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Deployment examples

Harrison Leach edited this page Feb 13, 2023 · 41 revisions

This page is an index of standalone deployment examples. If adding a new example, please create a new category if appropriate, and keep things organized in general.

Google Cloud


Installs vaultwarden with SQLite database. But you need to create volume for database flyctl volumes create vaultwarden_data -a [your app name] -s 1


Raspberry Pi

Shared hosting

Instructions on how to install from source and run on Uberspace shared hosting provider.

NixOS (by tklitschi)

There's a example bitwarden config for NixOS. It's not very complex, you have the backend option, for the type of Database you wanna use, the Backupdir for a dedicated Backup systemdserive, the option to enable it and the config Option. For the Config Option you simply pass the .env Variables from the .env template in nix syntax. Secrets ( SMTP_PASSWORD,... ) store inside another .env file outside /nix/store and include by services.vaultwarden.environmentFile See Proxy Examples for a nixos-nginx example config.

Example Config
{ pkgs, ... }:
  services.bitwarden_rs = {
    enable = true;
    backupDir = "/mnt/bitwarden";
    config = {
      WEB_VAULT_FOLDER = "${pkgs.bitwarden_rs-vault}/share/bitwarden_rs/vault";
      WEB_VAULT_ENABLED = true;
      LOG_FILE = "/var/log/bitwarden";
      WEBSOCKET_PORT = 3012;
      SIGNUPS_VERIFY = true;
 #    ADMIN_TOKEN = (import /etc/nixos/secret/bitwarden.nix).ADMIN_TOKEN;
      DOMAIN = "";
 #    YUBICO_CLIENT_ID = (import /etc/nixos/secret/bitwarden.nix).YUBICO_CLIENT_ID;
 #    YUBICO_SECRET_KEY = (import /etc/nixos/secret/bitwarden.nix).YUBICO_SECRET_KEY;
      YUBICO_SERVER = "";
      SMTP_HOST = "";
      SMTP_FROM = "[email protected]";
      SMTP_FROM_NAME = "Bitwarden_RS";
      SMTP_PORT = 587;
      SMTP_SSL = true;
#     SMTP_USERNAME = (import /etc/nixos/secret/bitwarden.nix).SMTP_USERNAME;
#     SMTP_PASSWORD = (import /etc/nixos/secret/bitwarden.nix).SMTP_PASSWORD;
      SMTP_TIMEOUT = 15;
      ROCKET_PORT = 8812;
    environmentFile = "/etc/nixos/secret/bitwarden.env";

If you have any Questions about this part, feel Free to contact me. I on on matrix an litschi on IRC (hackint and freenode) or simply ask in the vaultwarden chanel.

QNAP NAS (ARM and x86)

You can install Vaultwarden into your secure network-attached storage (NAS) with Let's Encrypt. Due to the QNAP's built-in HTTP(S) server, you cannot publish Vaultwarden on the standard HTTP(S) port (80 / 443).


This is a script that automatically sets up vaultwarden using the docker image uploaded to DockerHub and creates a Dokku app. The script assumes you have a global domain set up (i.e. the file /home/dokku/VHOST exists). Follow the prompts to set it up.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -euo pipefail


read -rp "Enter the name of the app: " APPNAME

# check if app name is empty
if [ -z "$APPNAME" ]; then
    echo "App name empty. Using default name: vaultwarden"

# check if dokku plugin exists
if ! dokku plugin:list | grep letsencrypt; then
    sudo dokku plugin:install
# check if global email for letsencrypt is set
if ! dokku config:get --global DOKKU_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL; then
    read -rp "Enter email address for letsencrypt: " EMAIL
    dokku config:set --global DOKKU_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL="$EMAIL"

# pull the latest image
docker pull $IMAGE_NAME
image_sha="$(docker inspect --format='{{index .RepoDigests 0}}' $IMAGE_NAME)"
echo "Calculated image sha: $image_sha"
dokku apps:create "$APPNAME"
dokku storage:ensure-directory "$APPNAME"
dokku storage:mount "$APPNAME" /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/"$APPNAME":/data
dokku domains:add $APPNAME $APPNAME."$(cat /home/dokku/VHOST)"
dokku letsencrypt:enable "$APPNAME"
dokku proxy:ports-add "$APPNAME" http:80:80
dokku proxy:ports-add "$APPNAME" https:443:80
dokku proxy:ports-remove "$APPNAME" http:80:5000
dokku proxy:ports-remove "$APPNAME" https:443:5000
dokku git:from-image "$APPNAME" "$image_sha"

Copy the above script to your dokku host and run it. Once the script succeeds, the web vault will be available at https://$

To update your vaultwarden server, run the following (remembering to replace $APP_NAME with your app's name):

docker rmi -f vaultwarden/server
docker pull vaultwarden/server:latest
image_sha="$(docker inspect --format='{{index .RepoDigests 0}}' vaultwarden/server)"
dokku git:from-image $APP_NAME $image_sha


Digital Ocean

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