All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project tries to adhere to Semantic Versioning, even before v1.0.
- Merge pull request #36 from tongueroo/fix-shared-variables-in-task-definitions
- allow usage of shared variables in task_definition blocks again
- dont warn of instance variable collision for template scope variables
- improve builder error message
- improve user error message when task definition block fails to evaluate
- add docs link to params.yml template
- remove helper support for params files. erb still works.
- allow usage of template_definition_method in env variables files
- Merge pull request #34 from tongueroo/show-aws-cli-commands
- Show equivalent cli commands when possible
- Automatically auth ECR when Dockerfiles has ECR image in FROM instruction
- Fix upgrade task and provide user with warning message for 3.4.x version.
- remove debugging puts
- Merge pull request #33 from tongueroo/rubyize_format
- improve rubyize_format so that original log configuration options are kept
- Merge pull request #32 from tongueroo/fix-log-configuration
- fix log configuration dasherization
- Fixes issue #30 how can use syslog as driver for logging?
- Merge pull request #31 fargate support
- ufo upgrade3_3_to_3_4 command
- add params.yml concept to support fargate and any other aws-sdk option
- add TemplateScope class
- combine Default into Util module
- clean up settings method
- display params as helpful info
- Merge pull request #28 from netguru/master
- Fix one off task: ufo task
- fix starter template name
- Merge pull request #27 from tongueroo/template
- add custom templates support
- colorize ufo destroy output
- add .ufo/data to gitignore for upgrade3
- allow system exit to normally happen for rendering error in the task definition
- docs grammar fixes
- ensure settings is always a hash even when settings.yml has nil
- move cli_markdown as development dependency
- pr #23 from tongueroo/cli_markdown: section now available
- pr #24 from tongueroo/circleci
- pr #25 from tongueroo/ecr-auth-legacy-docker-fix: ecr auth: also write legacy_entry to .docker/config.json
- fix ensure_cluster_exist for inactive cluster bug fix
- upgrade3 updates .gitignore also
- actually use the cluster value in settings
- upgrade variables path also #20
- fix container_info to refer to .ufo instead of old ufo folder #20
- fix ufo upgrade3 #20
- add render_me_pretty as gemspec dependency, remove vendor/render_me_pretty submodule #20 #18
- add vendor files to gem package: fixes gem install ufo misses 'render_me_pretty' #18
- dotufo: rename ufo folder to .ufo. Use ufo upgrade3 command to upgrade.
- new settings.yml format to account for multiple AWS accounts and environments.
- allows for environment specific setting file
- add auto-completion, to setup: eval $(ufo completion_script)
- ufo upgrade3 command
- ufo init: Use Thor::Group as generator
- default UFO_ENV is now development, not prod
- Merge pull request #9 from jlchenwenbo/master
- Merge branch 'patch-1' of into breezeight-patch-1
- Bug: Update ship.rb: list all ecs services instead of just the first page
- replace project_root with Ufo.root internally
- update docs
- use vendorized render_me_pretty for erb rendering
- eval $(ufo completion_script) for tab auto-completion
- default task_definition template fixes: add ecs/ to awslogs_group, add helper.current_region
- move bin/ufo to exe/ufo
- rename: AwsServices to AwsService, Defaults to Default, Settings to Setting
- Remove role passed to create_service. Fixes ufo ship when target-group-arn is provided.
- require aws-sdk-ecr
- only use required aws-sdk components
- allow overriding one off task command
- change default environment to development
- cleanup: help uses markdown files
- starter files: comment out command and fallback to the dockerfile command
- update docs to reflect full env naming
- update generated gitignore
- update help: remove -prod
- ufo init: only require --app and --image option
- add aws log group as a comment in the starter project
- ufo init: update cli help
- ufo init: remove --env option requirement
- shared variable support
- UFO_ENV introduced
- settings: AWS_PROFILE and UFO_ENV mapping to ecs cluster
- only create log group if it doesnt already exist
- automatically create task definintion log group
- fix target_group_prompt
- update bin/deploy starter project script
- update help menu
- update docs
- exit if docker push fails
- rename ufo docker cleanup -> ufo docker clean
- rename ufo docker image_name -> ufo docker name
- add docs
- add ufo ships command
- refactor code into modules: ecr, docker, tasks
- improve error message when task_definitions.rb evaluation errors
- rename --force option to --sure
- allow -h, --help, help options at the end of the command
- print out useful error for ERB template errors
- simplify
ufo task
command option
- add
ufo task
command - been using in production for a while, ready for 1.0.0 release
- default wait for deployment to false
- helper.env_file instead of env_vars method
- remove byebug dependency and fix task register task
- rename
ufo docker full_image_name
toufo docker image_name
- clean up for initial stable release
- add docker base command
- add docker image cleaners
- service_cluster settings.yml
- Initial conceptual release