Controllers should be instantiated programmatically using the initializer that requires a view model. Storyboards should be avoided. The controller's view model should be a private instance constant.
By avoiding storyboards and separating view logic from the view controller we have full control on how view controllers are instantiated without loosing the possibility to design our UI using Interface Builder. This allows us to declare a custom initializer making dependencies explicit.
If the view controller is well designed, meaning that it has a single responsibility, all business logic is extracted in services and the presentation logic is extracted in view models. Then the only dependency should be its view model.
By making the controller immutable we avoid having complex logic to keep the internal state up-to-date. The view controller should only bind the properties of the view model with the view. Changes in the view model should be exposed using Signal, SignalProducer or any of the observable properties from the ReactiveCocoa library.
The controller's responsibility gets reduced to coordinate the interaction of the view model with the view and handle events from the Cocoa framework.
final class UserProfileController: UIViewController {
lazy var userProfileView: UserProfileView = UserProfileView.loadFromNib()
private let _viewModel: UserProfileViewModel
init(viewModel: UserProfileViewModel) {
_viewModel = viewModel
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
override func loadView {
view = userProfileView
override func viewDidLoad {
private extension UserProfileController {
var willDealloc: SignalProducer<(), NoError> {
return rac_willDeallocSignal()
.flatMapError { _ in SignalProducer.empty }
.map { _ in () }
func bindViewModel() {
userProfileView.nameTextField.text =
userProfileView.emailTextField.text =
.startWithNext { [unowned self] avatar in
self.userProfileView.avatarView.image = avatar
Where some of the types that are being used in the UserProfileController
could look like:
struct User {
let name: String
let email: String
let avatarURL: NSURL
enum ImageFetcherError {
case InvalidImageFormat(NSData)
case FetchError(NSError)
typealias ImageFetcher = NSURL -> SignalProducer<UIImage, ImageFetcherError>
final class UserProfileViewModel {
var name: String { return }
var email: String { return }
var fetchAvatar: SignalProducer<UIImage, ImageFetcherError> {
return _fetchImage(_user.avatarURL)
private let _user: User
private let _fetchImage: ImageFetcher
init(user: User, fetchImage: ImageFetcher) {
_user = user
_fetchImage = fetchImage