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Log messages to RabbitMQ

A Winston Transport module for sending logs to RabbitMQ


Node.js CI Known Vulnerabilities Total alerts Language grade: JavaScript DeepScan grade

This library was primarily designed to be used as a transport module for Winston logger. It can also be used as a simple utility for sending messages to RabbitMQ with minimum effort for configuration.


npm install rabbitmq-logger --save 
Requires Node >= 8.3.0 to run


var winston = require('winston');

var logger = winston.createLogger({
	transports: [
		new  winston.transports.RabbitmqTransport({
			name:  'name',
			level:  'debug',
			url:  'amqp://url:port'
});'Hello World!');

Usage as a RabbitMQ helper utility

var winston = require('winston');

var mq = winston.createLogger({
	transports: [
		new  winston.transports.RabbitmqTransport({
			url:  'amqp://url:port'

module.exports = {

mq.log('xyz', 'Hello World!');


The module can be customized using the following options :

  • name : The logger name, common option for Winston transports
  • level: The logging level (debug/info/warn/error). The level name is used as the default routing key while sending to RabbitMQ. Can have custom strings if required.
  • url: The RabbitMQ server url which is going to be used for creating connection. If not specified, it takes WINSTON_RABBITMQ_URL environment variable as the url or uses default value amqp://localhost:5672
  • socketOpts: Options that are going to used for creating connection to RabbitMQ socketOpts: {}
  • exchange: RabbitMQ Exchange that is going to be used for sending messages
  • exchangeOptions: Options that are going to be used for by channel for sending messages to exchange exchangeOptions:{}
  • logToConsole: Boolean value that enables logging to console if sending messages to RabbitMQ is not required
  • timestamp: By default it returns the current timestamp in ISO format. Can be overridden if required
  • debug: Takes a custom function that can be used for getting debug messages from the library. Only enabled if the logging level is also set as debug

Message Format

    level: <log_level or custom_key>,
    message: <message_body>,
    name: <name of the logger instance>,
    src: <system hostname>


A transport module for sending logs to rabbitmq



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