HAML language grammar for GitHub's Atom IDE.
I no longer use Atom and so as a result will no longer be actively maintaining this package. I will merge PRs but will not be implementing new features or fixing bugs myself. Please see #17 for more info.
(CoffeeScript HAML)
You can switch to another language right in the middle of your HAML file by using a "filter":
This HAML bundle currently supports the following filters:
The HAML documentation lists the following additional filters:
To add more you can simply copy and paste one of the captures in the ruby haml.cson
and make the changes necessary to support your filter of choice:
'begin': '^(\\s*)(:css)'
'name': 'entity.name.tag.haml'
'end': '^(?! *$|\\1 )'
'name': 'source.css.embedded.html'
'patterns': [
'include': 'source.css'