JAX-RS (JSR 311) is the community-driven Standard for
building RESTful web services with Java. The reference implementation for JAX-RS is
Jersey and ships as OSGi bundles.
This project connects Jersey and OSGi at the service level. This means that OSGi services can be published as
RESTful web services by simply registering them as OSGi services and also consumed as OSGi services ;).
To see how to get started with JAX-RS 2.0 and Jersey please read the Jersey getting started guide.
The OSGi-JAX-RS Connector provides two bundles. A publisher and a consumer. Both can be used completely separately or together, it's up to you. Additional the connector provides custom @Provider
implementations that can be used optionally.
The publisher is located in the bundle com.eclipsesource.jaxrs.publisher
. All it does is tracking up services. When it sports a service that is annotated with the JAX-RS annotations @Path
or @Provider
the work begins. The publisher hooks these service into Jersey and the OSGi HTTPService. Basically this means it publishes them as RESTful web services. It's just that simple.
By default the publisher registers the services using the context path /services
. This means an OSGi service that is annotated with @Path( "/foo" )
will be available using the path /services/foo
. This context path is configurable using the OSGi configuration admin. You can condigure the service usign the service.pid com.eclipsesource.jaxrs.connector
and the property root
to define a custom path.
As said earlier, the publisher uses the OSGi HTTPService to publish the services. As a result all configuration topics regarding ports, protocol and so on are up to the HTTPService implementation of your choice.
If it's your wish to publish services on different ports, just register them and add the service property http.port
with the port of your choice. Of course it's necessary that an HTTPService is up and running on such a port.
The consumer is lcoated in the bundle com.eclipsesource.jaxrs.consumer
. The idea of the consumer is to reuse your @Path
and @Provider
interfaces for calling a service. From a technical point of view it takes your interfaces together with a base url and creates Java Proxies. These proxies will make an HTTP call when a method will be invoked on it. The proxy knows which method, parameters and so on it should use because you have it defined with the JAX-RS annotations. The consumer uses the JAX-RS 2.0 client API to send requests. So, there will be no additional dependencies.
A nice side effect of the consumer is, that it does not need OSGi. It's just a jar that can be used to create the mentioned proxies. See the ConsumerFactory for more information.
When using it together with OSGi it provides a helper to create your proxies and automatically register them as OSGi services. But it's up to you if you want to take care regarding the publishing by your own. See the ConsumerPublisher for more information.
A detailed explenation of the concepts of the consumer together with some examples can be found on our blog: Consuming REST services in Java the cool way, Consuming REST services in OSGi the cool way.
The custom @Provider
implementations are located in their own feature. The following providers are currently included.
- Allows the de/serialization using EclipseLink MOXy.com.eclipsesource.jaxrs.provider.gson
- Allows the de/serialization using Gson.
To ease the installation we provide a p2 repository and we publish the connector to maven central.
Install from this software repository into your target: http://hstaudacher.github.io/osgi-jax-rs-connector
Please note: If dependencies can't be satisfied please disable "include required software" within the target editor.
Please note: Due to a renaming in version 3.0 the publisher is still called connector
within maven central.
Basically all you need to to is add the publisher and/or the consumer to your OSGi container and start them. For people new to OSGi the steps to get started with the connector and Eclipse are described below.
- Add the com.eclipsesource.jaxrs.connector.feature (OSGi JAX-RS Connector) to your target using the url mentioned in the Installation/p2 section.
- Add the
and its' dependencies bundles to your OSGi instance. - Convert some OSGi service to resources like in this tutorial
- Point your client to the specified url. Don't forget that the default root path is
. So registering a service with the path/example
would lead to/services/example
The steps how the consumer will be handled are dscribed in this post.
Examples for the publisher and consumer can be found within the examples folder.
Two examples exist for the publisher. They are located in the bundles com.eclipsesource.jaxrs.connector.example
and com.eclipsesource.jaxrs.connector.example.ds
. As the names say one uses Declarative services and the other don't.
In both exampels a simple POJO is annotated with @Path
and will be registered as an OSGIi service. Both bundles contain an Eclipse Launch Configuration to start them (please don't forget to add the publisher bundle to the launch config). After starting the launch configs the service will be available at http://localhost:9090/services/osgi-jax-rs
As a bonus the com.eclipsesource.jaxrs.connector.example.ds
contains an example how to use the @Provider
together with the publisher.
The example for the consumer is splitted into two bundles called com.eclipsesource.jaxrs.consumer.example
and com.eclipsesource.jaxrs.consumer.example.caller
. The example bundle contains the data model and the resource interface while the caller just calls the service. The example fetches data from github and is prett simple.
- OSGi Core Specification 4.2 and an OSGi HttpService implementation (e.g. Equinox, Felix).
- JRE 1.6 (same as Jersey)
- Neil Bartlett's jaxrs-osgi-extender
- OSGi Remote Services (e.g. Apache CXF)
Jersey 2.3.1 + dependencies are included in the p2 software repository.
Checkout the github releases.
The code is published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License, version 1.0.
Included binaries from Jersey, version 2.3.1, which are published under two licenses, the CDDL 1.1 and GPL 2 with CPE