This contains a collection of good to know things when working with QML and Python. Before anything else you should read this book in its entirety Qt6 QML Book.
One of the nice properties of QML is that it has property binding, i.e. it can be directly fed with values from any QtObject
based instance if it exposes its values properly. This can be achieved through the following:
from PySide6 import QtCore, QtQML
class DemoModel(QtCore.QObject):
variableChanged = QtCore.Signal()
def __init__(self, parent=None)
self._variable = "Test"
def _get_variable(self) -> str:
return self._variable
def _set_variable(self, value: str) -> None:
if value == self._variable:
self._variable = value
variable = QtCore.Property(
The above skeleton exposes the variable
member to QML and will notify the QML side when the value of variable
is changed. However, if the QML content representing the value of variable
changes this is not sent back to the Python side. Apparently this two way communication is not support by QML and given this was the case back in 2010 it does not seem likely to ever be added. In order to support such a two way synchronization the QML side needs to actively updated the Python side.
Item {
property DemoModel model
TextField {
text: model.variable
onTextChanged: {
model.variable = text
The above QML snippet populates the textfield with the value of the variable
from the above model class. Any changes to the value of variable
via Python code will notify the QML side and update the visual representation accordingly. To send changes back to the Python model instance the onTextChanged
signal needs to added. To prevent a binding loop the _set_variable
method needs to ensure the provided value is different from the currently stored one, as otherwise a event loop would be possible.
Complex widgets are often composed of multiple QML types which have properties that one wants to set on the widget rather than the subcomponent level. To achieve this the main part of the widget has to expose those properties via an alias property. The property being exposed does not have to be specifically set in the child component if it is a property that is exposed by that component by default.
Item {
property alias text: _label.text
RowLayout {
Label {
id: _label
It is possible to call Python functions which return a value from QML as long as these are defined as Slot
in a QtCore
derived class. The gremlin.ui.backend
class is a good example of a class making use of this.
import random
from PySide6 import QtCore
class Backend(QtCore):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
@QtCore.Slot(int, int, result=int)
def randomInt(self, min_val: int, max_val: int) -> int:
return random.randint(min_val, max_val)
This allows the method to be called from within any QML file which has access to the an instance of the Backend
Accessing data from a Python model via custom names is the more convenient then having to deal with possibly changing indices. This is readily supported by QML by specifying additional model roles in the Python model being visualized via QML.
from typing import Any, Dict
from PySide6 import QtCore, QtQML
class ColorModel(QtCore.QAbstractListModel):
roles = {
QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 1: QtCore.QByteArray("name".encode()),
QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 2: QtCore.QByteArray("rgb".encode()),
def __init__(self, parent: None):
self._colors = []
def rowCount(self, parent: QtCore.QModelIndex=...) -> int:
return len(self._colors)
def data(self, index: QtCore.QModelIndex, role: int=...) -> Any:
if role not in ColorModel.roles:
raise("Invalid role specified")
role_name = SimpleModel.roles[role].data().decode()
if role_name == "name":
return self._colors[index.row].name
elif role_name == "rgb":
return self._colors[index.row].rgb
def roleNames(self) -> Dict:
return ColorModel.roles
The above example specifies a simple class which holds colors. To permit QML to access the properties, i.e. name and rgb code, of each color via name the roles
dictionary is defined and exposed. Without this there is no way to access these properties via name.
Frequently models will contain a list of identical items that need to be visualized. As these items might be taking up more space then the ListView
component has in the UI it is capable of scrolling. To turn the ListView
into a container that has a scroll bar and behaves properly, i.e. like a desktop application and not a phone app the following setup is recommended.
ListView {
id: idListView
anchors.fill: parent
// Make it behave like a sensible scrolling container
ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {}
flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
// Content to visualize
model: model
delegate: idDelegate
Component {
id: idDelegate
At times it is useful to return a simple list of strings to be displayed by a QML view or repeater. Providing the model via property causes some issues as QML is not happy with the actual data types exposed by PySide6. As such to specify the correct type of QVariantList
the type information has to be provided as a string.
from PySide6 import QtCore
def listData():
return ["List", "of", "Strings"]
This model can now be used by any QML element that can handle a list model.
A ComboBox widget can use a custom model class to display content or have access to more information. However, once such a model is used both the delegate
and textRole
fields have to be defined. The delegate
should be based on a ItemDelegate
to work properly while the textRole
needs to specify the role of the model to use for the general display of items, even if the standard displayRole
is provided by the model.
ComboBox {
model: _model // Specify the model to use
textRole: "display" // Model role to use when displaying drop down content
width: parent.width // Ensure the entry spans the drop down width
delegate: ItemDelegate { // Visualization of the actual entries
Label {
text: modelData.label
To implement drag & drop with QML three components are needed.
- The item to be dragged has to specify the correct
properties - An area which acts as the drag handle has to be specified using, for example, a
- An area onto which the dragged object can be dropped has to be specified using the
The behavior of the drag & drop system changes drastically based on the Drag.dragType
value. Using the default value the Drag.onDragStarted
event is not available (likely others not either). The setup that worked out for the desired behavior in Gremlin is the following:
Item Drag values
Drag.dragType: Drag.automatic
Drag.supportedActions: Qt.MoveAction
Drag.proposedAction: Qt.MoveAction
Drag.mimeData: {
Drag.onDragFinished: {
idBaseItem.dragSuccess = dropAction == Qt.MoveAction;
Drag.onDragStarted: {
idBaseItem.sourceY = idBaseItem.y
Drag handle
MouseArea {
id: idDragArea idBaseItem
drag.axis: Drag.YAxis
onReleased: {
// Reset item position
// Create an image of the object to visualize the dragging
onPressed: idBaseItem.grabToImage(function(result) {
idBaseItem.Drag.imageSource = result.url
Drop Area
DropArea {
id: idDropArea
height: idBaseItem.height
anchors.left: idBaseItem.left
anchors.right: idBaseItem.right idBaseItem.verticalCenter
// Visualization of the drop indicator
Rectangle {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right parent.verticalCenter
height: 5
opacity: idDropArea.containsDrag ? 1.0 : 0.0
color: "red"
onDropped: {
// Signal that the drop was successful
// Handle model change
if(drop.text !=
The above is not a generic setup that can be directly used as it relies on and makes assumptions about the model and intended behavior. However, the general flow should be applicable to other UI elements. The base item's Drag.onDragFinished
sets a flag which is used by the MouseArea.onReleased
event to reset the position of the item if needed. The DropArea.onDropped
event handler ensures the Drag.onDragFinished
is notified of success and then goes on to handle model changes that are in line with the intended drag & drop behavior.
The most common items that will require drag & drop support are actions and action trees. In order to have a uniform appearance and reduce code duplication three QML widgets have been created which support the creation of a drop area. The drag component is not created inside an action but at a higher level and thus does not need to be considered for actions.
shows a rectangular area when a drag event of the correct type enters its areaDragDropArea
handles the logic of defining aDropArea
and ensuring only valid drag events are reacted toActionDragDropArea
is a specialization of theDragDropArea
widget for use specifically with action items
The DragDropArea
and ActionDragDropArea
widgets have the following properties that can be specified in order to customize the widgets.
the widget to which the drop area is being attached to and placed arounddropCallback
function to execute when a valid drop action occurs, the callback has one parameterdrop
which contains information about the item being dropped, as mime datavalidationCallback
is called whenever a drag enters theDropArea
to decide whether or not the drag event is compatible with the current area. This callback is already specified and configured for theActionDragDropArea
In addition to these custom properties the usual properties of a DropArea
are available as well. To adjust the placement of the widget specifying the y
property may be required, especially if an item is changing position dynamically.
ActionDragDropArea {
target: _placementIdentifier
dropCallback: function(drop) {
// Action specific code to execute
Icons on buttons and the like by default will be rendered black and white. This is caused by the tinting ability associated with colors. To display the icon's actual colors the color
property of the icon
has to be set to transparent
// This results in the icon being shown using the colors defined in the image file
Button {
icon.source: "path/to/icon.png"
icon.color: "transparent"
// This results in the icon being shown in red
Button {
icon.source: "path/to/icon.png"
icon.color: "red"
Returning a QML object instance from Python to QML code will in most cases fail to work as the Python object will be cleaned up, resulting in QML seeing a null
object. The correct way to work around this is to use the parent
parameter available to every QtObject
based class. As such when creating an object in Python which is intended as a return type to QML UI code the parent
parameter of the object should never be None
but rather an instance of another QML object which will persist longer than the new object being created.
To make new plugins render properly in the UI the following template should be followed. If this is not done there is a good chance that the plugin will not use all available space or be drawn across other elements.
import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
Item {
height: _layout.height
RowLayout {
id: _layout
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
Label {
Layout.preferredWidth: 150
text: "Description"
Label {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: "Using the remaining space"
The above setup exploits the fact that when the plugin's UI code is dynamically created the height of the plugin is retrieved from this UI element while the width is dictated by the parent element in which this UI element is embedded. This UI element is resized during creation to with within the parent's width.
The pyside6-rcc
programs converts the contents of a QRC file into a python module which can be loaded and used later on. When a venv is used the program resides within the scripts folder. Invoking the program takes the following form.
.\venv\Scripts\pyside6-rcc.exe .\resources.qrc -o .\
Dealing with signals in an inheritance hierarchy is somewhat annoying, as defining a property in a derived class using a signal defined in a parent doesn't work. As such, signals and properties have to be defined in the same class. To make matters worse the definition of the property binds the setter and getter function of the class in which the property is defined, making it impossible to redirect to a derived classes implementation. A solution around this is to have the actual setter/getter implementation be relegated to an implementation method which can be overridden in a derived class.
from PySide6 import QtCore
from PySide6.QtCore import Signal, Property
class Base(QtCore.QObject):
updated = Signal()
def __init__(self):
self._value = ""
def _get_value(self) -> str:
return self._get_value_impl()
def _get_value_impl(self) -> str:
return self._value
def _set_value(self, new_value: str) -> None:
def _set_value_impl(self, new_value: str) -> None:
if self._value != new_value:
self._value = new_value
value = Property(
class Derived(Base):
def __init__(self):
def _get_value_impl(self) -> str:
return self.value.capitalize()
This scheme allows redefining the behvaiour by reimplementing the implementation method where desired.
A Component
is effectively a class, i.e. a template of what an instantiation will look like. As such a Component
does not represent a specific object but can be used to create them. This can happen via the use in a delegate which will create an instance for each entry in the model. Another option is for dynamic object creation via the createObject()
function of the Component
An Item
on the other hand is an explicitly existing object that is rendered and exists as defined. Its main purpose is the creation of complex user defined widgets that can be integrated to build up a custom UI.
A typical use of Component
definitions is to define a reusable component inside a QML file, rather than having to create an entirely new QML file that would implement the desired component.