Get media and strain list by multiple media ids
list of medium id
default: M2794,M941
examples: SY4047,JCM_M900
( {
json ( params ) {
return params [ "gm_ids" ] . split ( "," ) . map ( ( gmid ) => {
return "\"" + gmid . trim ( ) + "\""
} ) . join ( " " ) ;
} )
PREFIX gmo: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX olo: <>
PREFIX sio: <>
PREFIX tax: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?medium_id ?original_media_id ?medium_name ?strain_id ?strain_name ?tax ?tax_name ?ancestor_tax ?ancestor_tax_name ?rank
VALUES ?medium_no { {{media_values}} }
VALUES ?rank { tax:Superkingdom tax:Phylum tax:Class tax:Order tax:Family tax:Genus tax:Species }
?medium (dcterms:identifier | skos:altLabel) ?medium_no ;
dcterms:identifier ?medium_id ;
skos:altLabel ?original_media_id ;
rdfs:label ?name ;
gmo:GMO_000114/gmo:strain_id ?strain .
?strain a sio:SIO_010055 ;
rdfs:label ?strain_name ;
dcterms:identifier ?strain_id ;
gmo:taxon ?tax .
?tax rdfs:label ?tax_name ;
rdfs:subClassOf* ?ancestor_tax .
?ancestor_tax tax:rank ?rank ;
rdfs:label ?ancestor_tax_name .
BIND (if(STR(?name) = " " , " (Unnamed medium)" , ?name) AS ?medium_name)
} ORDER BY ?tax ?rank
( {
json ( { result} ) {
const lineageRanks = [ "superkingdom" , "phylum" , "class" , "order" , "family" , "genus" , "species" , "strain" ] ;
const output = [ ] ;
result . results . bindings . forEach ( row => {
const existingMedium = output . find ( item => item . gm_id === row . medium_id . value ) ;
const medium = existingMedium || { } ;
if ( ! existingMedium ) {
medium . gm_id = row . medium_id . value ;
medium . label = row . medium_name . value ;
medium . original_media_id = row . original_media_id . value ;
medium . organisms = [ ] ;
output . push ( medium ) ;
const existingOrganism = medium . organisms . find ( o => o . strain . id === row . strain_id . value ) ;
const organism = existingOrganism || lineageRanks . reduce ( ( accum , current ) => {
return current === "strain" ? {
...accum ,
strain : { id : row . strain_id . value , label : row . strain_name . value }
} : { ...accum , [ current ] : null }
} , { } )
const rank = row . rank . value . split ( "/" ) . pop ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( rank !== "strain" ) {
organism [ rank ] = {
id : row . ancestor_tax . value . split ( "/" ) . pop ( ) ,
label : row . ancestor_tax_name . value
if ( ! existingOrganism ) {
medium . organisms . push ( organism )
} )
return output ;
} )