This is the source for
This site is built upon the following basic platform:
- python
- django
- postgres - relational database
- redis - for caching
- celery - for task queue
- south - for database migrations
To setup an environment to test locally, you should first install Python (2.7), pip, and virtualenv as well as PostgreSQL (although you can use SQLite if necessary).
Pip is the python package management tool that will allow you to install all the other python libraries that are used quite easily. Virtualenv allows you to have segregated python installs that have different libraries.
Create a virtual env:
$ virtualenv --distribute ENV
Start that environment:
$ ENV/Scripts/activate
Now install the python libraries using pip:
$ pip install --requirement=ahgl/requirements/project.txt
You'll want to create a file to specify your settings based on your local setup:
$ cp ahgl/{.dist,}
Then edit it to verify/change any of the options.
If all of that worked, you should be able to initialize the database by running from the ahgl folder:
$ ./ syncdb $ ./ migrate
Now that everything is setup, you can run the local service:
$ ./ runserver
Now visit localhost and you should see a web page appear!