OpenLiteSpeed is the Open Source edition of LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise. More information about OpenLiteSpeed can be found here.
This directory contains a Dockerfile that builds OpenLiteSpeed with OQS-BoringSSL, which allows OpenLiteSpeed to negotiate quantum-safe key exchange using liboqs.
Assuming Docker is installed the following command
docker build -t lsws -f Dockerfile-server .
docker network create lsws-test
docker run --network lsws-test --name lsws -it lsws bash
will run the container for the quantum-safe crypto (QSC) protected OpenLiteSpeed server on the docker network called lsws-test.
Documentation for using the server docker image is contained in the separate file.
The QUIC client from can be used to test the post quantum key exchange.
The following command
docker run --network lsws-test --name client -it openquantumsafe/msquic-reach bash
runs the container for the QSC-enabled QUIC client on the same network as the server.
Documentation for using the client docker image is contained in the separate file.