValue(setName, out var equipmentList))
+ {
+ var cpt = 0;
+ foreach (var item in equipmentList)
+ {
+ PrefabGUID prefab = new PrefabGUID(item.Prefab);
+ Entity entity = Helper.AddItemToInventory(ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity, prefab, 1);
+ if (entity == Entity.Null)
+ {
+ ctx.Reply(
+ $"Failed to add item {item.Name.Replace("_", " ")} to inventory, your inventory is full.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cpt++;
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.Reply(
+ $"Given {cpt} out of {equipmentList.Count} items from the {setName} item set to the player.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ctx.Reply($"Equipment set {setName} not found.");
+ }
+ }
+ internal static void GiveSingleItem(ChatCommandContext ctx, string itemName)
+ {
+ var item = GetItem(ctx, itemName);
+ if (item == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ PrefabGUID prefab = new PrefabGUID(item.Prefab);
+ Entity entity = Helper.AddItemToInventory(ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity, prefab, 1);
+ var replyMessage = entity != Entity.Null
+ ? $"Given item {item.Name.Replace("_", " ")} to the player."
+ : $"Failed to add item {item.Name.Replace("_", " ")} to inventory, your inventory is full.";
+ ctx.Reply(replyMessage);
+ }
+ public static Item GetItem(ChatCommandContext ctx, string itemName)
+ {
+ var lowercaseItemName = itemName.ToLower();
+ Item foundItem = null;
+ var matchingItems = new List
- ();
+ foreach (var itemSet in ItemSetsDatabase.Values)
+ {
+ foreach (var item in itemSet)
+ {
+ if (item.Name.ToLower().Contains(lowercaseItemName))
+ {
+ foundItem = item;
+ matchingItems.Add(item);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch (matchingItems.Count)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ return null;
+ case 1:
+ return foundItem;
+ default:
+ var matchedItemNames =
+ string.Join(", ", matchingItems.Select(i => $"{i.Name}"));
+ ctx.Reply($"Multiple matches found: {matchedItemNames}");
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ internal static void GiveJewelSet(ChatCommandContext ctx, string jewelSet)
+ {
+ if (Database.JewelDictionary.TryGetValue(jewelSet.ToLower(), out var jewelList))
+ {
+ var count = 0;
+ foreach (var jewel in jewelList)
+ {
+ PrefabGUID prefab = jewel.PrefabGuid;
+ Entity entity = Helper.AddItemToInventory(ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity, prefab, 1);
+ if (entity == Entity.Null)
+ {
+ ctx.Reply(
+ $"Failed to add jewel {jewel.Name.Replace("_", " ")} to inventory, your inventory is full.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.Reply(
+ $"Given {count} out of {jewelList.Count} jewels from the {jewelSet} set to the player.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ctx.Reply($"Jewel set {jewelSet} not found.");
+ }
+ }
+ internal static void GiveSingleJewel(ChatCommandContext ctx, string jewelName, string jewelTier)
+ {
+ var jewel = GetJewel(ctx, jewelName, jewelTier);
+ if (jewel == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ PrefabGUID prefab = jewel.PrefabGuid;
+ Entity entity = Helper.AddItemToInventory(ctx.Event.SenderCharacterEntity, prefab, 1);
+ var replyMessage = entity != Entity.Null
+ ? $"Given jewel {jewel.Name.Replace("_", " ")} {jewel.Tier} to the player."
