This program generates PlantUML class diagrams from Python source code. The source is first parsed by the standard python library ast which ensures accurate results as long as the syntax is correct.
- optionally use namespaces to represent packages/folders
- Supports simple and multiple inheritance
- Include argument lists
- configurable prolog and epilog, useful for styling
- allow several input sources for one plantuml output.
usage: py2uml [-h] [--config CONFIG] [-o [OUTPUT]] [-r ROOT] py_file [py_file ...] py2puml from Martin B. K. Grønholdt, v0.2.4 by Michelle Baert. Create PlantUML classes from Python source code. positional arguments: py_file the Python source files to parse. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --config CONFIG Configuration file (replace defaults) -o [OUTPUT], --output [OUTPUT] The name of the ouput PlantUML file. -r ROOT, --root ROOT Project root directory. Create namespaces from there If no config file is provided, settings are loaded sequentially from all available files in : - <PROGRAM_DIR>/py2puml.ini - <USER_HOME>/.config/py2puml.ini - <USER_HOME>/.py2puml.ini - <WORK_DIR>/.py2puml.ini - <WORK_DIR>/py2puml.ini
Several examples are provided. Here is how you build a diagram from this program source code:
$ cd examples $ ../ --config custom.ini ../ py2puml-custom.puml $ java -jar /usr/local/share/plantuml/plantuml.jar py2puml-custom.puml
Hand-made Makefile
s are there to help automatisation.
Rendered output
Of course the diagram can be enriched, with class associations for example, by editing the generated .puml file, or maybe with an epilog in custom config.
Here is an example with multiple source files, multiple inheritance, and project-specific configuration: