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Formatting Tips

Kathy Walrath edited this page Jul 23, 2013 · 16 revisions

Details on writing code for pages on These tips do not apply to API docs; for those, see Guidelines for Dart Doc Comments.

  • Top matter
    • YAML setup code
      • Choosing a collection
    • Title, author, date
  • Notes and warnings
  • Code (prettify)
  • Advanced {% … %}
    • comment
    • highlight (for code samples)
    • include
    • raw
    • capture
    • Custom stuff
  • Tips and workarounds
    • Markdown inside of HTML inside of markdown

Top matter

YAML setup code

layout: default
title: "Creating Streams in Dart"
  author: lasse-nielsen
description: "A Stream is a sequence of results; learn how to create your own."
has-permalinks: true
  written_on: 2013-03-12
  collection: libraries-and-apis

The value of "collection" determines where in the Articles page your article goes. Choose one of these:

  • everyday-dart
  • language-details
  • libraries-and-apis
  • design-decisions
  • performance

Boilerplate for the top of the file

layout: default
title: "Creating Streams in Dart"
  author: lasse-nielsen
description: "A Stream is a sequence of results; learn how to create your own."
has-permalinks: true
  written_on: 2013-03-12
  collection: libraries-and-apis

# {{ page.title }}
{: .no_toc}

<em>Written by Bob Smith<br />
<time pubdate date="2012-11-21">November 2012</time>

A summary, no more than two paragraphs.

{% include toc.html %}

## Your first header

Notes and warnings

A note:

<aside class="alert alert-info" markdown="1">

A warning:

<aside class="alert alert-warning" markdown="1">

You can use different bold text (or none at all) if needed.

Code (prettify)

{% prettify dart %}
// Code goes here...
{% endprettify %}

Instead of dart, you can use sh, html, js, yaml, or anything else that prettify supports.

Advanced {% … %}


Create a comment that won’t show up in the HTML:

{% comment %}...{% endcomment %}

highlight (for code samples) gives us the ability to highlight pieces of code. Try it:

[[highlight]]var x = 1;[[/highlight]]

It will turn into the appropriate <span> with a "highlight" class.


Include a file:

{% include downloads/_dart-editor.html %}


Used by dart-web-components to avoid problems with {{...}}.

{% raw %}
{% endraw %}

Also see: dart-web-components/index.markdown:{% codesampleSetup %}


You can go even further and build docs based on a template, as the tutorials do. For example, from /docs/tutorials/custom-elements/index.markdown:

{% capture whats_the_point %}
{% endcapture %}
{% capture content %}
{% endcapture %}
{% include tutorial.html %}

Custom stuff

You can define custom tags in /src/site/_plugins. For example, when Siggi wrote the Web UI articles, he created _plugins/code_sample.rb, which defines codesample and codesampleSetup, along with tags they can contain (srcprefix, iframeprefix, iframe, and source).

From /articles/dart-web-components/index.markdown:

{% codesampleSetup %}
{% srcprefix %}
{% iframeprefix example/ %}
{% endcodesampleSetup %}
{% codesample 90 %}
{% prettify html %}
{% raw %}
{% endraw %}
{% endprettify %}
{% source helloworld.html %}
{% iframe 300px 200px helloworld.html %}
{% endcodesample %}

Tips and workarounds

Markdown inside of HTML inside of markdown

To use markdown inside an HTML element, specify markdown=”1”. E.g.:

<aside class="alert alert-info" markdown="1">
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