quoter - get the swapped amount from chain.
swap - swap two tokens on chain.
liquidity - shows how to mint/add/remove/burn a liquidity position.
If you want to see the code running in real environment, set you private key to environment variable. The variable MY_PRIVATE_KEY
will be get by each main
Replace helper.TryTx
to helper.SendTx
in each example case.
//try go send a transaction, it try to estimate gas price.
tx, err := helper.TryTX(client, common.HexToAddress(helper.ContractV3SwapRouterV1),
swapValue, params.Calldata, wallet)
//send a transaction to chain, it will cost your money.
tx, err := helper.SendTX(client, common.HexToAddress(helper.ContractV3SwapRouterV1),
swapValue, params.Calldata, wallet)
If you just want to check the paramerters are passed correctly, we recommend you use TryTx
We use Polygon to test our code(it so cheap), you can set for your own.
client, err := ethclient.Dial(helper.PolygonRPC)
go run examples/quoter/*.go