- [ IP ] : [ CSV format numbers ]
- 1,202,3,4
- 32,23,100
# Delimiter for how a line is divided up into parts
FILE_FORMAT = { delimeter: ':'}
# Determines after splitting on delimeter how many parts there should be
SUPPORTED_PARTS = { size: 2 }
# Regex that verfies a CSV (supports floating-point and integers)
# @note Does not support e notation
CSV_FORMAT = { regex: '(^((\d+,)|(\d+[,.]\d+))+(\d+|(\d+[,.]\d+))$)' }
# Delimiter for splitting the second part (aka. the numbers)
NUMBERS = { delimeter: ','}
RVM and Ruby 2.3.0 are required dependencies
- Clone Repo
- gem install bundler
- bundle install
Run both cucumber and rspec tests (default configured)
# rake
Further info view Rakefile in project root
HTML report can be found coverage/index.html
# rake mergeit:coverage
# bin/mergeit
# bin/mergeit -f1 file1.txt -f2 file2.txt
Generate documentation
# yard doc
Host documentation locally
# yard server
[ Google Doc ] (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CXo1Y-cEUk6f4TTWWvIPyYmfL5y0Tz_zy2ahPy-eqc4/edit?usp=sharing)