Convert Odoo Domain to SQL
Actually this module is based on Odoo _search method on file this module will return SQL when you pass domain instead pass it to psycopg2 then execute it
to use this module first install then call get_query method with domain as argument, like this
domain = ['|',('name','ilike','agus'), '&', ('street','ilike', 'Street 2'), ('email', 'ilike', 'gmail')]
query = self.env['res.partner'].get_query(domain)
then the result is like this
SELECT "res_partner".id FROM "res_partner" WHERE (("res_partner"."active" = 'True') AND (("res_partner"."name"::text ilike '%agus%') OR (("res_partner"."street"::text ilike '%Street 2%') AND ("res_partner"."email"::text ilike '%gmail%'))))
If pass apply_ir_rules argument with value True, like this
domain = ['|',('name','ilike','agus'), '&', ('street','ilike', 'Street 2'), ('email', 'ilike', 'gmail')]
query = self.env['res.partner'].get_query(domain, apply_ir_rules=True)
The result query will add some extra where clause based on ir_rule (Access Right) and user that currently login, like this
SELECT "res_partner".id FROM "res_partner" WHERE (("res_partner"."active" = 'True') AND (("res_partner"."name"::text ilike '%agus%') OR (("res_partner"."street"::text ilike '%Street 2%') AND ("res_partner"."email"::text ilike '%gmail%')))) AND (((("res_partner"."partner_share" IS NULL or "res_partner"."partner_share" = false ) OR ("res_partner"."company_id" in ('1'))) OR "res_partner"."company_id" IS NULL ) AND ((("res_partner"."type" != 'private') OR "res_partner"."type" IS NULL) OR "res_partner"."type" IS NULL ))
If you want to ignore model being active or not, you can pass active_test context like this
query = self.env['res.partner'].with_context({'active_test': False}).get_query(domain)
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