dclong/base @DockerHub | @GitHub
Base Docker images.
You need to install Docker before you use this Docker image.
Branch | Linux | Docker |
main | Ubuntu 20.04 | dclong/base |
dev | Ubuntu 20.04 | dclong/base:next |
21.10 | Ubuntu 21.10 | dclong/base:21.10 |
debian | Debian Testing | dclong/base:debian |
centos7.6 | CentOS 7.6 | dclong/base:centos7.6 |
Please refer to the Section Usage of the post My Docker Images for detailed instruction on how to use the Docker image.
The following command starts a container
and mounts the current working directory and /home
on the host machine
to /workdir
and /home_host
in the container respectively.
docker run -it --init \
--hostname ubuntu_b \
--log-opt max-size=50m \
-e DOCKER_USER=$(id -un) \
-e DOCKER_USER_ID=$(id -u) \
-e DOCKER_PASSWORD=$(id -un) \
-e DOCKER_GROUP_ID=$(id -g) \
-v $(pwd):/workdir \
-v $(dirname $HOME):/home_host \
dclong/base /scripts/sys/init.sh -u -e /bin/bash
The following command (only works on Linux) does the same as the above one except that it limits the use of CPU and memory.
docker run -it --init \
--hostname ubuntu_b \
--log-opt max-size=50m \
--memory=$(($(head -n 1 /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') * 4 / 5))k \
--cpus=$(($(nproc) - 1)) \
-e DOCKER_USER=$(id -un) \
-e DOCKER_USER_ID=$(id -u) \
-e DOCKER_PASSWORD=$(id -un) \
-e DOCKER_GROUP_ID=$(id -g) \
-v $(pwd):/workdir \
-v $(dirname $HOME):/home_host \
dclong/base /scripts/sys/init.sh -u -e /bin/bash