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davido262 edited this page Nov 11, 2012 · 7 revisions

Description of the PhysicsWorld manager. Uses the Bullet Physics Engine.

Currently only rigid bodies are supported. If a rigid body has a mass of 0 it will act as a static body. This means that other physics objects will be able to collide in it, but it will not move. A RigidBody can have different collision shapes: a box, a sphere, a cylinder, a capsule, a cone, a convex hull (loaded from a model file) or a concave hull (loaded from a model file).

The following attributes are supported for a RigidBody which can be set with commands: mass, damping (linear and angular), friction, rolling-friction, restitution, sleeping-thresholds (linear and angular), linear-factor, linear-velocity, angular-factor, angular-velocity and gravity.

More functionality will be added on the future such as infinite planes, height maps, soft bodies and more.

Note: currently the concave hull crashes! Needs to be fixed, use a convex hull instead (and is faster too)

For more information please refer to the Official Bullet Physics site.

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