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MS3D Usage for Reproducing Results

Here we give a guide for reproducing the results in our papers.

If you simply wish to use MS3D++ to auto-label your own point cloud data, refer to our auto-label your data guide instead.

We assume you've successfully followed our installation guide.

Problem Definition

Our MS3D framework falls in the category of Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) works, where the task is to adapt the off-the-shelf model(s) to a new domain that it has not seen during its training. In the UDA setting, we assume that no labels are present in the target domain (i.e. unsupervised) for the adaptation process.

Data Preparation

Download the datasets and set them up by following our dataset preparation guide


For MS3D you only need to modify 3 files:, ensemble_detections.txt and ps_config.yaml.

The first two are for generating the ensemble and ps_config.yaml sets the configs for MS3D, which we run with bash All bash scripts should be run from the /MS3D/tools folder.

We've organised each target domain to follow the structure as shown below.

├── data
├── pcdet
├── tools
|   ├── cfgs
|   |   ├── target_nuscenes
|   |   |   ├── label_generation
|   |   |   |   ├── round1
|   |   |   |   |   ├── cfgs
|   |   |   |   |   |   ├── ps_config.yaml
|   |   |   |   |   |   ├── ensemble_detections.txt
|   |   |   |   |   ├── scripts
|   |   |   |   |   |   ├──
|   |   |   |   |   |   ├──
|   |   |   |   ├── round2
|   |   |   |   ├── ...
|   |   ├── target_waymo
|   |   ├── ...

We now explain each of the files.

1. Generate predictions on unlabelled target domain

In this step we simply need to download the pre-trained models provided and generate predictions for our unlabeled point clouds. We use test-time augmentation and VMFI to generate multiple detection sets for each pre-trained model.

Generate Detections: We provide a script to run this in each target domain's script folder. Simply run it with:

cd /MS3D/tools && bash cfgs/target_dataset/label_generation/roundN/scripts/

You can reference how we generate detections for nuScenes as the target domain here. Modify the pre-trained model's ckpt and cfg file to the location of your downloaded files.

Specify Detection Paths: After generating all detections, put the absolute file paths of the result.pkl in a text file e.g. refer to nuScenes' ensemble_detections.txt

Now that we have a lot of detection sets, we can feed them into our MS3D++ framework!

Additional Comments

For our paper's results, we train detectors with lidar data at 5Hz (except nuScenes, which is at 2Hz).

Every dataset has different key frame rates. To downsample the frame rate for the above, we set DATA_CONFIG_TAR.SAMPLED_INTERVAL.test at different intervals.

  1. Waymo (10Hz): skip 2
  2. nuScenes (2Hz): no downsampling, both at 2Hz, and we train at 2 Hz
  3. Lyft (5Hz): skip 0

If you have the compute, we recommend higher sampling rates to reduce tracking errors for better pseudo-label quality.

We follow OpenPCDet's format for detector predictions which should make it easy if you wish to load in detection sets from another repo rather than use our scripts above.

Important Note: Pre-trained detectors for the UDA setting should be trained with point clouds and labels in the ground plane for better cross-domain performance. I.e. the ground plane of the point cloud should be roughly at z=0. This means measuring (approximately) the lidar mounting height and adding SHIFT_COOR=[0,0,lidar_height] to the point cloud points. For context, this is also the same coordinate frame used in the Waymo dataset's point clouds.

2. Auto-labeling with MS3D++

Our framework is contained in 3 files in /MS3D/tools that load in our auto-labeling configurations from label_generation/round1/cfgs/ps_config.yaml.

  1. fuses the detection_sets specified in ensemble_detections.txt to give us our initial pseudo-label set.
  2. uses SimpleTrack to generate tracks for the initial pseudo-labels. We use this to generate 3 sets of tracks (veh_all, veh_static, ped).
  3. refines the pseudo-labels with temporal information and object characteristics. This file gives us our final pseudo-labels.

We can run the auto-labeling framework as follows. Replace the target_dataset and roundN in the file path below as necessary.

cd /MS3D/tools && bash cfgs/target_dataset/label_generation/roundN/scripts/

This will give you a set of labels for each point cloud frame stored in label_generation/roundN/ps_labels/final_ps_dict.pkl.

Your main workspace will be within the target_dataset folder:

├── tools
│   ├── cfgs
│   │   ├── target_dataset # e.g. target_waymo, nusc, lyft
│   │   |   ├── label_generation
│   │   |   │   ├── round1
│   │   |   │   │   ├── cfgs
│   │   |   │   │   │   ├── ensemble_detections.txt
│   │   |   │   │   │   ├── ps_config.yaml
│   │   |   │   │   ├── scripts
│   │   |   │   │   │   ├──
│   │   |   │   │   │   ├──
│   │   |   │   │   ├── ps_labels # pseudo-labels/tracks are saved here
│   │   |   │   ├── round2
│   │   |   │   ├── round3
│   │   |   │   ├── ...

ps_config.yaml is already pre-set for each target domain to achieve the results reported in our MS3D++ paper. If you wish to tweak it, we explain how to do so in

That's it for the auto-labeling!

3. Training a model with MS3D labels

To train a model with the pseudo-labels, specify the pseudo-label absolute path in the detector config file as follows:

    INIT_PS: /MS3D/tools/cfgs/target_nuscenes/label_generation/round1/ps_labels/final_ps_dict.pkl

Take a look at nuScenes' VoxelRCNN (Anchor) config file for reference.

Following this, we just train the model like in OpenPCDet.

python --cfg_file ${CONFIG_FILE} --extra_tag ${EXTRA_TAG}

Sometimes it helps to initialize from an existing pre-trained model.

python --cfg_file ${CONFIG_FILE} --extra_tag ${EXTRA_TAG} --pretrained_model ${EXTRA_TAG}

# Example
python --cfg_file cfgs/target_nuscenes/ms3d_waymo_voxel_rcnn_anchorhead.yaml --extra_tag 10xyzt_vehped --pretrained_model ../model_zoo/waymo_voxel_rcnn_anchorhead.pth

You can change parameters of the config file with --set for both and

4. Iterative Label Refinement

With each round, you'll get a trained detector for the target dataset. We trained multiple detectors (e.g. VoxelRCNN-anchorhead, VoxelRCNN-centerhead) and used them for auto-labelling the same dataset.

We provided the configs we used to achieve the reported results for each round.

├── label_generation
│   ├── round1
│   │   ├── cfgs
│   │   │   ├── ps_config.yaml
│   │   ├── scripts
│   ├── round2
│   ├── round3

We believe using gt_database augmentation to build a database of high confidence pseudo-labels for each round to paste rare/hard samples into the scenes for training can further boost performance.

OpenPCDet Usage

For a guide on general OpenPCDet commands, refer to our OpenPCDet guide.