+ : $"Failed to add jewel {jewel.Name.Replace("_", " ")} to inventory, your inventory is full.";
+ ctx.Reply(replyMessage);
+ }
+ public static Jewel GetJewel(ChatCommandContext ctx, string jewelName, string jewelTier)
+ {
+ var lowercaseJewelName = jewelName.ToLower();
+ var lowercaseJewelTier = jewelTier.ToLower();
+ Jewel foundJewel = null;
+ var matchingJewels = new List();
+ foreach (var jewelSet in Database.JewelDictionary.Values)
+ {
+ foreach (var jewel in jewelSet)
+ {
+ if (jewel.Name.ToLower().Contains(lowercaseJewelName) && jewel.Tier.ToLower() == lowercaseJewelTier)
+ {
+ foundJewel = jewel;
+ matchingJewels.Add(jewel);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch (matchingJewels.Count)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ return null;
+ case 1:
+ return foundJewel;
+ default:
+ var matchedJewelNames =
+ string.Join(", ", matchingJewels.Select(j => $"{j.Name}"));
+ ctx.Reply($"Multiple matches found: {matchedJewelNames}");
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ public static Dictionary GetMaterialDictionary { get; } = Database.MaterialDictionary;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Utils/HorseUtil.cs b/Utils/HorseUtil.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4868e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utils/HorseUtil.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+using CommunityCommands.Utils;
+using VampireCommandFramework;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commands
+ using ProjectM;
+ using Unity.Entities;
+ using Unity.Transforms;
+ using Unity.Collections;
+ using Unity.Mathematics;
+ using System.Collections.Generic;
+ internal static class HorseUtil
+ {
+ private static Entity empty_entity = new Entity();
+ internal static void SpawnHorse(int countlocal, float3 localPos)
+ {
+ Helper.Server.GetExistingSystem().SpawnUnit(empty_entity,
+ new PrefabGUID(1149585723), new float3(localPos.x, 0, localPos.z), countlocal, 1, 2, -1);
+ }
+ internal static NativeArray GetHorses()
+ {
+ var horseQuery = Helper.Server.EntityManager.CreateEntityQuery(new EntityQueryDesc()
+ {
+ All = new[]
+ {
+ ComponentType.ReadWrite(),
+ ComponentType.ReadWrite(),
+ ComponentType.ReadWrite(),
+ ComponentType.ReadOnly(),
+ ComponentType.ReadOnly()
+ },
+ None = new[] { ComponentType.ReadOnly(), ComponentType.ReadOnly() }
+ });
+ return horseQuery.ToEntityArray(Unity.Collections.Allocator.Temp);
+ }
+ internal static Entity? GetClosetHorse(Entity e)
+ {
+ var horseEntityQuery = GetHorses();
+ var origin = Helper.Server.EntityManager.GetComponentData(e).Position;
+ var closest = float.MaxValue;
+ Entity? closestHorse = null;
+ foreach (var horse in horseEntityQuery)
+ {
+ var position = Helper.Server.EntityManager.GetComponentData(horse).Position;
+ var distance = UnityEngine.Vector3.Distance(origin, position);
+ if (distance < closest)
+ {
+ closest = distance;
+ closestHorse = horse;
+ }
+ }
+ return closestHorse;
+ }
+ internal static List ClosestHorses(Entity e, float radius = 5f)
+ {
+ var horses = GetHorses();
+ var results = new List();
+ var origin = Helper.Server.EntityManager.GetComponentData(e).Position;
+ foreach (var horse in horses)
+ {
+ var position = Helper.Server.EntityManager.GetComponentData(horse).Position;
+ var distance = UnityEngine.Vector3.Distance(origin, position); // wait really?
+ if (distance < radius)
+ {
+ results.Add(horse);
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+ }
+ internal static void ModifyHorseAttributes(ChatCommandContext ctx, Entity horseEntity, float maxSpeed, float acceleration, float rotation)
+ {
+ var em = Helper.Server.EntityManager;
+ var mountableComponents = em.GetComponentDataFromEntity(true);
+ if (mountableComponents.HasComponent(horseEntity))
+ {
+ var mountable = mountableComponents[horseEntity];
+ mountable.MaxSpeed = maxSpeed;
+ mountable.Acceleration = acceleration;
+ mountable.RotationSpeed = rotation * 10;
+ mountableComponents[horseEntity] = mountable;
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Utils/Item.cs b/Utils/Item.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b4872b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utils/Item.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+namespace CommunityCommands.Commands;
+public class Item
+ public string Name { get; set; }
+ public int Prefab { get; set; }
+ public override string ToString()
+ {
+ return $"{{name: \"{Name}\", prefab: {Prefab}}}";
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Utils/VBloodUtils.cs b/Utils/VBloodUtils.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf61881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utils/VBloodUtils.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+using System;
+using CommunityCommands.Commons;
+using ProjectM;
+using ProjectM.Network;
+using ProjectM.UI;
+using Unity.Entities;
+using Unity.Mathematics;
+using Unity.Transforms;
+using VampireCommandFramework;
+namespace CommunityCommands.Utils;
+public class VBloodUtils
+ private static readonly UnitSpawnerUpdateSystem UnitSpawnerSystem = Helper.Server.GetExistingSystem();
+ public static void SpawnAllBoss(ChatCommandContext ctx, Entity playerEntity, int quantity)
+ {
+ if (Database.BossDatabase.Count == 0)
+ {
+ ctx.Reply("There is no boss in the database.");
+ return;
+ }
+ var bossSpawnCount = 0;
+ foreach (var boss in Database.BossDatabase)
+ {
+ SpawnBosses(ctx, playerEntity, boss.Value.Prefab, quantity);
+ bossSpawnCount++;
+ }
+ ctx.Reply($"Spawned {bossSpawnCount} bosses next to {ctx.User.CharacterName}.");
+ }
+ public static void SpawnSingleBoss(ChatCommandContext ctx, Entity playerEntity, string vBloodName, int quantity)
+ {
+ var bossPrefab = DatabaseUtils.GetUnitPrefabGUID(vBloodName);
+ if (bossPrefab.Equals(default(PrefabGUID)))
+ {
+ ctx.Reply($"VBlood with name {vBloodName} not found.");
+ return;
+ }
+ SpawnBosses(ctx, playerEntity, bossPrefab, quantity);
+ var spawnMessage = quantity == 1
+ ? $"Spawned {DatabaseUtils.GetUnitDisplayName(bossPrefab)} next to {ctx.Event.User.CharacterName}."
