Returns the tree structure of all taxonomy, or TaxonomyID is specified, only the pathways associated with that Taxonomy
examples: '399.28.3', '289.248.136', 'rTCA_cycle_variant_1'
count results
PREFIX pathway: <>
PREFIX obo: <>
PREFIX ddbj-tax: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?ancestor_tax AS ?id ?label ?parent COUNT (?pathway ) AS ?count
{{#if pathway_id}}
pathway:{{pathway_id}} obo:RO_0002175 ?tax_id .
?tax_id a ddbj-tax:Taxon ;
rdfs:subClassOf* ?ancestor_tax .
?ancestor_tax rdfs:label ?label .
?ancestor_tax rdfs:subClassOf ?parent .
?pathway obo:RO_0002175 ?ancestor_tax .
( {
json ( { taxonomy_list} ) {
const parseSparqlObject = ( obj ) => {
const result = { } ;
try {
Object . entries ( obj ) . forEach ( ( [ key , item ] ) => {
switch ( item . datatype ) {
case "" :
result [ key ] = parseFloat ( item [ "value" ] ) ;
break ;
case "" :
result [ key ] = parseInt ( item [ "value" ] , 10 ) ;
break ;
default :
result [ key ] = item [ "value" ] ;
} ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
return Object . entries ( result ) . length ? result : null ;
} ;
function retrieve_tree ( current_data , all_list ) {
let children = all_list . filter ( child => child [ "parent" ] === current_data [ "id" ] ) ;
if ( children . length > 0 ) {
children . forEach ( child => {
retrieve_tree ( child , all_list ) ;
} )
current_data [ "children" ] = children ;
} ;
// 有効なデータ数を追加
function count_num_of_data ( current_data ) {
if ( current_data [ "children" ] ) {
let children = current_data [ "children" ] ;
let sum_num_of_data = 0 ;
children . forEach ( child => {
count_num_of_data ( child ) ;
sum_num_of_data += child [ "num_of_data" ] ;
} ) ;
current_data [ "num_of_data" ] = sum_num_of_data ;
} else {
return null ;
} ;
// データ数が50個以下なら、それより下位のtaxは全てフラット(階層にしない)にデータ再構築する
function truncate ( current_data ) {
// 上位階層および、下位に50個以上のtaxがあれば、再帰的に下位を辿る
if ( ( [ "1" , "131567" , "2" , "2157" , "2759" ] . includes ( current_data [ "id" ] ) ) || current_data [ "num_of_data" ] > 50 ) {
current_data [ "children" ] . forEach ( child => {
truncate ( child ) ;
} )
} else {
let new_children = [ ] ;
flatten ( current_data , new_children ) ;
current_data [ "children" ] = new_children ;
delete current_data [ "parent" ] ;
delete current_data [ "count" ] ;
if ( current_data [ "id" ] === "1" ) { //"cellular organisms" は無意味なので、削除してbacteria等をrootの直下に置く
current_data [ "children" ] = current_data [ "children" ] [ 0 ] [ "children" ] ;
} ;
// 指定データ以下のデータについて、データあるもの(count > 0)だけのリストを生成する
function flatten ( current_data , list ) {
if ( current_data [ "children" ] ) {
current_data [ "children" ] . forEach ( child => {
if ( child [ "count" ] > 0 ) {
list . push ( child ) ;
flatten ( child , list ) ;
child [ "num_of_data" ] = 1 ; //下位の総計をしていたものを1に戻す
delete child [ "children" ] ;
delete child [ "parent" ] ;
delete child [ "count" ] ;
} )
} ;
let result_taxonomy_list = taxonomy_list . results . bindings . map ( ( obj ) => parseSparqlObject ( obj ) ) ;
result_taxonomy_list . map ( ( obj ) => {
obj [ "id" ] = obj [ "id" ] . substring ( obj [ "id" ] . lastIndexOf ( '/' ) + 1 ) ;
obj [ "parent" ] = obj [ "parent" ] . substring ( obj [ "parent" ] . lastIndexOf ( '/' ) + 1 ) ;
// 紐づくpathwayがあれば 1とし UI側 で選択できるように'selectable'フラグを立てる
obj [ "num_of_data" ] = 0 ;
obj [ "selectable" ] = false ;
if ( obj [ "count" ] > 0 ) {
obj [ "num_of_data" ] = 1 ;
obj [ "selectable" ] = true ;
} ) ;
let root_data = { "id" : "1" , "label" : "root" , "num_of_data" : 0 , "selectable" : false } ;
retrieve_tree ( root_data , result_taxonomy_list ) ;
count_num_of_data ( root_data ) ;
truncate ( root_data ) ;
// TODO: flatten で展開した後に num_of_data は再計算しないと、若干少なめの値になる(中間階層の有効データ分を再カウントする必要がある)
return root_data ;
} )