The following sections outline the ideas I have for future development and the priorities given to them. There is no guarentee when or if these will ever be done.
If there are any features and/or issues please contact me here:
Additional contributors are also welcome.
* Split structure and data writes
* Test reserved/bad words functionality
* Add key and copyright to diagram
* Check inline TODOs
* Add log to file
* Add Message Numbers
* Final tidy-up and perlcritic —brutal
* Update docs and
* Create examples for documentation
* TBD - Display Message caller code
* TBD - Add debug options
* Add data profiling option (potentially using List::MoreUtils) including:
* Nulls
* Max/Min
* Discreet values
* Add primary/foreign key generation
* Stop at xml level/depth n
* Cache data by level
* Split XML and process in chunks