+ : $"Spawned {quantity} {DatabaseUtils.GetUnitDisplayName(bossPrefab)} next {ctx.Event.User.CharacterName}.";
+ ctx.Reply(spawnMessage);
+ }
+ private static void SpawnBosses(ChatCommandContext ctx, Entity playerEntity, PrefabGUID bossPrefab,
+ int quantity)
+ {
+ var em = Helper.Server.EntityManager;
+ try
+ {
+ var playerPosition = em.GetComponentData(playerEntity).Position;
+ if (UnitSpawnerSystem == null)
+ {
+ throw ctx.Error("Unit spawner system not found.");
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
+ {
+ float3 spawnPosition = GetRandomSpawnPosition(playerPosition);
+ UnitSpawnerSystem.SpawnUnit(Entity.Null, bossPrefab, spawnPosition, 1, 1, 0f, 0f);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ throw ctx.Error($"An error occurred: {e.Message}");
+ }
+ }
+ private static float3 GetRandomSpawnPosition(float3 playerPosition)
+ {
+ var spawnRadius = 5f;
+ float2 randomOffset = UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitCircle * spawnRadius;
+ var spawnPosition = playerPosition + new float3(randomOffset.x, 0f, randomOffset.y);
+ return spawnPosition;
+ }
+ public static Entity? GetClosestVBlood(Entity playerEntity)
+ {
+ var entityManager = Helper.Server.EntityManager;
+ var origin = entityManager.GetComponentData(playerEntity).Value;
+ var closestDistance = float.MaxValue;
+ Entity? closestVBlood = null;
+ var vBloodEntities = entityManager.GetAllEntities();
+ foreach (var entity in vBloodEntities)
+ {
+ if (entity == playerEntity || !entityManager.HasComponent(entity))
+ continue;
+ // Vérifier si l'entité est un VBlood
+ if (entityManager.HasComponent(entity))
+ {
+ var position = entityManager.GetComponentData(entity).Value;
+ var distance = math.distance(origin, position);
+ if (distance < closestDistance)
+ {
+ closestDistance = distance;
+ closestVBlood = entity;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return closestVBlood;
+ }
+ public static Entity? GetVBloodByPrefabGUID(EntityManager entityManager, PrefabGUID prefabGUID)
+ {
+ var vBloodEntities = entityManager.GetAllEntities();
+ foreach (var entity in vBloodEntities)
+ {
+ // Vérifier si l'entité est un VBlood et correspond au PrefabGUID spécifié
+ if (entityManager.HasComponent(entity) && entityManager.HasComponent(entity))
+ {
+ var entityPrefabGUID = entityManager.GetComponentData(entity);
+ if (entityPrefabGUID.Equals(prefabGUID))
+ {
+ return entity;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static UnitStats GetUnitStats(EntityManager entityManager, Entity vBloodEntity)
+ {
+ if (entityManager.HasComponent(vBloodEntity))
+ {
+ return entityManager.GetComponentData(vBloodEntity);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("VBlood entity is missing UnitStats component.");
+ }
+ }
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