This is a Rails 5 application to demo how to use Coverband and the features it offers.
Visit the live demo site
The demo site is hosted on Heroku.
- basic setup was done following the standard Heroku Rails 5 Guide
This application runs both with CRuby (MRI) or JRuby. If you want to run via JRuby you can either update the .ruby-version
to have jruby
... Or you can one off switch over.
rvm use jruby
bundle install
bundle exec rails s
The initial design off the demo site was pulled from a demo'ed theme, a Material Design Bootstrap 4 Theme.
- more realistic Rails usage: - perhaps add something to help market coverband like show tweets - showcase different collection methods - thinking I could use it to demo the code observability concept via an API with document storage to attach arbitrary data to lines of code.
- add deploy to Heroku button support
- API to collect arbitrary line usage
- API to collect perf data across CI runs
- client would post data on each benchmark run
ruby_version, branch or PR name, benchmark_name, calculations -> {data_point_name, i/s, total iterations, total time}, Comparison -> {data_point_name, i/s, diff calculation, note}
- client would post data on each benchmark run
- a way to toggle modes?
- oneshot, simulated, or regular
- investigate issues with runtime data vs load data when running
heroku run --app coverband-demo rake posts_cleanup
(note: COVERBAND_DISABLE_AT_EXIT fixes but then doesn't track rake, hmm not entirely true, not clear)